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Hello Hello! How are you?

I can’t believe it’s already March, I don’t know where the time goes! I’m failing my Goodreads Reading Goal of 100 books miserably, so I hope I can soon make a dent in my TBR. This month I’m going to be reading my usual two books for the #hypeathonreadathon, following the theme #MythMarch and also the two Book of the Month picks from my Goodreads book club, Coffee Break (go check it out, I’m one of the moderators and it’s a lovely, fun group)!

I’m not going to be reading any more books from my actual TBR, but March is going to be a Book Blog Tour and ARC reading month, trying to get rid of some of that backlog and also participating in some awesome Blog Tours. I’m curious to see how March goes, but I’m feeling good about it and I can’t wait to read all these amazing books, I’m determined to read them all, so please keep your fingers crossed for me!

On to the March TBR!

Once again, the genres are quite diverse so I’m really excited about the mix, and I’m expecting good things from all of these books!

Away with the Penguins by Hazel Prior

Yes, you read that right, it’s on my TBR again. I’m doing a blog tour for this book right at the start of March and I haven’t finished it yet, so I added it on here again just to keep myself in check and motivate me to finish it. I’m really enjoying what I have read so far and can’t wait to write my review for the Random Things Blog Tour hosted by Anne Cater! My stop is on the 8th of March so keep a lookout!


Magic Unleashed (Venators #1) by Devri Walls

Magic Unleashed (Venators, #1)

This is another book I’m reading for a blog tour, this time it’s The Write Reads Blog Tour! It’s going to be my first ever blog tour with Dave and I’m really looking forward to reading this book! I don’t know much about this one because when I started reading the blurb I was immediately won over and I want to keep the synopsis as vague as possible so I can be surprised! The only thing I really know is that there are two people pulled into a world of myth and legend, and really, that’s all my fantasy-loving heart needs to know!


Forget Me Not by Anca Antoci

Forget Me Not

Oh, look! Another blog tour! I think this is one of the books on my March TBR that I’m looking forward to the most! Again, it is fantasy and the first book in a trilogy, set in a rainforest filled with monsters and creatures of hell. I love books where the main point of the plot seems to span through the ages and the protagonist has to survive!



Towards the Vanishing Point by Jan Turk Petrie  

Towards the Vanishing Point

I’m reading this book for the Random Things Blog Tour organised by Anne Cater and once again, I can’t wait! I’ve been craving some Historical Fiction for quite a while and when I read the blurb for this one I had to say yes! I love anything centred around WWII or even any period of history really. I liked the sound of this synopsis because it’s a bit of a mix of historical fiction and thriller and I can’t wait to read it to find out what happens!


Rust by Eliese Colette Goldbach

Rust: A Memoir of Steel and Grit

I received this book from the lovely Katya Ellis, a PR for Quercus Books and I’m so excited to read this one! I’m going to try to finish it for the first week of March to take part in the “blog blast” they are throwing for this book! This is a memoir about a woman working at her local steel mill, explaining her Rust Belt Childhood and showing the reader this part of the country, forgotten except for the people working and living there. I don’t think I’ve ever read a memoir, but this made me think of Flash Dance and I love the industrial part of that film, so I have very high hopes for this one!


5 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Maurice Barkley


Yet another blog tour, can you tell I’m really feeling it for March? I just can’t cope with all these wonderful sounding books, my expectations are so high, I really hope one of them is going to be my second 5-star read of the year because right now we’ve only got the one! This is for another The Write Reads blog tour organised by Dave and it sounds right up my alley! I love all things mystery and especially Sherlock Holmes, I just recently watched one of the old Sherlock Holmes films for my Scottish Literature class and I’m needing some more Sherlock Holmes vibes!


Trail of Secrets (Dark Horse, Book One) by Laura Wolfe

I was so happy when the author contacted me about this book and I only had to read the first lines of the blurb to know that I wanted to read it! I have to admit that the horse bit makes me a bit sceptical because although I used to ride horses when I was a kid, I haven’t read any books featuring them, so it’s going to be new! This one seems so interesting and I can’t wait to learn more about it, I’m especially looking forward to the setting, I’ve never read a book set during a summer camp type of place and it’s giving me Parent Trap vibes, but with a bit of a spooky atmosphere too!


Tapestry by Beth Duke

Tapestry: A Book Club Recommendation!

Another Random Things Tour organised by Anne Cater, can you tell I like the books they offer? At university, I’m studying American Indian History and I’m loving it so much, so when I read the blurb for Tapestry I knew I wanted to read the book. I’m interested to see what the family secret/mystery is, and that cover is just so gorgeous! How can I say no?


Circe by Madeline Miller


This is one of my picks for the #hypeathonreadathon for March, and this time we chose the theme #MythMarch. I’ve been craving some mythology/legend retelling type of book for a while and this theme has been set in stone for at least 2 months! I’ve wanted to read Circe ever since it came out and I’m hoping to really enjoy this one! The thing that drew me in was the premise of Greek gods, mixed with ancient Greek myths and legends, it’s one of my absolute favourite things and I’m expecting Circe to be really good!


The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden

The Bear and the Nightingale (Winternight Trilogy, #1)

This is our second pick for the #hypeathonreadathon! It’s set in Russia and incorporates some Russian myths and legends. A young girl with a necklace is the only person who can save her village from what is coming from the woods! I like how this feels quite dark and haunting! I don’t recall having ever read a book set in Russia, so once again, this is a month of firsts, but I’m so excited for it!



By the way, if you want to join us on our hyped books year-long readathon, head over to our Twitter account and don’t forget to use the hashtags #hypeathonreadathon and #MythMarch for this month! You can also use these hashtags on Instagram as I regularly post about the readathon in my stories!

Eragon by Christopher Paolini

Eragon (The Inheritance Cycle, #1)

Moving on to the books picked for the Goodreads Book Club I’m part of! I nominated this one for March and nearly screamed when I saw that it had been voted for! I saw the film when I was a child and adored it, but never realised that it was also a book until a few years ago! I bought it in French last year for my fiancé, but he hasn’t read it yet, and I really wanted to read it in English, so I’m looking forward to finally delving back into this world and starting a new series!


The Girl in Red by Christina Henry

The Girl in Red

This is the second book picked for the Coffee Break book club, and it’s probably the one I’m the least excited for, the main reason being that I have a phobia of wolves, have done since I was a child, so I’m hoping that I’m not going to freak out reading this! However, I adore retellings so I’m expecting to like this retelling of Little Red Riding Hood, as long as it doesn’t scare me too much!


The Shadows Between Us by Tricia Levenseller

The Shadows Between Us

This is the last book on my list and also the book that was in the February “Rulebreakers” box! I hadn’t really heard about this one, I vaguely remember a few people talking about this one because of the Slytherin character and that really intrigued me! I’m hoping to get to this one but not going to force myself if I’m struggling with my reading! The special Fairyloot edition is so pretty and I’m really happy to have this in my collection because I think it might be the first purple hardback I own, omg, that’s so cool ahah! I’m crossing my fingers because it sounds awesome and it’s very long!

I’m crossing my fingers that I’ll be able to read ALL of these this month and I’m really motivated for all the blog tours! I think my reading slump is officially over, and hopefully, I don’t fall back into one ahah!

Have you read any of the books I’ve got on my March TBR? Do you have any on your TBR too? What are you going to be reading for March? Come tell me in the comments!

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed reading about the books I want to read, see you soon,

Ellie xx


  1. I don’t have a set TBR for March but I am reading P.S. I Love You by Jenny Han and You by Caroline Kepnes. So, they are for sure reads for March. I will probably go on to Always & Forever and Hidden Bodies.

    I am excited to see what you think about Circe, I am thinking about bumping up on my “Need to Buy” list.

    1. I haven’t read those two yet but they are also on my list, you’ll have to let me know what you thought of them when you finish them! I’ll have a review up for it as soon as I finish it!!!

  2. ooh awesome tbr!! I really want to read Circe, and The Shadows Between Us!! I can’t wait to see your thoughts on some of these, they look brilliant!! Hope they are all amazing and you have a great month of reading! 😀 <3

    1. Thank you hun! I can’t wait to read everything, I have such high Hopes I need a second 5-star read right now ahah! ❤❤

  3. My February TBR failed horribly, but I’m confident about March’s. Was putting my list up tomorrow.

    1. Oh no! I hope you get through your March TBR with a bit more success! I can’t wait to see what you will be reading! Good luck 🙂

      1. Thank you for that! I think I figured out the right formula for me to get it done 😊

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