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Hello Hello! How are you?

I was hoping that January was going to be a chill month, that I was going to be able to read and chill out a little before classes started again, but I’ve been SO BUSY! I’ve been back in classes since Monday, and it’s been so busy. I can’t believe it’s already February, but I’m hoping that I’ll be able to keep pushing through university work and give myself enough time to read and rest! How was your January?

Again, I have quite a big TBR in February, and I’m hoping I am able to get through most of them, so here goes!

On to the February TBR!

Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas

Cemetery Boys

The next book I’ll be reading with all the great bloggers in our little TWR Gang Book Club is one that I have been meaning to get to for ages and I’m so glad it was nominated and picked. I may have done a little happy dance ahah! I know that I will love this one, I am just so excited to finally pick it up and see how amazing it is!

The Murder on the Links (#2 Hercule Poirot) by Agatha Christie

The Murder on the Links (Hercule Poirot, #2)

Jenny from JenJen Reviews and I had the idea of reading all the Agatha Christie books in order of publication (I’ve found someone else who likes publication order reading, yay!!) and so we decided to start with the Hercule Poirot series. We have already both read The Mysterious Affair at Styles which is the first book (you can read my review here) and actually, quite a few of our other TWR Gang buddies are going to be reading these with us. I’m looking forward to more Poirot, he is hilarious!

Rivers of London (#1) by Ben Aaronovitch

Rivers of London (Rivers of London, #1)

Fiona from Fi’s Bibliofiles convinced me a while ago that I needed to read this series and in one of our chats, we came to the decision that a few of us, again from the TWR Gang would be reading the full series together. I can’t tell you how EXCITED I am to start this (I already read 30 pages, but I’ll go back and read it properly when our buddy read starts). I know I will love it, bring it on!

City of Fallen Angels (#4 The Mortal Instruments) by Cassandra Clare

City of Fallen Angels (The Mortal Instruments, #4)

Fiona and I are continuing our Shadowhunter mission and we have convinced Erika from And On She Reads to start reading the books with us. So we will be starting the second trilogy in The Mortal Instruments at the start of February and aiming to get the discussion post up by the end of the month. I am really looking forward to this one after the events of book 3, I’m just so scared of getting my heart ripped out!

The Library of the Dead by T. L. Huchu

The Library of the Dead (Edinburgh Nights, #1)

This is a book that I was able to request thanks to Stephen Haskins over at @MyBookishLife so thank you so much! I’m about to start this one and I am again, super excited to finally dive into this world which is apparently similar to Rivers of London. Needless to say, the vibes I’m getting from my February books are great and I think I’ll enjoy this one and aim to get a review up soon!

Specter by Katie Jane Gallagher


The second blog tour organised by @The_WriteReads for February is for the 8th place #BBNYA2020 finalist and I’m so glad to be on this tour because the first 10k I read during the competition was so good! I know this one leans more towards horror and spookiness, but I think I’ll like it as it has a lot of mystery!

Calico Thunder Rides Again by T. A. Hernandez

Calico Thunder Rides Again

The next #BBNYA2020 finalist blog tour is one that I was sceptical to actually request during the competition because I don’t like the cover, but quite a few panellists convinced me that the book is great, so I signed up for this tour and I’m looking forward to it, I don’t have very high expectations just in case it’s not for me, but I’m going in with an open mind.

Aether Ones by Wendi Coffman-Porter

Aether Ones

The fourth blog tour organised by Dave from @The_WriteReads for February is a science fiction/fantasy book that I would never have heard about otherwise! I read the blurb when Dave announced this tour but can’t remember a thing about it, so I am going in blind and hoping for the best!

The Conductors by Nicole Glover

The Conductors

This is a book that I got approved for on NetGalley and I’m ridiculously excited to start it. The blurb and the cover completely won me over, and I haven’t heard anything about this yet, but I’m so glad and grateful to have been approved for it. I’ll aim to get to this at the end of February so I can get my review up at the start of March to coincide with its release!

Marrow Charm (#1 The Gate Cycle) by Kristin Jacques

Marrow Charm (The Gate Cycle, #1)

The final @The_WriteReads blog tour for February (don’t worry, there are loads in March too) is for this book and I have to say, I am SO intrigued to read it. It came 6th place in #BBNYA2020 and I know a lot of fellow panellists really enjoyed it. Going in blind but hoping for the best as I think this is going to be my kind of book!

Anoka by Shane Hawk


The last book in this section is an author request that I wouldn’t usually have gone for because it’s a short story collection of horror stories, but, it is an indigenous horror collection, and that was enough to win me over. I’m also going into this one fairly blind and will only be reading this one during the day, but I am looking forward to it as I like to sometimes push myself out of my reading comfort zone! My review will be up at the start of March.

Noly and I haven’t been able to read any more of The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow like we had planned to read in January for our Hype-A-Thon Readathon catch up. We’ve been very busy and Noly has been sick for the past couple of weeks, but as soon as we can, we’ll be pushing on with our reads!

Octavia Bloom and the Missing key (#1) by Estelle Tudor Grace

Octavia Bloom and the Missing Key (Through The Fairy Door, #1)

The Middle Grade Marvels book club BOTM pick for February is this lovely-looking book that I am very intrigued about. I was actually surprised that it won the poll because I don’t think any of us had heard of it before, but that’s the beauty of the book club – finding new great reads! This is only a short one, but I think we’ll have a lot to discuss!

During the month of January, I kind of failed by TBR game as I was only able to read one book. I started another one though, and since I have read about 60 pages of it, I’m bringing it over to February to hopefully finish (if I haven’t read it by the end of the month, I’ll put it back on my shelves for another month). So the other books that I did not get to are going back on the shelves, and I’ve randomly picked 4 other genres and 4 other books thanks to my spreadsheets and Google’s random number generator. Here they are!

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Volume 1: The Crucible by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Robert Hack  

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Vol. 1: The Crucible

This is a book I actually got for my birthday and apparently February will be a bit of a spooky month, which contradicts the whole romantic vibes it should have aha! I have seen this series and it is one of my favourites, so I don’t think it’ll scare me, but I know it will be a fun, spooky and quick read that I’m really looking forward to! It’s actually a comic but I am including it in this genre as they are similar!

Le Pianiste by Władysław Szpilman and translated into French by Bernard Cohen

Le Pianiste

This is the first book in French that I’ll be reading for myself – and not for university – in ages! I don’t really tend to read books in French by French authors because I honestly have not found many I enjoy (they are all so boring to me, sorry!) but this was picked, it’s not long, it’s a true story and it was translated into French from Polish I think. I’m hoping to enjoy it and I know it’ll be a tough read!

Harder They Fall by Solomon Carter

Harder They Fall: Harder They Fall Private Investigator Crime Thriller Series

I know I am already going to be reading quite a few digital books this month, but I was glad this genre was picked as I have so many books on my Kindle I have to get to. I think I got this book because it was either mere centimes or free and it sounded interesting. I can’t remember the blurb anymore, but as it’s a mystery, I will go in blind and see where that leads me.

With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo

With the Fire on High

I am so happy that this book and genre were chosen for February as it seems like the perfect choice for the month and I know I’ll love it. I’ve heard so many amazing things about it and I think it’s going to be the best, feel-good, quick and fun read to bust out of all the horror, fantasy and spooky books, so I am looking forward to getting to it, and will hopefully finish it and tick off another Popsugar Reading Challenge prompt (“book set in a restaurant”).

The Flatshare by Beth O’Leary

The Flatshare

Finally, as I mentioned above, I’m bringing this one on to the February TBR as I started it in January but just hadn’t gotten around to picking it up and finishing it. I don’t really know what I think of this book so far, but I am going to snuggle on the sofa with it soon and try to cross it off the list as I think I’ll enjoy it and it’ll be one of the lighter reads!


Well, this is another massive list and I don’t know how I’m going to be able to read all these books, but I shall try my hardest as they all sound amazing! Please comment below the books you’ll be reading in February!

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed reading this post, see you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


  1. You have some really good books lined up for February! Seeing you read all the Shadowhunter books is really making me want to do the same. I’ve already read all the Mortal Instruments and Infernal Devices years ago but then I never read Dark Artifices for some reason. I am stuck whether I should reread them all because there’s also the new Chain of Gold book and another new one coming out in March is it? I’m just falling father and father behind lol 🙂

    1. Thank you so much Louise! Yes, that’s right! So far we have only read the fist trilogy from The Mortal Instruments series and The Infernal Devices and we are having so much fun!

  2. Ohh, many great looking books! Looks like your February will be awesome, enjoy all your books! Out of the books mentioned I read Fire on High which was amazing!

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