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Hello Hello! How are you?

I’ve decided to have a new feature on my blog since I’m back at university and not posting as much. I’ve actually really missed blogging these past weeks and I thought that adding a little meme to my blogging schedule would be nice to break things up but also to check in every week, so I decided to go with WWW Wednesday! It’s a really simple post that I’ve been seeing about for months now on blogs and I thought it would be perfect for me since I’m so busy but still want to blog a fair bit!


WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam over at Taking On A World of Words.

WWW Wednesday is based on 3 questions:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?



Despite the fact that I haven’t actually had the time to properly sit down and READ lately, I have about a million books on the go, including these ones!


Legends Rise (#3 Venators) by Devri Walls

Legends Rise (Venators #3)

I am on the blog tour organised by Dave from @The_WriteReads for this book and I am about 45% in and loving it. I was supposed to post my review last week but I just didn’t have time to read, so I posted a spotlight and I’m now taking my time to read it. I can already tell I’m going to love it to bits just like the first two books in this series!


The Raven Boys (#1 The Raven Cycle) by Maggie Stiefvater

The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle, #1)

Noly and I are reading this one for the Hype-A-Thon Readathon for #AtmosphericOctober and I have to say, it definitely is atmospheric. I am enjoying it though, I love the darker vibe it has and so far the characters are intriguing. I just wish I had more time to read it because it’s the type of book I would binge in one sitting.


Dragon Pearl by Yoon Ha Lee

Dragon Pearl

This is the October BOTM for Middle Grade Marvels. However, this time around, I’m not enjoying the monthly book as much as I thought I would nor as much as the other members are. I don’t know what is bugging me, but there is just something off.


The Doll Factory by Elizabeth MacNeal

The Doll Factory

I’m also currently reading this book with some blogger friends as a buddy read. We’ve read about half so far and wow is this book creepy. It has a big theme surrounding obsession and art, the obsession side of the story is very intense and can feel a bit heavy at times, but the art side is amazing. I’m enjoying it, I’m just scared to pick it up again because I have feelings and I don’t want some people to get harmed.


Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

Mexican Gothic

I’m actually reading one or two more books, but I thought I would stop here aha! This is the second BOTM for the Hype-A-Thon Readathon. Noly and I haven’t gotten very far into this one yet, we probably need to hurry up, but this is also really atmospheric, I don’t have many thoughts yet, but I hope I’m going to enjoy it.



Odessa by Jonathan Hill


A few days ago I actually finished this graphic novel. It was an eARC I was approved for on Netgalley and although I adored some parts of this book, others were not really to my liking. I think it’s a series and I am thinking of continuing it though because the ending showed a lot of potential and I’m really intrigued. My review will be up at the start of next week.


Beastly Bones (#2 Jackaby) by William Ritter

Beastly Bones (Jackaby, #2)

Candyce and I buddy read this book over the last week or so and once again, we loved it so much! I can’t believe that this series is not talked about more! It’s got fantasy elements, historical fiction elements, paranormal elements, mystery elements, it’s quirky, it has wit, it has amazing characters and I’m well and truly hooked, I can’t wait to get to book 3! My review will be up in a few weeks!



To Sleep in a Sea of Stars by Christopher Paolini

To Sleep in a Sea of Stars

I have actually started this one already, but I’m going to go back and start it again over this weekend I think. It’s a massive book and science fiction, I’m not that used to big sci-fi books, but what I’ve read so far is very promising. I really can’t wait to snuggle on the sofa with this one over my half-term break because I think I’m going to love it.


Second Cousin Once Removed by Kenneth L. Toppell

Second Cousin Once Removed

I will soon be picking up this book as I’m part of the blog tour organised by Dave from @The_WriteReads for this book! It’s one that I’ve not heard about before at all, but the blurb sounded intriguing to me and for some reason, I have been in a mystery/thriller mood!


Clockwork Princess (#3 The Infernal Devices) by Cassandra Clare

Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices, #3)

And finally, Fiona and I are still doing our Shadowhunter Mission! We had a little break over the past few weeks because we’ve been so busy, but I’m eager to be back in this world and really looking forward to seeing how this series ends!


That’s all for now, I know there were a lot of books on this list, but I’m a read-all-you-can-at-once kind of reader aha! See you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


  1. I love WWW Wednesdays, they are such easy and fun! I can’t wait to hear what you think of Mexican gothic. Amazing post Ellie! ❤️

    1. It is and I loved doing it! I’m still undecided as of yet but I need to keep reading aha! Thank you Holly! ❤️

    1. OMG YES! Finally someone else has spoken aha! I’ve literally not heard or seen anyone speak about this but Candyce and me, so glad you like it too Jodie!

  2. Such great reads, Ellie! 😍 The Doll Factory was darker than I expected but I loved the beautiful realisation of the setting. Also can’t wait to read Mexican Gothic!

    1. Thank you Stephen, I’ve nearly finished The Doll Factory and I’m on tenterhooks, I have no idea where it’s going and I’m so worried they are all going to die, ARRRGH! I’m loving the art bits though and the wombat aha! I still haven’t continued it but I should get some more read this weekend! 🙂

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