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Hello Hello! I hope you are all well!

This past month went by so fast, and even though I read quite a few books, I didnā€™t get to all of the ones on my TBR but considering what happened in March, Iā€™m not going to beat myself up about it!

I had 13 books on my March TBR and I managed to read 7 of them, plus another 3 that werenā€™t on the list, bringing my March total to 10 books. I donā€™t think thatā€™s too bad, itā€™s actually my best month of the year so far (although itā€™s only the 5th of April and Iā€™ve already read 6 books). I think we can clearly say that my December-January reading slump is officially over, I hope that during isolation I can get a tonne of books off my TBR. Keep reading to find out which books I read and what I thought of them!


My Favourite Book of the Month

Forget me Not by Anca Antoci ā€“ 5 stars

Forget Me Not

Out of the 10 books I read, I think that this one stands out the most. I read this for my first ever @booktamins tour and I knew from the blurb that I would like this book, but I didnā€™t realise until I started reading just how much I would love it! If you are looking for a book like Twilight BUT so much better, then you should definitely check this out. It isnā€™t ā€œlikeā€ Twilight, but I found there to be quite a few similarities and I got so excited at one point of the book when my brain clicked and I just flew through this one. I canā€™t wait for book 2! You can find my full review of this wonderful book here.

March Books

Rust: A Memoir of Steel and Grit by Eliese Colette Goldbach ā€“ 5 stars

Rust: A Memoir of Steel and Grit

This was the first book I finished in March. I read it for the @QuercusBooks #blogblast organised by Katya Ellis after she so kindly sent me a copy of this book. This was also my first ever memoir and I absolutely adored it. This story was so raw and beautiful, I was so emotional while reading this book and I already want to reread it again soon. The writing blew me away at times and I can only recommend this one. It isnā€™t a boring memoir like I was expecting, itā€™s so much more and I urge you to go read it, right after you read my review of it, here.

After (#1) and After We Collided (#2) by Anna Todd ā€“ 3 and 4 stars

These were the first audiobooks Iā€™ve ever finished, and I have to say that Iā€™m really proud of how I managed to get through these so fast. I started listening to The Alice Network by Kate Quinn on Scribā€™d at the start of the month, but when I was scrolling through the different audiobooks on offer, I came across this series and I decided to give it a shot. I read these two while I was doing my university assignments when I wanted to read when I got in bed but neither had the energy or will power to hold up a book and physically read. I did enjoy these two books, the second more so than the first and I am looking forward to finishing the third book in the series some time soon. You can read the mini-review I did of these two audiobooks here.

Magic Unleashed (Venators #1) by Devri Walls ā€“ 5 stars

Magic Unleashed (Venators, #1)

I was so glad to read this book in March as it was my first #blogtour I participated in hosted by Dave from @The_WriteReads. The blurb sounded absolutely fantastic and I had such a great time reading this book, I loved all the characters and I am so excited to be getting to book 2 in the next months, I canā€™t wait to see what happens, especially with a certain mysterious man in Runeā€™s life! You can check out my thoughts for this one in my review here.

The Unwanted by Z.T. Zoyoye ā€“ 4 stars

The Unwanted

I read this book for Z.T. as a beta reader and I had such a fun time. Through my blog, Iā€™ve realised that a lot of books Iā€™m asked to read and review by authors are really very good, and this one was no exception. This one is part of the recent bounty of books Iā€™ve read with a very strong and great friend group, I loved reading about all the characters and their friendship and I found this story to be really rather unique. I am looking forward to hearing about book 2 and being able to read it soon! My review of this book is here.

Black Watch by Gregory Burke ā€“ 4 stars

Black Watch

I read this book as part of my English literature assigned reading and I have to say, this module has really surprised me. I was quite worried at the start of the year on arriving in Stirling and seeing a list of no less than 12 books required reading, I thought that I had made a terrible mistake coming on this Erasmus trip, as in France we (barely) read one book a semester, I know itā€™s shocking. However, the books I was asked to read in this class have actually (mostly) surprised me, (except Waverley, that was awful) and I really enjoyed my time reading this book and watching the play. I havenā€™t done a review on my blog of this book as it wasnā€™t a book I decided to read, or was asked to read by an author/publisher or for a blog tour, but I did write a small review on Goodreads, here, if you would like to read it.

Towards the Vanishing Deep by Jan Turk Petrie ā€“ 4 stars

Towards the Vanishing Point

This was a book I read for the #RandomThinsTours by Anne Cater (I think youā€™ll be able to tell by now that I really love her tours, right?) and I really enjoyed it. Iā€™d been wanting to read a unique historical fiction for a while, and this was the perfect book, with a splash of mystery and thriller added in. You can read my full review of this book here.

5 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Maurice Barkley ā€“ 5 stars


I absolutely adored my second time participating in a #blogtour organised by Dave from @The_WriteReads and this book was such a great one! I loved diving into the world of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson, not from Arthur Conan Doyleā€™s pen, but from Mauriceā€™s and it was barely distinguishable from the original Sherlock stories. I have always loved Conan Doyleā€™s stories, even though Iā€™ve only read a couple, Iā€™ve seen quite a few adaptations and some series such as Elementary and this book just brought a tonne of nostalgia with every page, and as I said in my review, it made me feel like I had come home! I would definitely recommend this one, you can read my gushing review here.

Trail of Secrets (Dark Horse Book 1) by Laura Wolfe ā€“ 4 stars

Trail of Secrets: Dark Horse, Book One

Last, but by no means least on my wrap-up is my first-ever (yes Iā€™m very proud) author request through my blog (and yes I did scream when I got Lauraā€™s email). From the minute I read the authorā€™s email, I knew I wanted to read this book, set at a riding academy in Michigan where a ghost story about a girl who went missing 4 years prior haunts our main character. I had such a great time reading this book, it was a really new experience for me, I really appreciated the setting and the characters were so great! Iā€™m really looking forward to reading and reviewing the 2nd and 3rd books in the series for Laura in the next months and I would recommend you pick up this first installment, and to read my review here, while you are waiting for my thoughts on book 2!

Sadly, I wasnā€™t able to get to my Coffee Break Book Club picks for March, or the Hype-A-Thon Readathon books either (Noly and I started reading Circe but we didnā€™t get very far). However, I do think I did really rather well in March considering that my university shut, we went into lockdown and I had to follow classes online.

In March, I managed to read twice as many books as I did in February and I can already tell that Iā€™m going to at least double Marchā€™s number in April. Apparently isolation is doing wonders for my TBR! I feel like the March books were all really diverse, a great bunch of books that I loved and I really recommend them all to you!

March Reading Stats

Number of books: 10

Number of pages: 2,653

Star ratings:

            3 stars: 1 book

            4 stars: 5 books

            5 stars: 4 books

Average rating: 4.3 ā­

Genres: 1 memoir (non-fiction), 2 romances, 3 YA fantasies, 1 play, 1 historical fiction, 1 (historical fiction) anthology, and 1 YA mystery

Tell me in the comments which books you read in March and what were your thoughts! Thatā€™s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this wrap-up! See you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


    1. I saw Fiona do that in her last post and thought it was such a great idea! Thank you, I can’t wait to see what your fave books are! ā¤

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