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I’m back with another Down the TBR Hole post! Even though I only got rid of 27 books from my Goodreads “Want to Read” shelf last week, I feel like I was productive and it made a dent in the cleaning out of the worst TBR list known to humankind. Okay, I’m probably being overdramatic, but it’s a long list aha!

I’m not going to explain this post again, but you can go check out my Down the TBR Hole #1 here, to read the “rules” to follow if you want to join me on this journey. I’m kicking this post off this week with a total of 5317 books on my TBR shelf on Goodreads, and I’m currently on #11. I’m also going to work with 20 books this time again to try to shift as many books as I can. Here goes!


The Color Purple by Alice Walker
The Color Purple

I really like reading books about slaves’ experiences in the United States, it’s a really hard topic, but I do enjoy the feeling of getting their own point of view, even if it is fiction. I’ve read Roots by Alex Hayley and Kindred by Octavia Butler, but on reading this synopsis, it isn’t really doing anything for me, I might add it again later, but right now I think it should go.


The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
The Kite Runner

I do really want to read this one, for the simple fact that for years, people have told me how good it is, so I’m willing to give this one a shot, even if the synopsis isn’t really doing much!


The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness
The Rest of Us Just Live Here

Yes, absolutely, 10000%, yes, I don’t even have to read the synopsis to know that this is one of those books that I REALLY want to read. I read the Chaos Walking trilogy by him last year and absolutely fell in love with his writing style and the story and I want to read so many more books he has written! 100% keeping this one.


The Boy Most Likely To by Huntley Fitzpatrick
The Boy Most Likely To

This one sounds like a lot of books of this type, boy meets girl, they fall in love, etc. So I don’t really know if I want to read this one, the same author has written another book that I’m keen on, more so than this one, so I might read that one first and then decide whether to add this one later, but for now, I think it has to go.


The Accident Season by Moïra Fowley-Doyle
The Accident Season

This one sounds interesting! I really like books organised around elements that are not quite easy to explain in “normal” terms and this one seems right up my alley, hopefully, I’ll get to it soon and enjoy it.


The Paper Swan by Leylah Attar
The Paper Swan

I have to admit that every time I look through my Goodreads shelves, I look at this book, want to remove it, but then read the synopsis and want to read it immediately. I’m still a bit sceptical but it seems to have good ratings and reviews so I think I’m going to give it a shot!


The Murderer’s Daughter by Jonathan Kellerman
The Murderer's Daughter

This one seems interesting too but there are so many books out there with a similar plotline and I haven’t heard anyone speak about this one so I think I’m going to let this one go.


Alice (The Chronicles of Alice #1) by Christina Henry
Alice (The Chronicles of Alice, #1)

I’m worried that this one is going to be scary, but it also seems like a really good retelling of Alice in Wonderland, so I’m willing to give it a go! I’m reading The Girl in Red by her next month for my Goodreads Book Club, so I’ll be able to see what her writing style is like! I’m removing the sequels of this series until I decide to keep reading it or not.


Trust No One by Paul Cleave
Trust No One

This is another book that sounds like it could potentially be really good, but as I haven’t heard anyone talk about it at all, I think I’m going to concentrate on some more popular and well-known mysteries first. I might come back to this one in the future, but for the time being, I think it’s taking up too much space!


The Secrets of Lake Road by Karen Katchur
The Secrets of Lake Road

Last week, I was on a classic adding spree, and this week it seems like it is a mystery adding spree. Also, I don’t know why but this is giving me vibes from the first season of Supernatural, the episode about the monster in the lake, and the synopsis sounds really intriguing, so I think I’m going to try to get to this one!


Days of Awe by Lauren Fox
Days of Awe

My reading tastes have changed since I first added this book to my TBR and I’m not really into Women’s Fiction anymore, so I think I’m going to remove this one, the synopsis doesn’t sound very interesting and it makes me bored, so I can’t imagine actually reading it!


A Night Divided by Jennifer A. Nielsen
A Night Divided

I absolutely adore any historical fiction novel set during World War II and this one is no exception, I haven’t heard anyone speak about it though, and although it does sound interesting, I think I want to concentrate on some other ones first, I might circle back to this one eventually, but I’m not feeling it right now.


In a Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware
In a Dark, Dark Wood

I’m not too sure about this book, again, it’s another mystery, what a shock, I don’t really read many mysteries and I think that I’m more interested in other books she has written so for now I think I’m going to remove this one!


Black Chalk by Christopher J. Yates
Black Chalk

I don’t have to say it again, do I? You all know it’s another mystery book, I don’t think I could have pulled these first two posts off as classic and mystery keep/remove even if I tried! This one intrigues me though, I like books centred around games that go wrong and I think that this one might have potential, so hopefully, I’ll get to it soon!


The Young Elites (#1) by Marie Lu
The Young Elites (The Young Elites, #1)

I’ve wanted to read this series and Marie Lu’s other books for what seems like years, I’m going to start with this series first because it is the first one on my TBR shelf, but I’m removing any sequels in this series or her other series and I’ll add them back later if I decide to continue with either this series of her Legend series.


The Invisibles by Cecilia Galante
The Invisibles

I’ve read another book like this one before, and I think that I liked it and therefore added all the other books like it. The synopsis does sound good but I’m not feeling the chick-lit vibes so I think I’ll forget about this one, for now, I haven’t heard anyone speak about it at all!


The Boston Girl by Anita Diamant
The Boston Girl

This one sounds interesting, but it also sounds just like any other book about a woman living in the U.S., after WWII, telling her story, so right now I don’t think I can be bothered, sorry (not sorry)!


Keepers of the Labyrinth by Erin E. Moulton
Keepers of the Labyrinth

Ohhhh! I like the sound of this book, I’m a sucker for anything fantasy, especially if it has to do with mythology and has mystery vibes! I haven’t heard much about it, but I’m willing to give it a go! I’m not a fan of the cover, but I don’t want that to put me off because I think I could really enjoy this one.


Ally Hughes Has Sex Sometimes by Jules Moulin
Ally Hughes Has Sex Sometimes

Honestly, now that I’ve read the synopsis, this one sounds weird and I don’t really want to read it anymore, so this is going to be an easy choice! It doesn’t have very many brilliant reviews or ratings on Goodreads so I’m not going to let it bother me, lol!


Crooked Little Lies by Barbara Taylor Sissel
Crooked Little Lies

This actually sounds like quite a good mystery book, but I’m honestly not in the mood for mystery right now and don’t feel like clogging up my TBR in the event of wanting to read it. See how good this tag is for me? Lol! I think I’m going to remove it now, maybe come back to it in the future though!


For the second round of Down the TBR Hole purging, out of 20 books, I’ve removed 11, so I’ve done better than last time! After taking out books by the same authors or sequels, I am now down to 5297 books on my Goodreads “Want to Read” shelf, it’s still a depressing number, but I feel like it’s going down quite fast! I am currently on #20 of said shelf.

I’ve actually enjoyed writing these two posts way more than I was expecting so I think it’s going to become a weekly feature on my blog and I hope you’ll follow me on my journey!

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed reading this post, see you soon,

Ellie xx


  1. Great post! You are doing so much better than I am at tidying my Goodreads. I am so glad you kept Alice by Christina Henry, It’s more creepy that it is scary, but I really like her writing. Her version of Peter Pan (Lost Boy) is fantastic. One of only a few books to ever make me cry!

    1. Thank you! Ahah, I have a feeling that it will be so much harder when it gets to the period where I discovered fantasy ahah! Oh yes, I’m so excited for that, I’m actually read The Girl in Red by her this month and I’m looking forward to it! I’ve definitely got Lost Boy on my list! Xx

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