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Hello Hello! How are you?

Wow, it’s already that time of the month again, I have to say that 2020 is going by so fast, I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been very busy this year, trying new things, going on adventures and then the current world situation, but I just want it to chill for a minute!

I’m going to be putting my August Wrap-Up on my blog in a few days, and even though I still have 2 days before the start of September, I can already tell you I failed the Trope-ical Readathon. Oops…

I’m going back to university in just over a week and I have no idea how anything is going to happen because of the pandemic and such, but I am going to be easing away from the blog a little bit and not posting every single day. I hope to still post about 3 times a week, so don’t worry, I’m still here! I am also going to go easy on myself concerning TBRs and it might seem like a long one again today, but it’s really fairly relaxed compared to some of my previous ones.

I am really looking forward to some of these books and have quite high expectations, so keep reading to see what I’ll be reading in September and don’t forget to wish me luck at the end!

On to the September TBR!

Buddy Read

Clockwork Prince (#2 The Infernal Devices) and Clockwork Princess (#3 The Infernal Devices) by Cassandra Clare

Clockwork Prince (The Infernal Devices, #2)

Fiona from Fi’s Bibliofiles and I are still chugging along with our Shadowhunter books mission and we are really enjoying it. We haven’t yet started Clockwork Prince, we are looking forward to it and I wanted to add it to the September TBR as I’ll be reading it mostly in September. I enjoyed Clockwork Angel quite a lot, you can read my mini-review and Fiona’s thoughts here, and Fiona’s mini-review and my thoughts here!

Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices, #3)

We are also going to be reading Clockwork Princess which is the final book in the second Shadowhunter trilogy before we go back to The Mortal Instruments. I have to say I’m looking forward to these two books and since posting our latest Shadowhunter Saturday post, so many people have told me that The Infernal Devices is their favourite trilogy, alongside The Dark Artifices, so I am quite excited to dive in and keep reading!

ARCs, Blog Tours and Netgalley Books

The Inheritance Games (#1) by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

The Inheritance Games

You are probably used to it now, but I will be kicking off the month with a blog tour organised by Dave from @The_WriteReads. Not a month goes by that I don’t do a blog tour with him, and that’s because he is amazing, supportive and has the best books on his tours. I was lucky enough to actually get my own physical copy of this book, so thank you, Dave, and thank you Penguin! I am really, really looking forward to this book, a few other bloggers on the tour have finished it and enjoyed it, and it’s the king of YA mystery that I tend to really like. I will be diving into this soon as I am on the first day of the tour, fingers crossed I’ll love it as much as I expect!

The First of Shadows (#1) by Deck Matthews

The First of Shadows (The Riven Realm #1)

Yay, another blog tour by @The_WriteReads! September is a really busy month for blog tours and I am living for all these great books. My first taste of fantasy for the month sounds like a really original book, despite the vagueness of the blurb, I think I will enjoy it. The author even sent a compilation of the trilogy so that’s really exciting if I end up liking the first book as I’ll be able to follow up directly afterwards!

To Sleep in a Sea of Stars by Christopher Paolini

To Sleep in a Sea of Stars

Now this book…. I have to tell you, I had NO IDEA I was going to get the chance to read it and that makes it even more exciting. When I saw the email about this book I was really happy as I had seen it spoken about a few times on Twitter and was really curious about it, so then when I was able to request it on Netgalley and it was approved, that was great! I was also a bit cheeky and requested a physical copy, so I’m going to keep my fingers and toes crossed and hope that it arrives in my post box hehe! I’ve not had the chance to read a Paolini book before and I am trying to broaden my horizons, so I am hoping this enormous 880-page science fiction will give me all I am looking for! I had this book on my August TBR but I decided to push this forward a week so it is now on the September TBR instead.

The Doors of Eden by Adrian Tchaikovsky

The Doors of Eden

I think I might have screamed when I saw this book in my post box a few weeks ago! I managed to get myself on the Mega Nerd List and was sent an email about this book. It sounds like a really interesting book and I definitely like this kind of science fiction so I have high hopes. It’s another chunky book, so I’m going to do my best to get through it and get my review up at the start of the month, but from what I already read quickly, I think I will enjoy it!

Vultures (#1) by Luke Tarzian

Vultures (Shadow Twins #1)

Oh look, another blog tour organised by @The_WriteReads! This is the first book in a fantasy series and even though the names in the blurb are quite complicated and bug me a little, I thought the blurb sounded cool. I love fantasy and will give anything a try, so I’m glad I’m on this tour and I’m looking forward to experiencing this book, I just hope the names won’t bother me too much! Also, am I the only one seeing a trend with blue books on my TBR?

A Golden Fury by Samantha Cohoe

A Golden Fury

This is one of my Netgalley books, I am slowly getting through them, there are obviously so many more to go, and I won’t tell you how many because it’s embarrassing. This book, with its cover and title, really appealed to me, I love books with alchemy and magic and this plot centres around the creation of the Philosopher’s Stone and the consequences that has on the characters, the people around them and possibly the world. I don’t know about you, but that’s enough to make my fantasy-loving heart happy, so I am really looking forward to it. I’m going to be putting the review up in October, but I wanted to get a head start on some more Netgalley approvals while university is still fairly docile. Oh look, another blue book aha!

Hype-A-Thon Readathon and Middle Grade Marvels

September is a really exciting and special month for Noly and myself. You may not know (you probably do by how much I waffle on about it), but Noly and I co-host a readathon every month in which we read hyped books following a theme.

It’s our one year anniversary in September, so we decided to celebrate by going back to the start and having another #StandaloneSeptember for the Hype-A-Thon Readathon. If you want to find out more about this theme and the readathon, you can find my September announcement here.

The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow

The Ten Thousand Doors of January

For #StandaloneSeptember, we are going to be reading this absolutely beautiful book. I was recommended this book by so many people at the start of the year and got myself a copy, when it arrived and I saw the cover and read the blurb a bit more in-depth, I decided Noly needed a copy too and we are finally going to be reading it yay! We are probably going to finish reading Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer first, but I’m really looking forward to this book, I’m a bit worried because the hype is real aha! I’m excited!

Keeper of the Lost Cities (#1) by Shannon Messenger

Keeper of the Lost Cities (Keeper of the Lost Cities, #1)

And for the Middle Grade Marvels book club that I co-host with Holly and Noly, we are going to be reading Keeper of the Lost Cities! I have heard about this book a lot, I originally saw it on BookTube and then I saw it a lot on Instagram, so I added it to the nominations list and I was surprised it won (there were some other really awesome-sounding books too). It’s a really big book and we are going to divide it into 4 as always, so it’s probably going to need a few really big reading sessions to get through, but I can’t wait!

Other books

The Third Sun (#1) and The Eternal Dusk (#2) by Victoria J. Price

The Third Sun (Daughter of the Phoenix Book One)

This week, I was lucky enough to be sent a copy of The Eternal Dusk by my lovely friend and wonderful author Victoria, and she also sent me some bookish merch (I LOVE IT). I read The Third Sun in April and loved it, but I haven’t written a review yet because I cannot get my thoughts together for it, so I thought I would reread it and then dive into the sequel!

The Eternal Dusk (Daughter of the Phoenix Book Two)

I’m sure I’m going to love book 2 as much as I loved book 1, and I’m going to try to read these in September or October, but I thought I would add them to my list for this month and give it my best shot! You probably can’t tell, but I want to dive in straight away, so I might even get a review up really soon, I just really need to find out what happens next and tell you all about it this time! Also, can we just appreciate those covers?

Thankfully it’s not a massive list, I do read a lot all the time, even when I’m at university so I’m pretty sure I’m going to get through them all, but there are a few chunky ones here, so I will try my best.

I am really looking forward to this month, I’m going back to university and starting my masters, I’m very excited for those classes and I love the look of my September TBR. Let me know in the comments what you’ll be reading in September!

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this post, see you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


  1. Good luck at uni, Ellie! And kudos to you for reading so much, I hardly read anything for fun while I was at uni 🙈

    1. Thank you so much!! Luckily my masters is a publishing masters so I am hoping to bribe them with book recs aha!

  2. This is an amazing TBR, Ellie! I’m starting The Inheritance Games soon and am excited for the blog tour. You won’t be disappointed by The Ten Thousand Doors of January! 😊

    1. Thank you, I have started The Inheritance Games with Noly and we both love it so far, you’re in for a ride, I’ve been reduced to laughing tears twice already! Oh yay, so excited!

  3. Some super great books on here! I’m looking forward to To Sleep in a Sea of Stars too, even though it’s a monster of a book, I’m hoping it’ll be so good it’ll just fly by! ♥

    1. Thank you so much, it is enormous but I’m really looking forward to it and I have high hopes it’s going to be great! ❤️

    1. I was totally shocked and like… “how the heck did that happen to little old me” aha! Oh yay, love to hear that, I’m going to start it this week and very excited!

  4. I didn’t know you were reading the ten thousand doors of January this month, I really want to join you because I have had that on my shelf for so long but my tbr this month is BIG (37 books😬🤣). Awesome tbr Ellie!💖💖💘

    1. OH MY GOD! Yesssss join usssssss pleasseeeeee!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN DO IT HOLLY I BELIEVE IN YOU!!! EHEHEH, thank you darling!! ❤️❤️❤️

    2. 😮37 books!!! Is a day 72 hours long where you live 😅
      I’m amazed at the amount of books you manage to read.
      I’ve never done a TBR post on my blog and I wanted to do one today. But now I feel really inadequate as I only have 3 books…

  5. Looks like you have some good books for this month. Can’t wait to read your thoughts on the rest of the Infernal Devices series.
    ♥ Mae

      1. Kevin loves Christopher Paolini! Hope its good! Good luck with your reading!

        1. Ohh, exciting then, really looking forward to it, I’m going to start it really soon! Thank you! 🙂

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