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It’s that time of the month today, I’m so excited to put up my August TBR! You may have seen yesterday that I published my Trope-ical Readathon TBR, I can’t wait for August to get started so I can read all these amazing books. So you are probably wondering why I’m putting up yet another monthly TBR today? Well, you know me, over-ambitious as always and I have a few more books on my August TBR that I wanted to mention. I will also put a little reminder at the bottom with my Trope-ical TBR!

My July TBR wasn’t that long, but this one is, I think I have over 20 books, so I am going to have to snap my reading cap on and do some serious reading!! Keep reading for my full August TBR!

On to the August TBR!

Buddy Read

Clockwork Angel (#1) and Clockwork Prince (#2) by Cassandra Clare

The Shadowhunter collection reading mission that I am doing with Fiona from Fi’s Bibliofiles is still going strong and things got really crazy in City of Glass, I just totally binged it and enjoyed it much more than the first two books in the series, so I’m really looking forward to starting this second series in the Shadowhunter universe. If you saw our announcement posts about our reading mission, you will know that we are reading these books following the reading order that Cassandra Clare suggested herself. Both our Shadowhunter Saturday posts will be up on this Saturday and I’m very excited about them!

Author Requests, Blog Tours and NetGalley Books

I’ve managed to use two of these books to fill prompts for the Trope-ical Readathon, but I thought I would mention them here a little bit more in detail as well.

The Beast and the Bethany by Jack Meggitt-Phillips

The Beast and the Bethany

I’m going to be reading this amazing sounding middle grade fantasy novel for the blog tour organised by Dave from @The_WriteReads and I can’t tell you how excited I am to get started with it. I was totally drawn in when I saw that this book was blurbed as a mix between Lemony Snicket and Roald Dahl as I love both of these authors, especially their dark humour and sarcasm, so I’m very excited to read this book and see what happens. It also sounds like a Beauty and the Beast retelling with dark spooky vibes, and I’m all for that, especially in middle grade fiction.

More Than Marmalade: Michael Bond and the Story of Paddington Bear by Rosanna Tolin

More than Marmalade: Michael Bond and the Story of Paddington Bear

Rosanne reached out to me a few months ago just before I closed my review requests, and I was actually so excited to see her email in my inbox. I love Paddington Bear nearly as much as I love Eeyore (well probably not that much), and I have seen all the films, TV shows and read as many books as I can about this little bear. When I read the blurb on Goodreads though, I knew I needed to read this book, it sounds so special and I think it will bring me a lot of insight into how Paddington came about. This is one of the books I will be using in the Trope-ical Readathon.

Shadow City by Anna Mocikat

Shadow City

I read Behind Blue Eyes by the same author a few months ago and totally devoured it. I don’t usually read that much science fiction as I’m definitely more in the fantasy camp, but it sounded amazing, so I took part in the blog tour for it and loved it. The author reached out to me and asked me if I wanted to read her other book, so I was more than happy to say yes. I’m really loving apocalyptic, dystopian settings at the moment, I have quite high expectations as the blurb just sounds like something I will really enjoy. I am also going to be using this book to fill one of the prompts for the Trope-ical Readathon.

Body Talk: 37 Voices Explore Our Radical Anatomy by Kelly Jensen

Body Talk: 37 Voices Explore Our Radical Anatomy

I am going to be participating in the Algonquin Young Readers blog tour for this book, and as soon as I got this email, I signed up because it sounded right up my alley. I have wanted to read more anthologies for a long time, and when I read the blurb and realised it was about bodies, the feelings we have towards our bodies and ourselves, living with illnesses, it sounded like a very important book to read. I have always struggled with my body image and confidence, worse since my endometriosis and fibromyalgia diagnoses and my lifelong struggle with allergies, eczema and psoriasis, so I think this will be an amazing book for me and for many others.

A Flood of Posies by Tiffany Meuret

A Flood of Posies

I went on a bit of a requesting spree on Netgalley a while ago (as you do) and I was so happy to see that I had been approved for this book, and The Book of Sam. I loved the sound of this book and the cover is just so beautiful, I’m very intrigued about it, it seems to not be getting very good ratings on Goodreads, but I’m still hoping that it’s going to be a really interesting, good book, so I’m optimistic.

The Book of Sam by Rob Shapiro

The Book of Sam

This is the other book that I was approved for on Netgalley, and again, the cover and the blurb just made me click that button. I haven’t read any books set in Hell yet, but it sounded like a really different read. I’m a big fantasy fan and will read anything fantasy, but this one really made me want to pick it up. I’m intrigued.

To Sleep in a Sea of Stars by Christopher Paolini

To Sleep in a Sea of Stars

I have to admit that I’m not quite sure how this happened, but I seem to have landed myself on a publicist list somehow, and I had the surprise of my life when the email with the Netgalley link to Christopher Paolini’s new book appeared in my inbox. I am so freaking excited for this, I haven’t read any Paolini books as of yet, but it sounded so great, and I’ve already heard some really great stuff about this from a few people that got to read a short extract. I don’t usually read space operas or science fiction set in space, but I just knew I had to read this one, and I’m very excited to read it and get my review up for it for it’s release at the start of September.

Hype-A-Thon Readathon and Middle Grade Marvels

A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab, The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien, Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson and Journey to the Centre of the Earth by Jules Verne

Yes, we are still reading these books and no we will not give up on them aha! Well, Noly and I have both started A Darker Shade of Magic and The Hobbit. We’ve actually nearly finished The Hobbit, so I’m crossing my fingers and my toes that we will get at least a few of these Hype-A-Thon Readathon books read in August. The theme for August is #AnythingAugust and you can read any hyped book that you would like, head over to our Twitter to find out more and tell you what you will be reading!

Small Spaces (#1) by Katherine Arden

Small Spaces (Small Spaces, #1)

I am so excited to be reading this book with the Middle Grade Marvels book club for August! I am loving all the Middle Grade books we have been reading since we started in May, and this one is giving me such spooky, amazing vibes, I am just too excited. I’m sure it’s going to be amazing and will start a new middle grade series love for me. If you don’t know what Middle Grade Marvels is, head over to my announcement post to find out more, and if you want to join us in August to chat about Small Spaces, you can find all the relevant information in the pinned tweet @GradeMarvels.

Trope-ical Readathon TBR

And yes, there are still books I have to read for my August TBR, if you haven’t read my specific post on this TBR, head over to it here. I have added the pictures of each book I will be tackling for this readathon, so please wish me luck!

Well, before I sat down to write this TBR, I was pretty sure I didn’t have that many more books aside from the Trope-ical Readathon TBR, but it would appear I was wrong aha! I am going to try my best to get them all read because it seems like an amazing list, and I’m very excited for my last month of crazy reading before going back to university in September.

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this post. Tell me down in the comments what you will be reading in August. See you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


  1. Really ambitious tbr! I’m doing the tropical readathon also as well as the NEWTs and possibly tome topple😬. I think this is probably going to be my biggest tbr ever😂. I hope you like a darker shade of magic, it’s one of my favourites. Amazing post as always my darling! 💘❤️

    1. Hehehe, you know me, Ambitious-Ellie ahah! Ohohhhhh, I’m wishing you the best of luck and I’m sure you’ll make a lot of progress and read some great books! Eeeeek, need to finish it then, thank you my love ❤️❤️

    1. I am so excited for these books, and I’m sure we will have many more reaction gifs. I’m also super excited for Rivers of London, eeeek, thank you!

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