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Hello Hello? I hope you are all well considering these strange times.

I’m here with something a bit different today: a little announcement of the BBNYA contest taking place this year and a little more information about it. I know you are all just as curious as I was when I first heard about it, don’t try to hide it!

You may have heard about the BBNYA a few times already. It is the Book Bloggers’ Novel of the Year Awards. This is a new contest starting this year, specifically aimed at indie authors or self-published authors. We announced this a few months ago on Twitter, but since, a LOT of things have been happening backstage! I’m so happy to actually be a part of this project, I’m one of the panellists and I couldn’t be happier.

This is going to be a year-long project where over 100 bloggers are going to be reading indie authors’ and self-published authors’ books and voting for their favourite, which will be revealed at the end of the year.

The author entries opened this weekend and I’m happy to say that things are off to a good start! If you are interested in learning more about the Official Reveal, you can find it here on Esmée’s blog, or you can head over to the Official Twitter, or the Official Instagram where you’ll soon be seeing some incredible blogger photos of their book nooks, favourite bookshelves, book stacks, and much, much more!

I’m so honoured to be part of the team and I’d like to give a massive shoutout to Dave from The Write Reads, he is an incredible person, and so are each and every blogger part of our panel, their kindness, spirit and motivation is just mind-boggling. I’m very optimistic that 2020 is going to be a FANTASTIC bookish and blogging year! I’m also very glad that BBNYA is in association with The Folio Society because they are top-notch too!

You can find out everything you need to know about entering and the prizes available here. You’re also bound to see a bunch of bloggers tweeting about this over the next months and please, if you do, retweet anything and everything with the #BBNYA so we can spread the word as much as possible. I’m sure you’ll have noticed, but you’ll be able to tell which bloggers are part of the panel thanks to Jenn’s AMAZING logos, they are so pretty and I love having mine on my blog! You can find her post where she talks about them and BBNYA a bit more here. Also, did you see the awesome job Noly did on the banner? It really makes me happy to see all the BBNYA panellists with their banners and logos 🙂

I think that’s about it, I really hope that any author who comes across this post will think about signing up, it really is a wonderful opportunity and the prizes are super cool! The entries are open until the 10th of May.

That’s all for now,

Ellie xx


    1. It is!! Round 2 semi-finalists have just been chosen and I’m so excited to read the next parts! 🙂

    1. Thank you, and I’m sure we will, I’m really looking forward to the semi-finalists books! 🙂

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