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Hello Hello! How are you?

Wow, August just flew by didn’t it? I wasn’t expecting it to go by so fast, I had so many books to read on my TBR and I haven’t really done amazing, there are still some days left in August so I’m going to push myself and see what I can accomplish!

In August, we read Small Spaces by Katherine Arden, and we actually all ended up reading it and finishing it before the final discussion session, we just couldn’t hold back and devoured it in a few sittings for some, and only one sitting for others! I think it’s fair to say that the Middle Grade Marvels book club is going very well and we have been choosing some amazing books that we’ve loved! I will be trying to get a review up for Small Spaces sometime in September, so stay tuned!

If you don’t know what this book club is, head over to my announcement post here, and if you are interested in joining our book club on Twitter or Goodreads, you can find all the info you need for September in the pinned tweet at @GradeMarvels.

The September BOTM poll has been voted on, and the information Tweet has been published and pinned, so you may already know that in September we will be reading Keeper of the Lost Cities (#1) by Shannon Messenger as the BOTM.

We’ve had this on the nominations list for a while, and the poll was really close between a few books for a while, but I think we are all really looking forward to reading this book next month! I have personally heard so much about this book, I was won over by a few BookTubers who have raved about the series and I’m so excited to read it myself!

Keeper of the Lost Cities (Keeper of the Lost Cities, #1)

Twelve-year-old Sophie Foster has a secret. She’s a Telepath—someone who hears the thoughts of everyone around her. It’s a talent she’s never known how to explain.

Everything changes the day she meets Fitz, a mysterious boy who appears out of nowhere and also reads minds. She discovers there’s a place she does belong, and that staying with her family will place her in grave danger. In the blink of an eye, Sophie is forced to leave behind everything and start a new life in a place that is vastly different from anything she has ever known. Sophie has new rules to learn and new skills to master, and not everyone is thrilled that she has come “home.”

There are secrets buried deep in Sophie’s memory—secrets about who she really is and why she was hidden among humans—that other people desperately want. Would even kill for.

In this page-turning debut, Shannon Messenger creates a riveting story where one girl must figure out why she is the key to her brand-new world, before the wrong person finds the answer first.

If you would like to purchase this book, you can find it here: Amazon UK (affiliate link) – Amazon FR (affiliate link) – AbeBooks (affiliate link) – The Book Depository (affiliate link) – Audible FR (affiliate link) – Amazon USWaterstonesBarnes and NobleAudible UKScrib’dKobo

If you haven’t yet joined our book club and you love reading Middle Grade books, what are you waiting for?

You can sign-up on this form to tell us where you want to discuss the book (Twitter, Goodreads), if you will read the BOTM with us or just read something from your own TBR. Those already in the Twitter chat no longer need to sign-up, so you can sit back, relax and get ready for some adventurous fantasy reading in September! If you are in the MGM – BOTM twitter chat, but do not want to follow the September BOTM discussion, you are free to leave, and of course if you would like to come back in following months, just fill out the form again!

We have made a Nominations form where you can give us your nominations, and please remember to join us on Goodreads where we post our BOTM discussions for you to join in. We have also posted the Recommendations list and Nominations board for you on there. If you are not on Goodreads, you can find our Recommendations list here.

The Similar Books list for September has been posted and you can find it here, or just head over to @GradeMarvels on Twitter where all this info is in the pinned Tweet! And of course, you can read any Middle Grade book you have on your bookcase, just let us know what you will be reading with the hashtag #middlegrademarvels on Twitter!

Holly, Noly and I are so excited for the September book and we hope that you are too! Join our club if you love Middle Grade and want to discuss some amazing books with our amazing members! Looking forward to having you on for the ride!

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this post, see you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx

Middle Grade Marvels Book Club linksTwitter – Goodreads – Recommendations List – September BOTM Similar Books List – Monthly Sign-up Form – Nominations Form


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