Title: The Sun and the Void (#1 The Warring Gods) …
Spotlight & #BBNYA2022 Blog Tour | Oil and Dust by Jami Fairleigh
Title: Oil and Dust (#1 The Elemental Artist) Author: Jami …
Spotlight & #BBNYA2022 Blog Tour | Haven by Ceril N. Domace
Title: Haven (#1 The Far Queen’s Court) Author: Ceril N. …
#BBNYA2023 Tour schedule | Haven by Ceril N. Domace
20th February@BooksAre42@cats_herding@GinaRaeMitchell@jolinsdell@ReadtoRamble 21st February@_forbookssake@Endalia@nsfordwriter@jenjenreviews@Lucyrambles 22nd February@AVoraciousReadr@SabrinaAccalai@AncaAntoci@kerrimcbooknerd@twylie68 23rd February@Bookscozy@manisbookcorner@HanLovesToRead@shelfofunread@bookread2day@thebookdude1 24th February@suebavey@dianesbkjournal@HCNewton@TStrawberryPost@goodreadsmob …
Cover Reveal | Fight for Freedom by Marisa Noelle
Title: Fight for Freedom (#3 The Mermaid Chronicles) Author: Marisa …