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Hello Hello! How are you all?

It was a very exciting day on Monday because the @BBNYA_Official team announced the winner of #BBNYA2020. I am so proud and grateful to not only have been on this panel but to have been part of the organisation team, it was such a great experience, and I had so much fun working with amazing bloggers. Bring on 2021!! I’m not going to swamp you all with my gushing about BBNYA, but tours will be rolling out for the books in the next couple of months and I’m so excited for them all, so keep your eyes peeled for sign-ups!

I’ve had a very busy week and I’m still trying to get my last assignments done for university, but I’m seriously losing motivation. I’m going to try to get a lot more done today and I’m going to be hard on myself for once and not work on the 24th, 25th or 26th (well, maybe only a little bit), and hopefully get it all done after Christmas so I can rest before semester 2 begins! Enough of my waffling, tell me about your week? Are you all getting festive yet?

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam over at Taking On A World of Words.

WWW Wednesday is based on 3 questions:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

La Découverte de l’Amérique, Ecrits complets (1492-1505) de Christophe Colomb

I’m currently reading this book (or trying to) for a paper that I have to write for January. Now, I studied Native American History last semester and adored it and have been obsessed with learning more about Native people for years, so the fact that I have to read this book is kind of bugging me, but I’m pushing through. I’m not going to be reviewing this book on my blog, or Goodreads, I will count it towards my Goodreads goal though as it is literally taking me whole hours to read tiny chunks, but I’m getting there.

The Devil and the Dark Water by Stuart Turton

The Devil and the Dark Water

I only have one section of this book to read and I’m hoping to read more of it maybe tonight or tomorrow. This one has surprised me, I knew I was going to enjoy it because I love everything and anything to do with history. But the story has been so good, there is a lot of mystery and a lot of supernatural vibes going on. The first bit was a little slow for me because it was building everything up I suppose but the last chunk I read things really got going and I have no idea what is going to happen next!

Tristan Strong Punches a Hole (#1) in the Sky by Kwame Mbalia

Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky (Tristan Strong #1)

I still have to catch up with this and talk about it in the Middle Grade Marvels chat, but so far I am really enjoying it. I love all the references to stories, how Tristan is learning about the MidPass and the Midfolk, it’s just such a unique story and I’m kind of blown away by it all. I’m going to try to catch up fully with it tonight and then I just have the final section to read for Sunday, it’s going to be exciting!

Winterling (#1) by Sarah Prineas

Winterling (Winterling, #1)

I just finished the third section of this book and I have to say it’s awesome! I’m so glad it was picked because I hadn’t heard about it before and would probably not have picked it up, to be honest. It’s very dark, it has such a strong and resourceful main character and some of the side characters are getting very interesting, I’m so excited to finish this one at the end of the week.

A Sparrow Alone by Mim Eichmann

A Sparrow Alone

I just started this last night and only managed about one chapter before I fell asleep, but so far so good. I’m liking the authors writing style, I’m intrigued about the setting, the characters and the plot. I’m really looking forward to reading more of this tonight and in the next days ready for my review on the 28th!

Letters from Father Christmas by J.R.R. Tolkien

Letters from Father Christmas

This is the only book I have finished in a week, and actually, Noly and I just finished it last night. I didn’t actually know what this book was before I received it and opened it, but it was a pleasant surprise. The fact that J.R.R. Tolkien wrote letters to his children for over 20 years pretending to be Father Christmas and making up stories about himself, Polar Bear, the goblins, the elves etc, and wove it in with events that were happening in that period, I found it so sweet and yet so meaningful. I laughed so much reading this book and it put a much-needed smile on my face!

Clockwork Princess (#3) by Cassandra Clare

Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices, #3)

I am working today, but as soon as my alarm goes off to stop me (yes I have to have an alarm to stop working, I’m crazy), I will be grabbing this book and starting it! I have been itching to open it and dive back into this world for a while now and I’m so glad that I’m going to be reading it. I’m looking forward to discussing it with Fiona and I’m just very interested in seeing how Cassandra Clare is going to tie this one up because a lot has to be said and done!

Finding Love at the Christmas Market by Jo Thomas

Finding Love at the Christmas Market

I’m probably not going to have time to finish this one tonight amid all the other books I have planned to read, but since I am giving myself Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day off, I’m sure I’m going to find a minute to squeeze it in. I loved the first book I read by this author, so I’m hoping this one is going to be just as lovely!

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

A Christmas Carol

And finally, Noly and I are going to start this one tonight. I have wanted to read it for years and I think it is going to be a really quick read because it is very short and I already know the story from having watched countless adaptations of it since I was little. This is hopefully going to put me in the Christmas cheer because I’m honestly exhausted and just want to stay in bed right now, but I will push through and enjoy this book!

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this post, see you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


  1. Ooh I really need to read the Clockwork trilogy! I have them but haven’t gotten around to it yet 😅Hope you enjoy A Christmas Carol! A good christmas read! 💜 Great post, as always, hun!

    1. I really liked book 1 and 2 and excited for book 3. I hope you get to them soon! Thank you, I just started it last night and so far, so good! Thank you hun!! 💜

    1. It is so sweet, made me laugh and put a smile on my face when I needed it the most, I highly recommend! 🙂

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