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Another very busy week for me and next week will be worse, but I’m pushing through, not too long to go now until I get a mini Christmas break before I have to get studying again! How has your week been?

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam over at Taking On A World of Words.

WWW Wednesday is based on 3 questions:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

BBNYA book 2

I can’t say much about this one but I have nearly finished it, and I’m really, really enjoying it. I can’t wait to finish this one, finish the last one, send in my scores and wait for the winner, it’s going to be so close I think, I’m so excited to see who wins! And I also can’t wait to tell you all about the books I read for the competition!

One of Us is Next (#2) by Karen M. McManus

One of Us Is Next (One of Us Is Lying, #2)

I’m currently reading this book with Stephen from Stephen Writes. This is the second buddy read we’ve done. So far, I am loving this book, I think it has very strong Pretty Little Liars vibes. We are about 150 pages in and a lot has already happened! Excited to read more of this one tonight!!


Winterling (#1) by Sarah Prineas

Winterling (Winterling, #1)

I started this with Noly from The Artsy Reader over the weekend, it is one of our Middle Grade Marvels book club December BOTMs. This one is a lot darker than some previous books we have read, but so far I’m loving it. I already love the main character and the world seems very interesting. We haven’t learned that much yet, but it’s a tiny book (it is a series), so I hope we will get more info soon! Looking forward to reading more!

Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky (#1) by Kwame Mbalia

Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky (Tristan Strong #1)

I think I also started this one on the weekend. It’s the other MGM BOTM for December and I’ve only gotten about 50 pages in so far (I really need to read more soon), but I like it. It is very unique, but I can already tell it’s going to be a lot of fun!!


The Devil and the Dark Water by Stuart Turton

The Devil and the Dark Water

Well, this book is fascinating, dark, creepy, mysterious, wow. I already love it. I’m reading this book with a group of bloggers from The Write Reads Gang. We discussed the first section on Sunday evening and I think we are all enjoying it so far. It’s very different to my usual books, but I want to read more like this one because I adore historical fiction and this year I have read a few with supernatural/paranormal underpinnings that I have adored! Can’t wait to dive into this book again!!

Amari and the Night Brothers (#1) by B.B. Alston

Amari and the Night Brothers

This book was really amazing. I finished it on Monday and I just flew through it. I even had a little happy cry because it was so marvellous, and lovely, and just so GOOD. I highly recommend this book, I’ll be gushing about it forevermore and I can’t wait for the sequel. You can find my review for the Ultimate Blog Tour organised by @The_WriteReads here!

The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton

The 7½ Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle

I also finished this on Monday. I buddy read it with Candyce from The Book Dutchesses and neither of us guessed what was coming, so that ending had us sooooooo surprised. It’s probably not my favourite book of the year because it was a bit long and so much happened, but I adored it and I’m sure I’ll love it even more if I decide to reread it at any point. I think we have chosen some fabulous books so far and I really hope it keeps going!

BBNYA Book 3

I’ve nearly finished the second book on my list and I’ll probably be able to start this one tonight actually! This was my favourite book from the last round, so I can’t wait to read more of it and see what this book is about. I have high hopes!

Clockwork Princess (#3) by Cassandra Clare

Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices, #3)

Fiona from Fi’s Bibliofiles and I have to dive into this book soon because our Shadowhunter Saturday post is fast approaching. I’m hoping to start it in the next day or so and I’m looking forward to it, from what I remember of books 1 and 2, I loved this world, the setting, the time period and there were so many twists and turns, I think there is a lot to be explored and explained in the finale!

A few other special books!

I’m in the middle of preparing a little feature post on my blog for the start of next week! I was lucky enough to be sent eARC copies of a few books from @MyBookishLife, so thank you so, so much! I’m not going to have time to finish them all in time for my post because I’ve got so much to do, but I’m looking forward to starting them and hopefully finishing them soon!

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this post, see you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


  1. I am loving the Middle Grade Marvels books even though I didn’t get all the pages for week one read yet for Tristan Strong. Winterling is great so far too. I am absolutely adoring The Devil in the Dark Water and I love reading it with you all because you explain all the historical context and I love history of any kind.

    1. Yes! I love them too and I haven’t either ahaha, don’t worry! I adore history too so The Devil and the Dark Water was a perfect pick for me!

  2. You’re current reads are amazing, Ellie!! I’m glad you enjoyed Evelyn Hardcastle, that’s definitely a favourite of mine. Looking forward to hearing your final thoughts on The Devil and the Dark Water!

    1. Thank you!! It was so good, really kept us on our toes! I’ve not gotten too far into it yet but so far loving it!

  3. I want to read the 7 deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle! Nice post! I hope you get your mini break soon!

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