Hello Hello! How are you today?

I honestly have no idea how this year has flown past quite so quickly. It seems like it was March just yesterday and now March 2023 is closer than March 2022!

I’ve picked quite a few books for my October reads. I’ve gone for spooky, historical fiction, classic mystery and a few other genres, with of course some witches in the bunch. I don’t know if I’ll get to all of them because I have a lot of thesis work to do, and hopefully a new temp job, but I will try my best. I’m really looking forward to all of these, so keep on reading!

The Legend of Black Jack by A. R. Witham (5th October)

I absolutely loved the sound of this book when I heard about it from Dave. Fantasy is my favourite genre and this one seems like it will be both dark and whimsical, but also a great coming-of-age. Not sure really want to expect past what the blurb says, but I already liked the style of the blurb so I will hopefully also like the book!

Where David Threw Stones by Elyse Hoffman (8th October)

I love historical fiction, as you know, and especially anything to do with the war. Last year I missed Dave’s tour for Elyse Hoffman’s other book, The Book of Uriel, which also sounded incredible and I have to read at some point! So I’m glad I get a chance to read this one and I’m really intrigued by the sort of fantasy element as well. I have a feeling it will be great!

The Frost Fair (#1 The Miraculous Sweetmakers) by Natasha Hastings (10th October)

I love the look of this cover and it seems like a very wintery story, which is perfect for this time of year. I also love anything middle grade and this book just called to me. I also love that it’s historical fiction as I haven’t read many MG hist-fics yet, and I’m in that kind of mood. I think it might also be a bit dark and sad, with a fantasy/magical element and maybe an adventure. I’m looking forward to it!

The Twyford Code by Janice Hallett

Having just read The Appeal by this author with Candyce from The Book Dutchesses, we both knew we needed to read her next book. I loved The Appeal, the style the story was told in (multimedia with emails, notes, text messages, etc), and the reveal was great. I’m really looking forward to reading The Twyford Code as it sounds incredible and I just can’t wait! Hannah from Han Loves to Read is joining us for this adventure!

Cunning Women by Elizabeth Lee

If you know me, you know I’m obsessed with anything witch-orientated or inspired, so when Amy Louise from The Shelf of Unread Books mentioned doing a buddy read, I knew I had to agree. I keep reading the blurb and thinking it sounds amazing, so I can’t wait to start and see if I enjoy it. But since it is historical fiction with a dark side and possible witches, I know I’m bound to love it!

All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr

I’ve had this book on my TBR for years and I finally got my hands on a copy, which I’m so happy about! I love WWII historical fiction and I’ve heard this book is brilliant but emotional – so tissues will be at the ready. I’m buddy reading this book with Yvonne from @bookworm_yve on Instagram, and I’m really excited to start it.

The Silent Companions by Laura Purcell

Hannah from Han Loves to Read also runs a buddy read/readathon on Instagram (@tackling_that_tbr), to help readers get through their TBRs. There were 4 spooky/gothic kinds of books on the list and this one won, which I’m happy about because it sounds SO GOOD. Very much like Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier (which I did NOT like) in the style, I think, but hopefully, one I will enjoy more, ahah. I have high hopes though!

Nothing More to Tell by Karen M. McManus

I’ve buddy read 3 of McManus’s books with Stephen from Stephen Writes and when he suggested reading her latest book, I couldn’t say no! I am currently reading You’ll Be the Death of Me to be up to date with her backlist (I’m weird like that), and I’m liking it. I always have high hopes for this author and she always comes through – definitely an auto-buy author! I can’t wait to see what’s in store in this final book!

The Ex Hex (#1) by Erin Sterling

October wouldn’t be October without a cosy, witchy, fantasy romance read. I’m buddy reading this one with some friends from the TWR group. I’ve had my eye on this for a while and I think it is going to be a really quick and fun read, and a good way to break up the emotional, gothic reads that could potentially weigh my mood down a bit. I also love that this involves a curse, so we will have to see how the characters break it!

The Once and Future Witches by Alix E. Harrow

More WITCHES, because OF COURSE! And another buddy read with the girls from TWR. It will be a busy reading month for us but I love the range of books we’ve picked. I’ve wanted to read this one ever since it was released and I just can’t wait to see what it’ll be like. I started The Ten Thousand Doors of January last year with Noly from The Artsy Reader and we haven’t gotten around to finishing it yet, but I was loving the writing style. If this book has the same writing style and atmosphere, I’ll be one happy reader!!

Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

Another buddy read with Candyce from The Book Dutchesses and one I am so excited about! I’ve wanted to read books from this author ever since she made her appearance in the book world a few years ago. I also already started this book before but got sidetracked and distracted, so it’ll be nice to dive back in. It’s not a very long book, so it shouldn’t take us too long, and I remember enjoying the spooky gothic atmosphere.

The Crooked Sixpence (#1 The Uncommoners) by Jennifer Bell

For the October Middle Grade Marvels Book Club BOTM pick, we have chosen this great-sounding book. I also think the cover looks so cute and interesting. It sounds adventurous, a bit funny, andvery fast-paced. I love the premise of another world. I also like the idea of a family secret, which I liked a lot more in MG than Adult. We shall have to see what’s in store for us with this read.

Angie ! (#1) by Marie-Aude and Lorris Murail

This is one of my French library books and one that was popular with my colleagues. I’ve not read a book by this author before but she or should I say they because they are a duo in this book, are very popular! I love that it has a disabled main character and a teenager ready to figure out the mysteries, the disappearances and what the “weird virus from China” has to do with things… I mean, obviously it’s about COVID-19, but I’ll just have to wait and see if it’s too bizarre to read or not!

Chambre 213 by Ingelin Angerborn

This is a Swedish, spooky YA mystery that I have been itching to read ever since we received it at the library! It’s got the spooky summer camp setting I really enjoy, and I think it has quite a few supernatural vibes. It just sounds like my kind of thing it’s really short and I’m looking forward to reading it this month!

Cards on the Table (#14 Hercule Poirot) by Agatha Christie

This is the next book in the Hercule Poirot series I’ve been reading for over a year now. I love these books, especially when Poirot and Hastings are featured. I just find these books so cosy and I like starting them kind of blind, so I don’t know what this one is actually about, but I’m excited to read it in October – and Poirot always makes me feel better!

Alabama 1963 by Ludovic Manchette and Christian Niemiec

I just recently got this book, actually as I was leaving my job interview, ahah! I had liked the sound of this one for a while, and thought it would be a poignant read. It takes place in Alabama in 1963, as the title shows, and it is about a series of murders and disappearances of black girls, and a racist cop has to uncover the truth. I am hoping that it will be a “break down stereotypes” kind of read, but I have heard good things, so I’m looking forward to it!

BBNYA book

And the final book on my list for this month is going to be one of the three books I’ve been allocated for th third and final round of BBNYA 2022. It’s all secret so I can’t reveal my three titles but I’m so excited to read them, and hopefully finish one a month to stay on track!

Ashlee’s October TBR Tackle Challenge

And the very last thing to add to my TBR for October is to give you the list of books I’ll be using to fill the prompts thought of by Ashlee from Books are 42 for her TBR Tackle Challenge!

Orange or black on the cover: The Ex Hex by Erin Strling

Book you’re thankful for: Nothing Mor to Tell by Karen M. McManus

Spooky reads: Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

Treat yourself: Once and Future Witches by Alix E. Harrow

Cosy read: Cards on th Table (#14 Hercule Poirot) by Agatha Christie

This turned out to be a very long post because I had forgotten I had so many books on my TBR. I’m looking forward to all of them and hoping for lots of great October vibes!

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed reading this post!

See you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


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