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Once again, I am writing and publishing this post late in the day because life is getting ahead of me, but better late than never!

We spent the weekend at my husband’s parent’s house and didn’t get much reading done, but even at home I’m still not fully in the reading vibe again, even though the books I’ve been reading and finishing have been really good.

Keep on reading to find out what books I’m currently reading, what I recently finished and which ones are next on my list!

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam over at Taking On A World of Words. WWW Wednesday is based on 3 questions:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

99% Mine by Sally Thorne

I’ve literally just started this one today and I have only read one chapter so I don’t have many thoughts at this time. I do really like the vibe I’m getting from the blurb though and I think it’s going to help me get back into reading. I’m not much of a romance reader but I’ve been trying to get into the genre more because it always makes me feel better and these books are always effortless for me to read, even when I’m really tired or not feeling great. I have high hopes for this one and might finish it sometime this week!


Le Coeur en Braille by Joris Chamblain and Anne-Lise Nalin

This is a really cute and sensitive YA graphic novel about a young girl who is progressively going blind because of a genetic degenerative condition, and her growing relationship with a young boy in her new school. I really loved this story. The art style was gorgeous and went really well with the story. I loved seeing these two characters get to know each other. Victor is struggling with his mother having separated with his father and disappeared, and he is really struggling at school. Marie-José is the clever girl at school and tries to help Victor get better grades and convinces him to help her “pretend” she isn’t going blind, since she dearly wants to get into music school but knows her parent’s won’t let her if they know about the extent to which her disease has progressed. This was a beautiful story about first love and resilience in the face of disability. I gave it 5 stars.

Les facétieuses by Clémentine Beauvais

This is another French book and this time a YA fantasy and I was absolutely hooked from the very first page. It is kind of a subversive take on fairy godmothers and the author’s journey to figuring out who Prince Louis XVII’s fairy godmother was and why she let him die during the French Revolution. This book felt so real and I actually thought that real fairy godmother’s were a thing — it’s written that well! I liked the writing style, the humour, the voice, the characters, the conversations, the historical elements and I had a great time reading it. I gave it 4.5 stars and will write a review of it soon. 

Radium Girls by Cy

This is a French graphic novel about the women who were poisoned by Radium in the 1920s and 1930s in America when working in watch factories. This was a really informative story and I hadn’t realised the extent to which these people suffered from their jobs and how dangerous radium paint was. It was really well written and the art style was stunning. I loved that there were only a few colours, and I thought the bright green and the purple went really well together. This was a beautiful and sad story, and I gave it 5 stars

Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran by Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt

I picked this one up from my library because one of my colleagues recommended it to me and I was really surprised. It’s not really a story that follows a plot, but it’s what I like to call French literary fiction because it’s kind of a mish-mash of literary writing and some characters and some kind of story. In this case, it’s about a Jewish teenager living in Paris, the Arab shop owner in the street and the boy’s relationship with his very distant father, his mother who abandoned them when he was a baby and his place in the world. It’s only 84 pages, but I was hooked throughout and thought it was written beautifully. I really enjoyed it and gave it 4 stars. I’m definitely going to read more of this author’s work! 

Nine Liars (#5 Truly Devious) by Maureen Johnson

And the final book I finished this week is the last instalment in the Truly Devious series which I buddy read with Candyce from The Book Dutchesses. I ended up really enjoying this book as well, but I was not very happy about the final chapter which went somewhere between Stevie and David that I really did not like or even find useful in any way, shape or form. I don’t want to say anymore for spoiler sake, but I’ll comment on this in my review when I get a chance to write it. Otherwise, it was a great book, I loved seeing the gang again and Stevie is a great character! The reveal was really well done and it was just overall a really wholesome and enjoyable YA mystery. 

Forager: Field Notes for Surviving a Family Cult by Michelle Dowd and Grim, fils du marais by Gaël Aymon  

I won’t go into detail about these two books much because I think I mentioned them in a previous post, but these are the books I’ll be picking up next and I’m looking forward to both of them! Maybe this time next week I’ll have more to say about them! 

Challenges Update 

And here are all the prompts I was able to complete for my challenges so far this month. I have managed to complete another 4 prompts in the last two weeks, which I’m really happy about.

  • Popsugar Reading Challenge, prompt 23: A book with a map — Nine Liars (#5 Truly Devious) by Maureen Johnson
  • Popsugar Reading Challenge, prompt 48: A book that features two languages — Les facétieuses by Clementine Beauvais
  • Disney Reading Challenge, SNOW WHITE: A book with a number in the title or a number in a series — Nine Liars (#5 Truly Devious) by Maureen Johnson
  • Disney Reading Challenge, ALADDIN: A book with a blue spine — Les facétieuses by Clementine Beauvais

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed reading this post. 

See you soon, stay safe, 

Ellie xx 

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