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Hello Hello! How are you?

This week is going by so fast, and it’s also very busy, I want it to slow down so I have more time to read, but also speed up so I can rest this weekend, ahaha.

I’ve been getting back into my usual reading habits in the last couple of weeks and have managed to finish a few books lately, so keep on reading to find out what has been on my bookish radar in the past week!

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam over at Taking On A World of Words.

WWW Wednesday is based on 3 questions:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

City of Heavenly Fire (#6 The Mortal Instruments) by Cassandra Clare

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I have only read one extra chapter of this book since the last time I updated you, but so far so good. Things got off on the action-front straight away, which is something I’ve come to really prefer to this series. I’m only about 60-70 pages in and I don’t think I’ll manage any more in July, but in August, we ARE going to read it!

The Silmarillion by J. R. R. Tolkien

I’ve not read much more in this book either because it is complicated and slow going. The audiobook actually really helped me read a few more chapters because I was really struggling to get into the physical version. I think I am only at chapter 7 but it is better than nothing and I’m going to go slow and try to enjoy my time. The only problem is that the narrator’s voice is so calming, it makes me fall asleep, ahaha.

The Shining by Stephen King

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Again, totally failing with the Stephen King books this month as well. I have only read a handful more chapters, and we haven’t even gotten to the hotel properly yet. I’m going to try my best to catch up on those I’m late on in August because I’m getting behind and I want to be able to read it and chat with people about it. I am enjoying it, it’s not like I remember, but it is an adventure in any case!

The Girl Who Speaks Bear by Sophie Anderson

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I am absolutely loving reading this book in July. It is a very whimsical, magical, dark and interesting read, which has been completely captivating me. My favourite parts about this book are all the stories that appear every few chapters, they are just wonderful, and I’m sad the story will come to an end this week.

L’alliance des trois (#1 Autre Monde) by Maxime Chattam

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I’ve only read about 50 pages so I am nowhere near far enough in to actually have much of an impression, and I have to say I have no idea what is going on, but in any case, this book has me very intrigued. I know I like this author, so its just a case of me getting into the book, and I’m sure I will end up enjoying it.

Kings and Daemons (#1 The Gifted and the Cursed) by Marcus Lee

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I am reading this book for a blog tour and my spot was actually on Sunday… but I haven’t finished it yet. I’m about 20% in and I am enjoying it, but it’s not got me 100% hooked like a lot of fantasies usually do. I am going to persevere with it and aim to get my review up before the end of the tour, but it’s probably going to be a bit slow because I’m tired lol.

The Princess Bride by William Goldman

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I’m so behind on this buddy read, but I need to spend this weekend catching up. I think I have only read 20 pages from where I stopped last time I updated about this book, so I can’t add any details apart from I’ve stopped reading the author asides and parentheses because they were getting on my nerves, but I am still finding it very funny and nostalgic when it’s not being problematic!

Collision (#2 Titanic) by Gordon Korman

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As I am writing this on Tuesday night, I am halfway through the second book in the Titanic series I got from the library, and I’m having a lot of fun reading it. I might be done with it by the time this post goes up because it’s very fast, fun and interesting. I love anything with history, and I’m fascinated by anything like the Titanic. I also love the mystery woven into it, it’s a great little middle-grade series!

Ready Player One (#1 Ready Player One) by Ernest Cline

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I am kind of a little bit obsessed with this book and when I have gotten the chance to read it, I’ve been having a blast. I love how this one just grabs me and doesn’t let me go until my alarm rings to tell me to get to work again ahah. I am loving all the 80s references and it is really fast-paced, I’m hoping to get another chunk of it read this week!

Bloody Spade (#1 The Cardplay Duology) by Brittany M. Willows

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This has got to be one of the most enjoyable fantasies I have read this year and I’m so glad I got the opportunity to read it. I loved so much about this story, in particular the magic, the world-building, the characters, I was totally rooting for them all and I flew through it. I can’t wait to read the sequel, but in the meantime, you can read my 4.5 star review of it here.

Dix by Marine Carteron

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This is another book I got from the library, and I’m so glad I noticed it and read the blurb because it was great – and really fast too! This is a retelling of And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie (which I haven’t read yet), but I loved the retelling immensely. I never saw that reveal coming at the end, it was really well executed and I’ll definitely be reading more books by this author. I’m super late in reviewing books I’ve already read and don’t know what to rate it yet, so you’ll have to bear with me to find out haha.

Hydra (#2 Six Stories) by Matt Wesolowski

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The second book in the Six Stories series was so GOOD! This one definitely got a lot darker than the first book, and it was truly riveting. It had a lot of horror vibes and I was on tenterhooks the whole time I was reading it. I also NEVER excepting that ending, and I am now really obsessed with this series. I think I will give it 4-4.5 stars, but you will have to wait for my July wrap-up post to find out for sure!

Night Witch (#2 ROL graphic novel series) and Black Mould (#3) by Ben Aaronovitch

These last two Fridays have been Folly Friday again, but this time we read the two next graphic novels in the Rivers of London graphic novel series. I wasn’t that much of a fan of Night Witch because it felt a little clunky and just didn’t go in the direction I was expecting, but Black Mould was so good, and I have really been enjoying reading these graphic novels!

Le Ghetto (#1 Irena) and Les Justes (#2) by Jean-David Morvan

Since my internship at my local library started, I’ve been trying to get into more comics/graphic novels, and one of these is the Irena series. This is based on the true story of Irena Sendler, a woman who helped save hundreds, if not thousands of Jewish children in WWII. I love anything historical, so I really enjoyed the first two issues, and I need to go borrow the other 3 so I can continue this series!

Les clefs du temps (#1 Ulysse Moore) by Pierdomenico Baccalario

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Another library book and these are all in French by the way – I don’t know what has gotten into me ahah. This was not as good as some other middle-grade books I’ve read, but it was very fun, very magical/mysterious and I definitely want to at least read the second book before I decide whether I read the whole series or just stop at book 1 or 2. It was enjoyable, but I felt like it only really got going at the end, so I’ll have to see what the second instalment is like!

Black Coffee (#7 Hercule Poirot) by Agatha Christie – Novelisation by Charles Osborne

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The next book in the Hercule Poirot series is actually one novelised by Charles Osborne because it is based on the play written by Christie. I had to listen to this one on audio because I bought the wrong book, and I wasn’t that big a fan of the narrator, compared to Hugh Fraser who reads the other Poirot books, but I did like the mystery and seeing it all unfold. I never guessed who the culprit was, so it was a quick and fun mystery.

Wicked Little Deeds by Kat Ellis

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In the next couple of days, I want to read this book because the blog tour is fast approaching, and I don’t want to have to rush reading it. I didn’t love Harrow Lake, by the same author, so I’m a little bit sceptical, but the blurb sounded much better, so I’m going in with a somewhat open mind. I’m looking forward to reading this book!

The Furthest Station (#5.5 Rivers of London) by Ben Aaronovitch

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And the final book in this massive post is the next Rivers of London book that I’ll be reading half of on Friday. This is the first novella we have read in this series, and it’s quite a small book. I don’t know what it’s about as I don’t read the blurb once I continue a series, but I know I will love it because it’s ROL, so there ahaha. I can’t wait to pick this up on Friday after work!

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this post, see you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


  1. You are reading so many books right now Ellie! You’re like a superhero, haha!
    I hope you enjoy Wicked Little Deeds. I just finished it, and loved it!

    1. Ahaha, I have got so many on the go, it’s crazy!!! I loved Wicked Little Deeds, was so spooky and proper me kind of book!

  2. Oh wow, Ulysses Moore! I never thought I would see someone else read those~ I read up til 5 in Dutch, but after that stopped as there were no more books translated… kinda curious to see if they are translated now!

    1. I had never heard of them until I saw the first one in my library in French! They might be translated now, I think we have the whole series in French and it’s been a while since they were written, so I hope you find them!! Or maybe it’s translated fully into English 🤔

      1. I love surprise finds at libraries~ I could find that they are now up to eleven (out of 18) in Dutch, no clue if they are translating them still though.. given 11 came out in 2014.. 😐 No clue how far the English is, but I am not sure if I want to buy them, and libraries here prioritise Dutch books over English. So crossing fingers the rest gets translated somehow.

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