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Hello Hello! How are you?

It has been three months since my last releases post was published, and I can’t believe how fast the time has gone! Going through book release lists has been a lot of fun for me, and I’m glad I found time to finally write this post, and also discover some amazing books being published in 2021!

This is the third post of this kind that I am doing, and you can read my first post or my second post if you are interested in finding out what 2021 releases I am excited for. Without further ado, let’s see what books I am excited about this year. I’ll be listing the top 5 picks for each month, so keep on reading to find out which ones they are!

July releases

Once again, I’m going to try to make this list as diverse as I can, and I have found books from a range of genres (well.. I tried…) that sound like my cup of tea!

She Who Became the Sun (#1 The Radiant Emperor) by Shelley Parker-Chan

LGBT historical fiction fantasy – To be published 20th July 2021 by Tor Books

Book Cover

I absolutely love retellings and this one captivated me from the minute I read the blurb. It has been pitched as a cross between Mulan and The Song of Achilles. I love Disney stories, and I have yet to read The Song of Achilles, but I love myths. So, I’m pretty much sure that I will love this book. It is set in China in 1345, and I haven’t read a book set in this time or place yet, so I’m very excited to add this one to my list!

The Taking of Jake Livingston by Ryan Douglass

YA horror – To be published 13th July 2021 by Putnam

Book Cover

I think you have probably noticed that I am starting to get a little bit obsessed by YA horror and scary books in general. I have seen this book about on book Twitter for months and I’ve honestly been so intrigued. This sounds spooky, creepy, but also amazing and it is definitely something that I’ve found myself gravitating towards in recent times. I love how unique it sounds, and I’m all here for the dark tones it seems to have.

The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix

Horror thriller – To be published 13th July 2021 by Berkley Books

Book Cover

Again, horror… and thriller… what is wrong with me? Ahaha! I have turned into a totally new Ellie. I thought this one sounded amazing, to be honest. I have watched so many horror movies and the question of what happens to the one left standing has literally never crossed my mind before. This blurb sounds really good. You know that I’m usually very reluctant to pick up thrillers, but this one does sound like I will like it. And I have to go out of my comfort zone from time to time, don’t I? (At this point, I’m not even sure I do have a comfort zone aha).

Assassin’s Orbit by John Appel

Science fiction – To be published 20th July 2021 by Solaris

Book Cover

Again, going out of my comfort zone a little bit, but I have wanted to read more science fiction for ages, and this one sounded a lot more approachable for me because it has that mystery vibe about it. I haven’t read that much science fiction yet so don’t know what I really like and dislike, but I do really like the sound of this book, so I will have to pick it up and try it.

Half Sick of Shadows by Laura Sebastian

Historical fiction fantasy retelling – To be published 20th July 2021 by Ace

Book Cover

If you know me, or have been reading my blog for any amount of time, you will know that I absolutely love, adore, cherish, devour books that are retellings, and this book sounds just like my thing. This is a retelling of the legend of Arthur, one I have been meaning to read more about because I love anything history and historical fiction and retellings are my thing. As soon as I read the first couple of lines of this blurb, I was hooked.

August releases

A Lesson in Vengeance by Victoria Lee

YA LGBT fantasy – To be published 3rd August 2021 by Delacorte Press

Book Cover

It has been a while since I have read a blurb and wanted to chuck all my TBR on the floor, buy the book and devour it in one sitting. This blurb did that to me. I had not heard of this book at all but I am so glad I found it because I already expect I’ll give it 5 stars. It is pitched as Wilder Girls meets Ninth House, and while I was not the biggest fan of Wilder Girls, the atmosphere in that book was amazing, and Ninth House was fabulous, so I am putting this book at the top of the TBR and I hope I can get my hands on a copy soon.

The Woods Are Always Watching by Stephanie Perkins

YA horror thriller – To be published 31st August 2021 by Dutton Books for Young Readers

Book Cover

Again… horror thriller… I honestly don’t know what is happening to me ahaha! I have always strayed away from books written by this author because I am not a thriller fan, but this book sounded really, really good! I wanted to try There’s Someone Inside Your House, but this one actually sounds a lot more like my thing because the blurb mentions a serial killer. Safe to say, I need this book!

The Dead and the Dark by Courtney Gould

YA Horror fantasy – To be published 3rd of August 2021 by Wednesday Books

Book Cover

So, I have gotten a tad obsessed by YA horror blurbs it would seem… Hehehe! This book sounds wowzers though. I also absolutely adore the cover of this book and this is coming from someone who generally doesn’t like covers with people on. I love the sound of this one as it’s more kind of ghost hunting with paranormal vibes and mystery, but also obviously a fantasy element. I’m excited about it!

The Grimrose Girls (#1 Grimrose Girls) by Laura Pohl

YA fantasy retelling – To be published 1st August 2021 by Sourcebooks Fire

Book Cover

Another retelling aha. I honestly did try to find a range of genres, but it looks like the books I liked the sound of for this post were only either fantasy, retellings or horror. This one is pitched as like Pretty Little Liars, which is one of my all-time fave shows. It’s set at a school, it involves a murder, it sounds dark, it sounds atmospheric, it sounds like my kind of book!

Forestborn (#1 Forestborn) by Elayne Audrey Becker

YA fantasy – To be published on 31st August 2021 by Tor Teen

Book Cover

And the last one in the August list was one that I wasn’t drawn to at first, but as I kept thinking about the blurb, I realised it could be a book I enjoy, so it’s more of a tentative one, but I didn’t like the sound of any others I found. I like the sound of the magic system in this book, and it does definitely sound very unique, magical and I think I will enjoy it!

September releases

The Man Who Died Twice (#2 Thursday Murder Club) by Richard Osman

Mystery – To be published 28th September 2021 by Penguin

Book Cover

I added this book to my list even before going through lists because I have been waiting for this book ever since I finished The Thursday Murder Club at the start of the year. I loved that book, it was great and made me laugh, and I didn’t even need to read the second book’s blurb to know that I am reading it. I have to remember to pre-order it as soon as the next payday comes along, and I am going to be reading it as soon as it comes through my letterbox!

The Hawthorne Legacy (#2 The Inheritance Games) by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

YA mystery – To be published 7th September 2021 by Penguin

Book Cover

Another book that launched onto my list without a second’s hesitation was the second book in The Inheritance Games, which I was fortunate enough to have read for a tour last year. I loved this book so much. It was so clever, funny, it was very mysterious, lots of enigmas, and just amazingly plotted. I enjoyed every minute of it and have literally been counting off the days before book 2 is released. I can’t wait and this will also be getting read the minute I receive it, so must also pre-order!!

Empire of the Vampire (#1 Empire of the Vampire) by Jay Kristoff

Paranormal fantasy – To be published on 7th September 2021 by Harper Voyager UK

Book Cover

Oh look… another book that jumped onto the list and which I didn’t read the blurb of. This book was actually on my 2020 most anticipated list (I did read the blurb then) and because of Covid, the release was pushed back. I can’t remember the blurb at all to be honest, but I know it has vampires, it’s fantasy, what more can a girl want? Looks like I’ll be going on a pre-ordering spree soon ahaha.

All these Bodies by Kendare Blake

YA mystery horror – To be published 16th September 2021 by Quill Tree Books

Book Cover

And we are back to YA horror… WITH mystery! I have just reread the blurb to remind myself and OMG I only needed to read the first line to once again be like “YES!” I love this kind of murder mystery, it sounds dark and spooky, it sounds like something I will get very invested in, and I’m honestly so intrigued by it, that I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy so I can read it.

Under the Whispering Door by T. J. Klune

LGBT fantasy – To be published 21st September 2021 by Tor Books

Book Cover

And the last book on this already incredible list is one that I have seen about for ages. The House in the Cerulean Sea is a book I have wanted to read ever since it was released and I still haven’t had the chance to get my hands on a copy yet, but when I knew the author was publishing another book, I just had to add it to the list. The blurb intrigued me so much, and it sounds like nothing I have read so far! I also got approved for it on NetGalley, so I can’t wait to read it.

So there you have it, my list of July-September releases I am excited for, and that I will definitely have to pick up soon. I haven’t been able to squeeze in any nonfiction or middle-grade this time, whereas usually I do, but I’ll have to amend that in the final post in this series!

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this post, see you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


  1. So many good books. I’m especially excited for The Taking of Jake Livingston. 🙂 Thanks for sharing this Ellie. Will jot down all these books on my journal as reference for future TBRs. 🙂

    1. Thank you!! It sounds fantastic doesn’t it? Awww I’m glad you think they sound interesting, I hope you enjoy any you try!

    1. Hehehe definitely 😂😂 I will definitely have to ask you for some, I need to branch out a bit 😉

  2. I’m intrigued by She Who Became The Sun, and The Hawthorne Levacy should be great 😍 Looking forward to buddy reading The Man Who Died Twice with you!!

    1. I’m so excited to buddy read that one with you too! It can’t arrive quick enough 😂😂 She Who Became the Sun is particularly calling to me!

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