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Hello Hello! How are you?

I’m having a bit of a bad week as I kind of worked myself to exhaustion these last weeks and now I need a big rest, so I’m spending a few days this week completely resting and reading as much as I can, because apparently, from the 25th of January, I have to go back to some face-to-face learning at university. Needless to say, I’m very angry.

Anyway, I’ve not been doing as much reading as I would like as I’m so tired and end up sleeping most of the day, but today, after my class, I am hoping to get through some books! What are you reading right now?

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam over at Taking On A World of Words.

WWW Wednesday is based on 3 questions:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

Rivers of London (#1) by Ben Aaronovitch

Rivers of London (Rivers of London, #1)

I started this book at the weekend and I’ve only gotten one chapter in because I kept falling asleep, but so far I’m liking it. This was a recommendation from Fiona from Fi’s Bibliofiles and Erika from And On She Reads and I’m glad they recommend this one to me as I think it’s going to be one I enjoy, as soon as I can read some more of it!

A Pinch of Magic (#1) by Michelle Harrison

A Pinch of Magic (A Pinch of Magic, #1)

I’m reading this book with the Middle Grade Marvels book club as the January BOTM and this is a LOT darker than the cover would first make you believe. I struggled with the first couple of chapters, but then the action started to happen and it’s getting so interesting. I think I’m going to love it and I am so lucky to have the second book already, so I can jump right in after finishing the first book!

The Binding by Bridget Collins

The Binding

I’m buddy reading this with Candyce from The Book Dutchesses, and we are just about half-way through. This was also one that I wasn’t expecting to be as dark, but the writing style is so beautiful, it has me completely immersed every time I read and I think I’m going to adore it overall. Emmett is a really interesting character, this is definitely plot-driven I would say, and I hate some of the side characters, but I’m loving seeing Emmett grow and evolve. We read three chapters of this a day and I can’t wait for tonights!  

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (Hercule Poirot, #4)

I’m reading this book as part of the TWR Gang book club. I haven’t received my copy yet, so I listened to the first half on Scribd and for someone who has only ever read 2 other audiobooks, I’m really enjoying it and not struggling to keep up, which is strange because my eyes need words to follow for nearly everything. This one is fun, we suspect everyone and we have a lot of mad theories! I might finish this one tonight or tomorrow night after my class!

Clockwork Princess (#3) by Cassandra Clare

Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices, #3)

I only just started this and it is part of the Shadowhunter Saturday mission that I’m doing with Fiona! This one gets going fast, I’ve only read the prologue and the first chapter, so I can’t say much, but it has been months since I read Clockwork Prince, and I’m not struggling to remember characters. It feels like I’ve picked this one up right after finishing the one before, so that’s good! Looking forward to more!

The Unadjusteds (#1) by Marisa Noelle

The Unadjusteds

This is the first book that I have finished in 2021 and also the first blog tour organised by Dave from @The_WriteReads! I loved it, I have to get all my thoughts in order to write my review today for my post going up tomorrow, but I really did enjoy this. I love dystopias anyway, and this one was just really good, I found the characters to be believable despite the fact you would think they wouldn’t be (you’ll know what I mean if you read the blurb) and the plot and setting were really well set up, even though I did guess one or two little twists. I bought the second one on Kindle already and I’m hoping to pick it up soon!

Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie

Murder on the Orient Express (Hercule Poirot, #10)

This weekend we are discussing our other Christie book and then we are jumping into the next one, so I thought I would start it early, or maybe I can try to hold out until my copy gets here! I already know the story of this one, but can’t really remember whodunnit, why and how, so I’m sure I’m going to have a lot of fun reading this book.

The Da Vinci Code (#2) by Dan Brown

The Da Vinci Code (Robert Langdon, #2)

I feel like starting this book next although I should probably wait until I finish some of the other ones, but I’m trying to cram in as many books as I can before I go back to university. I read the first book a few years ago but I still remember it vividly and I really enjoyed it. I’ve been told that this one is the best book of the series and I’m excited for it, so will definitely be starting it soon!

Two Can Keep a Secret by Karen M. McManus

Two Can Keep a Secret

Tonight I’m going to be starting the next buddy read with Stephen from Stephen Writes. We read the One of Us is Lying duology together a few months ago and really enjoyed it, so we knew we wanted to pick up her other book too. This one is more of a thriller I would say and closer to The Cousins by the same author, but I have an open mind and hoping to enjoy it!

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this post, tell me all about your current reads in the comments! See you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


  1. I’m sorry to hear that you have to go back to face-to-face learning. Please try to keep as safe as possible.

    I am currently reading Mask of Mirrors and anticipating The Ex Talk and We Free the Stars.

    1. Thank you, I will! It’s complicated as I have high-risk people at home and I’m fairly high-risk myself with my various conditions, but they don’t want to hear anything about our issues, so we just have to suck it up and smile basically. Oh, I’ve heard a lot a bout those! Happy reading!

    1. Yes, it is definitely on the slower side and very atmospheric, so I can completely understand that it’s not a book for everyone!

  2. I’m shocked to hear you’ll be going back to face to face learning so soon! I hope they decide to reconsider that if things are still not much improved by then!

    You have some brilliant books here. I recently finished The Binding and it was a fantastic read. Really immersive and dark and magical, I loved every second of it!

    Rivers of London and a pinch of magic are both on my tbr, not sure when I will get to them because I have more books than I can cope with but they look fabulous and I hope you enjoy them! 🙂

    1. I hope so too, the President is speaking tonight, so hopefully he will announce another lockdown, although I doubt it.

      Yes, The Binding is really special! And I hope you get to both A Pinch of Magic and Rivers of London soon, so far they are good! 🙂

      Thank you so much! :*

    1. Thank you so much Becky, I’m excited to get into Rivers of London more and I’m thoroughly enjoying The Binding! 🙂 Happy reading to you too lovely!

    1. Thank you! We have nearly finished it and it’s incredible! We don’t want it to end! :'(

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