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Hello Hello! How are you all?

I was running around like a headless chicken running errands and grocery shopping yesterday, so I decided to go easy on myself and post a tag for today. I’m still going through all the posts I was tagged in during lockdown, but the good thing is, I’ve nearly done them all!

Today’s tag is the Behind the Blogger Tag that I was tagged in my Kat from KB Book Reviews, thank you so much for tagging me! If you don’t know Kat or don’t follow her blog, you absolutely have to, I love it and she is such a sweet person! This tag was created by Ellyn from allonsythornraxx. Now, on to the questions!


  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Answer all the questions down below.
  • Pingback to the creator.
  • Nominate 5+ bloggers you’d like to know more about, to do this tag.


Why did you start blogging? & Why have you kept blogging?

Quite honestly, I started blogging because reviewing books on Instagram just didn’t give me enough space to express my feelings about them, and I wanted to do more with my love and passion for books, I wanted to be in more of a community and have some more creative freedom. I’ve kept blogging because I love it, it takes a lot of work, time and effort, but I love it and I’ve met such wonderful people through my blog.

What is your favourite type of blog post to write?

I think I really enjoy writing my Down the TBR Hole posts, I also really enjoy doing my Bullet Journaling posts too!

What are your top three favourite blog posts you wrote?

Oh, this is hard but I think I will have to go with my latest Bullet Journaling post, my review of The Beast and the Bethany by Jack Meggitt-Phillips because it was such a great book, and I really enjoyed writing my post about my new rating system!

What are some of your favourite things to do to relax?

I honestly don’t think I know what relax means because I’m always doing something, I think I only relax when I’m asleep and even then my brain is whirring with ideas. But I suppose I really like watching movies and series (I don’t really watch that many movies, I only watch them with my fiancé), I love a good Netflix or Disney+ binge session but I try to not do that too much otherwise I’ll be hooked. I suppose that reading is a way to relax for me as well, so yeah, that’s about it aha.

What are three of your favourite things?

This is a no brainer, my three favourite things are books, food and being with my family and friends. I also really like pyjamas and blankets so I’ll make it count as well!!!

What are your proudest blogging moments?

Ohhhh, I love when I just see that my blog has had 1 more view, but I think my proudest moments were when Dave from @The_WriteReads featured me as a blog or review of the day. I’m also really proud of my little blog when someone tells me they bought or read a book because of my review and recommendation.

What are your hobbies outside of blogging?

I don’t have time for hobbies outside of blogging and simply existing right now, but I really love photography and I must make time to do more of it, I love bullet journaling and anything creative that I can do (even though I’m not artistic in the slightest), I like cooking, and watching shows! Does sleeping count as a hobby?

Describe your personality in three words.

I think I might need more than three words and I always struggle with this one because I have the habit of degrading myself quite a bit, but off the top of my head I will say: organised, kind and chatty (very chatty).

What are your top three pet peeves?

I’m going to make myself look really crazy right now, but when something isn’t in the place that I put it, something isn’t folded the way I like or something isn’t straight on my desk, etc, it drives me absolutely crazy and I could either rip the house apart or start crying if I’m having a bad day when I notice it. I hate taking too long baths or having my hands in water for too long because they go wrinkly and I just despise that feeling so much – this is another instance of me bursting into tears when I’m having a bad day (please don’t judge me). And finally, people wasting food, it just makes me see red and I go on a really big rant if I see someone I know do it.

What’s something your followers don’t know about you?

I chat so much that you probably already know a lot about me and I probably don’t portray myself as a great person with all my craziness. My dream job is to open a bookshop and/or indie publishing company. And I’d also love to start a clothing line for people who are disabled, have illnesses that make finding comfortable clothing a nightmare, plus size people who can’t find proper fitting clothes that look good, basically, for anyone who has struggled to find comfy clothes that also look elegant, stylish and that suits their needs and fashion tastes – been there, done that, but I sadly haven’t got the t-shirt, so instead I’m going to make it. My lovely friend Erika from And On She Reads put this idea in my head, so she gets all the credit if I actually pull it off!


The Artsy Reader

And On She Reads

Holly Loves Books

Fi’s Bibliofiles

Stephen Writes

Mae Polzine

Shelves of Starlight

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this post, I had a lot of fun answering these questions. As always, if I didn’t tag you in this post but you would like to answer the questions, please do so and tag me so I can read your answers! If I’ve tagged you but you don’t want to do this post, that’s absolutely fine too!

See you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


  1. Love your answers, hun!! We love that you are chatty! Hehe so glad you decided to join the blogging community, it has been so great ‘meeting’ you! I also love your last answer – fantastic ideas! 😊🥰💜

    1. Aww thank you so much darling, awwww hehehe, good because I’m very very very chatty! Thank you, I hope I can make them into reality! 🙂 ❤️❤️

  2. I’ve already done this one, but thank you so much for the tag again, Ellie! It was great to know more about you, I love your blog and interacting with you, and I am grateful you joined the blog community 😊. I’m not surprised you don’t have much time for many things besides reading and blogging 😂 and I hope you don’t degrade yourself too often. You are an amazing person ✨

    1. Oooops, sorry aha, I never know who I’ve tagged or who has done what! Aww thanks Stephen, you put a great big smile on my face, I appreciate you so much and love interracting with you too! Awwwwwwwwww, big big big hug for you, thank you!!

    1. You’re welcome, I can’t wait to read your answers. Aww thank you so much! 🙂

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