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Hello Hello! How are you?

Well, it’s been a while again, it’s taking me a little to get used to university and get back in the swing of it, but I have some really great posts lined up for the coming weeks and I’m really excited to share them with you!

I still haven’t decided on what post to add to my blog in the week, so I’d love it if you could give me some recommendations and maybe link to your own posts in the comments to help me choose what to add to my blog!

You know the drill if you haven’t ever read any of my Down the TBR Hole posts before but you want to find out why I started and what rules to follow to do your own TBR list purge on your Goodreads, head over to the first edition of this post to find out more!

This week, I’m starting this post at 3,810 books in total on my Goodreads “Want to Read” shelf, I’m slowly getting it down, and as usual, I am going to go through the next 20 books on this shelf, starting at #294, I’ve been waiting all week to do this post and I have a feeling that this is going to be a good week because from just looking through the 20 books quickly, I have to say I only recognise one, we will have to see!


Kissing Ted Callahan (and Other Guys) by Amy Spalding

Kissing Ted Callahan (and Other Guys)

I’m starting this week off with YA romance, which you know, is not my favourite genre, even though I read and enjoy the odd one. This is definitely the kind of book I would have read as a teenager, it sounds fun and like a good time, but it’s honestly not my cup of tea nowadays and I know that I’ll probably enjoy it, but don’t really want to go for it anyway.


I Am Her Revenge by Meredith Moore

I Am Her Revenge

As most of the books on this list, I have never heard of this book or seen it on any social media, it’s YA contemporary, which is usually a genre I see so much of! I’ve only read the first paragraph and I can already tell that it’s not the book for me, I don’t do good with this kind of realistic revenge themes (not a problem with them in fantasy or sci-fi), but I just don’t like them in contemporaries.


The Night We Said Yes (#1) by Lauren Gibaldi

The Night We Said Yes (The Night We Said Yes, #1)

Again, this is the kind of book I would have read and absolutely adored as a teenager, it sounds fun and it has a great romantic vibe to it, I nearly do want to pick it up, BUT, I know that this TBR is massive and there is bound to be loads of books like this one that probably sound better to me, so I’m going to remove it, but keep it on the backburner just in case I really feel in the mood for it!


Finding Paris by Joy Preble

Finding Paris

I’m going to be repeating myself a lot I think, so please bear with me. It sounds good and it has a bit of a mystery vibe that I really enjoy, but I am going to be removing it from my list because I have so many other YA mysteries that I am really excited for, and this is just not one of them, unfortunately.


Cut Both Ways by Carrie Mesrobian

Cut Both Ways

Apparently, this is a YA LGBT book, I say apparently because yet again, it’s another unknown to me book, I have so many of them, you’d think I would have learned my lesson by now. It sounds not too bad, but it has quite a low rating and not the best reviews, and I know I have loads more LGBT books to get to on my TBR that sound absolutely amazing, so I’m going to prioritise those ones first!


The Wrong Side of Right by Jenn Marie Thorne

The Wrong Side of Right

Ohhh, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this book on BookTube in the past, something about the cover really pulls me in, but I’m worried because it’s another YA contemporary! It honestly sounds a lot like Red, White and Royal Blue which I read last year and absolutely adored, loved it to bits and highly recommend (go buy it now), and this one kind of makes me want to read it, but also not really want to read it, I think I will let it go for now and maybe come back later!


Where’d You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple

Where'd You Go, Bernadette

Yay, another book that I’ve heard of before, I know a bit about and I think I actually do want to read, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves! I’m pretty sure this is fairly hyped at the minute too actually! And OMG, now that I’ve read the blurb, this book sounds so, so good, it’s fiction and humour, which I hardly ever read because I rarely find books funny (especially if its meant to be funny), but I do really want to read it, I think it could be a great, quick and fun read and I might put it aside for the Hype-A-Thon Readathon! What do you think?


Free-Falling by Nicola Moriarty


Ohoh, Women’s Fiction/Chick Lit is really not something I pick up, I don’t really enjoy it and usually don’t actually get the reason behind the hype (sorry, lol). The first lines actually make it sound really sad though, not what I was expecting. I’ve only read a little bit further and this sounds like PS, I Love You to me, which was a book I adored (I’m actually currently reading the sequel!!!) and I don’t want to read anything like it because Cecelia Ahern is amazing and that is all I have to say.


The Best Day of Someone Else’s Life by Kerry Reichs

The Best Day of Someone Else's Life

More Chick Lit, oh dear, I do hope that I wasn’t too silly because I’d hate for over 2000 books to be random adds to the list (well, I would like them to be so I can remove them, but I also want to discover some amazing new books!). Honestly, doesn’t sound like my kind of book, I’m not into wedding type plots, so this is an easy choice!


Love ‘N’ Marriage by Debbie Macomber

Love 'N' Marriage

Just by reading the title of this book, I’m about 99.9% certain that I’m going to be removing it, but I’ve come this far so I suppose I can give it the benefit of the doubt while I read the blurb. I now have absolutely no idea what this book is about, but I don’t want to find out because I don’t do this kind of plot.


Running Barefoot by Amy Harmon

Running Barefoot

Again, contemporary romance is not really my thing, but wow, that blurb completely changed my mind. Don’t get me wrong, I might not enjoy it, but it just kind of dragged me in and I want to give it a shot, it also has a Native American character and I’m kind of obsessed with Native American stories and characters, I just really love them so much, so I think it’s worth a go!


The Friendship Test by Elizabeth Noble

The Friendship Test

I couldn’t even bring myself to read the full blurb of this book, really not my thing, I don’t do chick lit, that just my personal taste, but this book sounds boring to me, so I’m going to let it go.


Summerland by Elin Hilderbrand


I wish I didn’t have this many chick-lit novels on my TBR, it makes me kind of sad because I feel like I’m being too strict and maybe a bit mean, but I just generally don’t get on with the genre or enjoy it most of the time. It does sound quite good though, it gives me some We Were Liars vibes, but as that is one of my favourite books, I don’t want to read anything like it, so I’m going to let this one go!


Skipping a Beat by Sarah Pekkanen

Skipping a Beat

I am actually quite surprised that this book is by this author, I was under the impression that she wrote thrillers and they did sound fairly good to me, but this book does not, and I’m not even going to go into it, I absolutely hate plots that involve money (The Inheritance Games was just incredible even though it had money as a massive part of the plot), and I really don’t want to read it and force my way through it.


Breaking The Silence by Diane Chamberlain

Breaking The Silence

I honestly have some of the weirdest books on my TBR and from what I remember reading when I was a teenager, I don’t know how they ended up on my list because they are nothing like what I read. I also don’t generally enjoy books where characters kill themselves, so I’m going to get rid of this one!


Your Roots Are Showing by Elise Chidley

Your Roots Are Showing

Another Chick Lit, oops. Also, this is a really weird title to me, like I get it, but it’s strange ahaha! I’m not a fan of mundane plots like this one, I sound like such a mean person right now, I just find it really boring though and I need action and adventure and plot twists and you know, a lot of things happening, this doesn’t sound like that, so I will get rid of it.


Everyone is Beautiful by Katherine Center

Everyone is Beautiful

The first thing I will say is that I am really not a fan of that cover! And again, this is another book that is very mundane, sort of mum-decides-she-is-fat-and-unhappy-so-decides-to-change-her-life, and it’s not a plot that I enjoy or even want to read, so this is another really easy choice!


Wife 22 by Melanie Gideon

Wife 22

Well, what do you know, another Chick Lit. This week is obviously one of those again, and I don’t even want to go into what this book is about because it’s really not interesting to me and I’m not going to bother reading it.


Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

Anna Karenina

OMG, yay, a book that I know of, have seen on social media, have heard loads about, I nearly even watched one of the adaptations and I’m pretty sure it’s one of the books on my Classics List to read! This is probably not going to be my favourite book, but I have wanted to read it for years, so I’m really looking forward to it and hopefully will get to it soon!


The Sport of Kings by C.E. Morgan

The Sport of Kings

Finally, a genre that I love, we are saved!! This is historical fiction, I haven’t ever heard of it before but the cover is kind of interesting to me! I just hope it doesn’t actually have anything to do with sports! I kind of sounds good, I’m not too interested in the horse part, but the other parts of the plot sound rather interesting, however, I’m not really feeling it right now, and I think I will let it go for the moment!


I’ve had another really good week and although there were some books that I would never have read, some that sounded really boring and not my cup of tea and others that I could have read when I was younger, I still found a few gems and I’m hoping to really enjoy them when I get my hands on them!

So, out of the 20 books that I looked through today, I was able to remove a total of 17 books from my Goodreads shelf, and I think that’s actually my highest ever percentage of removal, whouuhouuu!! My Goodreads “Want to Read” shelf is now down to 3,793 books, which I am really happy about! I will be starting next week’s purge at #297 and I hope I will be as successful as I was this week!

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this post, see you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


    1. I know, it’s been on there ever since it came out I think, it just sounds like such a great mystery! Oh, that’s such a relief as it’s fairly massive aha, thank you Hanna! 🙂

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