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Hello Hello! How are you?

2021 has been rushing by so fast and we are nearly into the 4th month of the year – it’s crazy! My year has been very busy so far, university has been hectic, but I don’t have that much longer to go for the first year of my Master’s degree, I just have to find the time to write the first part of my thesis *somehow* aha!

I’m really excited to talk to you about my April TBR, I’ve tried to keep it fairly reasonable because I need to do a bunch of thesis reading, and I have a few assignments to get through! Anyway, my March reading has not been too bad. It could have been better, but I’ve been really busy. I’m still currently reading some books from my March TBR as I write this, so I’ll have my wrap-up posted in a few days!

On to the April TBR!

City of Lost Souls (#5 The Mortal Instruments) by Cassandra Clare

Book Cover

The next book Fiona, Erika and I are picking up is the 5th book in The Mortal Instruments series and the 9th book that we’ll be getting to in our Shadowhunter mission. After the ending of City of Fallen Angels, my mind has been a little bit numb because I never expected that at all and have no idea where the next book will go. I did enjoy the previous book, but not as much as I was expecting, so I hope that book 5 will make up for it.

Among the Beasts and Briars by Ashley Poston

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This is the book that the TWR Gang book club has picked for April and I’m really looking forward to it. I love reading YA so I was really glad that this was one of the choices. This is a standalone fantasy that sounds very unique and very good. It has magic, cute animals and the main character has to go on the run to save herself and her kingdom. I think it’s going to be a great read and the cover is stunning.

Whispers Under Ground (#3 Rivers of London) by Ben Aaronovitch

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Having finished Moon Over Soho only 2 days ago, I am still in that “OMG SO GOOD” feeling when you finish a really good book. I have been loving this series so far, and Moon Over Soho was definitely my favourite of the first two. I really liked the ending of book 2 and I know that so many more amazing adventures will take place in the sequel. I honestly just cannot wait to dive in and I might just pick it up on the first day of April because I need more Rivers of London goodness!

Poirot Investigates (#3) by Agatha Christie

Jenny from JenJen Reviews, our buddies from the TWR Gang and I are still either in the middle of reading Poirot Investigates, the 3rd Hercule Poirot book or we haven’t finished it yet, so we are going to keep on making our way through it in April. We decided to just give ourselves the time and since it’s a really chill buddy read, there is no pressure or stress to read fast. I’m already halfway through and loving these short stories, so I am excited to continue it and see what everyone else thinks.

Piranesi by Susanna Clarke

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The second book I’m reading as part of the Women’s Prize Longlist buddy read is the only fantasy that was on the list and one I have seen about all over the book community lately. Goodreads doesn’t say it’s specifically a book based on mythology, but it very much sounds like it is, and in any case, the blurb was enough to win me over. I have no idea what to expect from this one, but I am already getting Circe vibes, so I’m optimistic.

The Lore of Prometheus by Graham Austin-King

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The last #BBNYA2020 blog tour is for the winner of BBNYA, The Lore of Prometheus, and Dave from @The_WriteReads has organised an #UltimateBlogTour which is sure to be great. I didn’t get the opportunity to read this book during the competition and its one that I was really looking forward to as it’s epic fantasy and sounds amazing. I think this is the book I’m the most looking forward to from my April list, and my spot is on the 8th of April.

Kate in Waiting by Becky Albertalli

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The next #UltimateBlogTour organised by Dave is for another YA contemporary, which as you know is not a genre that I usually read, but I can never say no to Dave’s tours. I haven’t read a book by this author yet but I know she is well-loved and I feel like it will be a quick, fun and enjoyable read to break up the heavier mysteries and fantasies I’ll be reading.

Shadow Service Volume 1 by Cavan Scott

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I was lucky enough to receive an email about this graphic novel from Jamie-Lee Nardone and since this is a genre I have wanted to discover more lately, I jumped on the chance, especially when I read the blurb. I don’t remember exactly what this one is about since I apparently block blurbs from my mind once they appeal to me, but I know it has witches, so I’m looking forward to my next foray into graphic novels.

The Dark Lord Clementine by Sarah Jean Horwitz

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I’m also going to be participating in a blog tour organised by Algonquin Young Readers in April and as soon as I read the email about this book, I knew I needed to read it. It is a middle grade fantasy in which a little girl needs to become the next Evil Dark Overlord and isn’t really feeling up to it. The cover is beautiful and this one just really appealed to me. Bring on the baddies, mouhahaha.

Things to Do Before the End of the World by Emily Barr

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The last #UltimateBlogTour I’ll be taking part in next month is for again another YA, but I think this is a thriller. This might not be the best book for some since it’s kind of pre-apocalyptic and the characters have to decide what they want to cram into the last 6 months of their lives, but, I think it will be powerful and enjoyable. I also really like the cover and I’ve never read from this author before, so I think it will be interesting.

Judgement Day (#2 Seekers) by Josie Jaffrey

And the last ARC I have on this TBR list is another Josie Jaffrey book yay! As you know, I love Josie Jaffrey and she has turned into one of my favourite indie authors, so when I saw the email about the second book in the Seekers series, I had to jump on it. I read May Day last year and I loved it, it was amazing and that’s the book that made me fall in love with Josie’s writing, characters and worlds. I can’t wait to dive back to Oxford, to see Jack and the team again and to see what will happen next.

Again, Noly and I are not going to be picking another book from our Hype-A-Thon Readathon backlist since we have not yet finished The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow, again. We will just have to see how our other reading goes, if we have time and feel in the mood to pick something up, but so far, we are taking it easy!

The Gallery of Wonders (#1 Magora) by Marc Remus

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The final book on this list is the one we will be reading for the Middle Grade Marvels book club in April. Holly was actually the one who told us about this book and we thought it sounded awesome. I think this is about children who somehow travel into paintings and discover those worlds, so it’s supposedly got a lot of magic and adventure. Again, I can’t remember the blurb much, but what I do remember has me excited to actually pick it up and see what it’s about.

Once again, I am choosing to not do a TBR Game for April since I still have a lot of books to get through and want to leave myself time for thesis reading, but hopefully, I will be back to doing my TBR Game in June!

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Tell me in the comments what you’ll be reading for April! See you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


  1. I’ve seen Piranesi all over my feeds so I’m excited to hear your thoughts about it!
    I absolutely suck at sticking to TBRs and life is quite busy right now, so there’s a lot of books I didn’t get to in March that I’m just gonna carry over into April 😂 I also have a feeling that April is going to be a re-read month for me, I’m just craving some familiarity.

    1. I just received Piranesi in the post today and it is stunning 😱 I can’t wait to start it! I’ve done that so many times as well, life is so hectic!! Oh lovely, what books are you thinking of rereading? 😊

  2. So many good books to choose from here! I am so jealous of your beautiful copy of Piranesi! I hope you enjoy it 🙂

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