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Hello Hello! How are you all?

Well, I suppose it’s that time of the month again, there is just something about how fast 2020 is going that is making my head spin a little bit. I’ve been VERY busy with university starting a few weeks ago and I’ve just been trying to survive and push through ever since, so I haven’t done amazing in September (you’ll have to wait a few days for my wrap-up), so a few books will probably appear in today’s TBR post too, and I’m going to do my very best to read as many books as I can.

October is going to be a busy month as well, I have some really heavy weeks for some reason and then I have a week-long break (but we all know I’ll be studying from dusk till dawn), and I really, really want to give Nanowrimo my best shot this year, so I’ll be doing some prep for my novel during October, wish me luck, I am sure I’m going to need it!


On to the October TBR!


Buddy Reads


Clockwork Princess (#3 The Infernal Devices) by Cassandra Clare

Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices, #3)

Fiona from Fi’s Bibliofiles and I are still on our Shadowhunter mission and we had a little break these past few weeks because we both have a lot going on, but we are really looking forward to picking up Clockwork Princess and hopefully reading it in the next weeks and getting our newt Shadowhunter Saturday post up soon. I feel like there is still so much to learn from these characters and this world and maybe this book isn’t going to be big enough for everything, either that or in true Cassandra Clare fashion, this book will be packed from start to finish with plot twists and revelations. Anyway, I’m ready!


City of Fallen Angels (#4 The Mortal Instruments) by Cassandra Clare

City of Fallen Angels (The Mortal Instruments, #4)

As we have gotten a bit behind with our planned dates for our Shadowhunter Saturday posts, I don’t actually know when the post for this book will be going up or if we will even read it this month, but I thought I would add it in case and that way I can keep motivated! I enjoyed this third book in this series a lot more than the previous two and I’m looking forward to delving into this world again, I think it will be strange jumping back to present time with our first cast of Shadowhunters, but I think it’s going to be good, so fingers crossed!


Beastly Bones (#2 Jackaby) by William Ritter

Beastly Bones (Jackaby, #2)

Last month I read Jackaby (the first book in this series) with Candyce from The Book Dutchesses and we enjoyed it so much that we decided to pick up the second one and do another buddy read! So far this year I’ve done a few buddy reads with Candyce and we always seem to pick the best books, I’m really looking forward to continuing this series, I love the vibes I got from the first book, it’s perfect for this time of year, bring it on.


The Doll Factory by Elizabeth MacNeal

The Doll Factory

I have just started reading this book which I am buddy reading with a bunch of blogger friends (sending you big hugs if you’re reading this and kudos to this great idea). We picked 4 genres to vote on and then we voted on 4 books in that genre, this is the one that won and honestly I was so happy because I’ve heard so much about it. My initial reaction is that the author has so far done a good job of world-building, I really feel like I’m in London in the 1850s and I have to tell you, it’s really creepy, not like horror creepy, just kind of weird, but the writing style is very immersive and I’m enjoying it so far!


ARCs, Blog Tours and Netgalley Books


A Golden Fury by Samantha Cohoe

A Golden Fury

You might remember seeing this book on my September TBR, I still haven’t gotten to it, which is a pain really because it sounds absolutely AMAZING and I want to start reading it now, it’s one that I don’t mind pushing back a little if I get too busy, so we’ll just have to see if I can manage to squeeze it in, if not it’ll find its way onto the November TBR (oops).


How to Break and Evil Curse (#1 Chronicles of Fritillary) by Laura Morrison

How to Break an Evil Curse (Chronicles of Fritillary, #1)

Again, we have another September TBR book and another one that I suppose I can push back a little bit, but it also sounds so very good and I hope that I can get to it soon. I think the cover is so pretty!


Ring the Bell by Josie Jaffrey

Ring The Bell

I’m signed up to Josie’s newsletter and we get some lovely emails from her, and I’m pretty sure that I could request this book in one of those emails, so I did! This is only a really short, short story, so I am going to be able to read it really quickly for my review scheduled next week (I might be able to squeeze those Netgalley books in after all), and I haven’t read the blurb because I don’t need to with Josie Jaffrey, I know I will enjoy it, so I’m excited!


Premeditated Myrtle (#1 Myrtle Hardcastle Mystery) and How to Get Away with Myrtle (#2 Myrtle Hardcastle Mystery) by Elizabeth C. Bunce

This month I’m participating in another Algonquin Young Readers blog tour and this time it is for the first two books in the Myrtle Hardcastle Mystery series, which is an MG historical fiction/mystery series and honestly, this piqued my interest so much despite how many books I already have to read! I decided to do a spotlight for this tour, so keep your eyes open for that, and I hope I can get to these two books soon and get a proper review up!


The Wolf and the Water (#1 Deluge) by Josie Jaffrey

The Wolf and The Water

Do I need to say anything? Ahah, well, I’ll say something anyway! I’m taking part in (can you guess?) a blog tour organised by Dave from @The_WriteReads (yay!) and I am SO EXCITED to start this book. I fell in love with Josie’s writing style and voice in Killian’s Dead and May Day, so as soon as I saw the announcement for this tour, I just had to sign up. It’s a completely different series, in fact, it’s one of her newest ones, and I’ve just reread the blurb to remind me and OMG YES, I need to read it now (claps like a happy 3-year-old).


Legends Rise (#3 Venators) by Devri Walls

Legends Rise (Venators #3)

Omg, another amazing book this month (let’s give Dave a big round of applause!) I’m reading this book for another @The_WriteReads blog tour, and I know I am going to love it, I just know it because I have loved Devri’s first two books in this series and honestly, I think it’s one of my favourite binge-series now, I just love it and I’m starting to gush even though I haven’t even started book 3 yet, so I’ll just be quiet now aha!


To Sleep in a Sea of Stars by Christopher Paolini

To Sleep in a Sea of Stars

So… this is a really massive book, and I was very lucky to be accepted for an eARC of it on Netgalley, but I was also so, so lucky to be able to request it and get a finished copy of it. I think my postwoman wasn’t too impressed because she had to get out of her van to give me the parcel because it was too big to go in the box (oops). I started this on my Kindle but the formatting is a bit off and it just bugged me a little, I liked the first few chapters though, so I have high hopes. It will be my first Paolini book, and I’m very excited, plus it’s massive so if it’s good I get to read it for a long time! Also, this book came with a pin and I’m literally so proud to be part of the Wallfish Crew, it’s going to have pride of place on my pin banner once I get it up!


Odessa by Jonathan Hill


I requested this graphic novel on Netgalley a few months ago thinking I wouldn’t be accepted for it, but it sounded so good that I couldn’t resist, and I was so happy to actually get it! This is a dystopian story in which three siblings search for their missing mother after an enormous earthquake ruined their world, I love dystopias, I love graphic novels, this sounds like an adventure and quite emotional, I’m ready for it and I’m sure it’s going to be great to break up the big books next month!


Second Cousin Once Removed by Kenneth L. Toppell

Second Cousin Once Removed

My final blog tour of the month is yet again with Dave from @The_WriteReads, by this point does it surprise you? This book is rather different to what Dave usually offers on his tours, but I do like getting out of my comfort zone, and there was just something about the blurb that made me say “yes”. I don’t read that many thrillers but I saw that it had a genealogy subplot so I thought “what the hell, let’s do this”!


That was a long list of blog tour books, Netgalley books and ARCs, I have got to learn to restrain myself but I just can’t when books sound interesting!


Hype-A-Thon Readathon and Middle Grade Marvels


Dragon Pearl by Yoon Ha Lee

Dragon Pearl

The Middle Grade Marvels book club BOTM for October is Dragon Pearl, this is very different to anything we have read so far, however, I think we love some more diverse characters and plots, you can definitely see a bit of a theme going on, and I for one, really love that. It’s so fun discussing the books together each month, this one has Asian myths, fox spirits, adventure, pirates, a kind of space race and I am looking forward to it, it’s also fairly short, which is good because the previous one was massive! You can read my MGM announcement for October here.


The Raven Boys (#1 The Raven Cycle) by Maggie Stiefvater

The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle, #1)

Noly and I are being ambitious once again, and the theme for the October round of the Hype-A-Thon Readathon is #AtmosphericOctober, you can read my post about it here. We decided to pick two books because we couldn’t whittle it down, I’ve had The Raven Boys on my shelf for a few years and I’m very happy to be getting to it soon, again, it’s not a very big book, it’s definitely a mid-range YA size and I am hoping to really enjoy it, it definitely fits the theme!


Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

Mexican Gothic

The second book we will be reading (or trying to) will be Mexican Gothic, this book has been HYPED ever since it came out, it has taken us a while to get to it, I think we were waiting for the hype to die down, but it hasn’t seemed to yet. It definitely has an atmospheric feel to the blurb and I am sure that the whole book will be very atmospheric, we are both really excited about these books!


Other books


The Angel’s Calling (#0.5 Daughter of the Phoenix), The Third Sun (#1 Daughter of the Phoenix) and The Eternal Dusk (#2 Daughter of the Phoenix) by Victoria J. Price

I kind of failed to reread book 1 and dive into book 2 last month, and I can’t promise that I’ll manage it this month either, but I really want to because I adored The Third Sun and I need to relive it. I also want to read the prequel because I completely forgot about it, but I want to know as much as I can about this world.


1984 by George Orwell


I am adding this one to the TBR because as I post this, this week it is Banned Books Week and I decided to dive in headfirst and finally go for it! I found some lists and picked some books off my shelves and my blogger pals helped me pick which one to read. I remember reading a few passages of 1984 a few years ago at the start of my university degree and I found it very intriguing, it’s been on my list ever since, I have a really graphic and cool edition and I hope that I can read it this week, if not I’ll just try to finish it this month, I mean, it still counts right?


The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow

The Ten Thousand Doors of January

And finally, Noly and I are currently reading this book for the September theme of #StandaloneSeptember, you can read my post all about this special theme here. We are absolutely LOVING it so far, it’s beautiful, the writing is so whimsical and it… I just can’t put it into words, my review is going to be a nightmare to write but we are enjoying it so much and should be able to finish it in the coming days!


Well, this is a massive list and I’m probably not going to read them all, I have a few that I can push back for another time, but I’m going to try my best, I think I need to start some of the big ones now though because I won’t get through them otherwise! I think this is a great list of books and I’m looking forward to diving into them all! Tell me all about the books you’ll be reading in October in the comments down below!

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this post and wish me luck, see you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


  1. Good luck for reading all these books! I still wonder sometimes if you ever actually sleep 😂
    I’m so glad you are loving The Ten Thousand Doors of January, it’s such an amazing book! The Doll Factory is good – atmospheric but very creepy. I also can’t wait to read Mexican Gothic!

    1. Thank you so much Stephen, ahah!! I promise I do, probably not enough though lol! I am, it is amazing, ohhh I like some creepy vibes sometimes and I’m really looking forward to Mexican Gothic, hope you enjoy it! 🙂

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