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Hello Hello! How are you all today?

I hope you’ve been having a lovely weekend so far, I’m using my weekend to get my Trope-ical Readathon goals off to a good start, and I’m quite happy snuggling on the sofa in my pyjamas with my books!

I thought I would do an easy post today, and this gave me the opportunity to do one of the tags that I’ve been tagged in over the last months, it has taken me so long, but I’m finally getting to them and having fun answering all the great questions!

Today’s tag is the Bookish Prediction tag that I was tagged in by Danni from For Books Sake, so thank you so much to Danni. I love her blog, she has some great content and has recommended some books to me that I loved! You definitely need to check her blog, Bookstagram and Twitter out! This tag was created by Mandy and Sha from Book Princess Reviews.


•           Pingback to the creator of the tag.

•           Tag the person who tagged you.

•           Find an answer to match each prompt.

•           Have fun!


What is your next read?

Outlander (Outlander, #1)

I’m writing this a few days before this post goes up, and I’m thinking that I’m going to kick off the month with Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, it’s going to probably be one of those month-long reads because it’s so long, so I think that if I start it right away I will have more of a chance of actually completing it – knowing me and how much I love the series I might binge it in two days, but we never know, so better safe than sorry!

What do you think will be your next 5-star read?

Illuminae (The Illuminae Files, #1)

This is a really hard prediction to make because I feel like I know myself and my tastes and that the books I pick are my kind of books, but you never really know, and a book I could think would be amazing, might turn out to be awful. That said, I am going to make a guess and say that my next 5-star read will be Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff because when I started this last year, I was totally won over, and I still don’t know why it has taken me this long to get to it.

What do you think will be your next 1-star read?

Uhm, I don’t intentionally read books that I don’t think I will like, I know myself fairly well and pick books according to that, but if I had to hazard a guess at a book that I might not really like, I would go for the next classic I pick up (I don’t know what that will be yet aha). I probably won’t give it 1-star, I don’t think I’ve given a book 1 star for a few years, but I don’t *think* it will be a 5-star either unless I reread Les Misérables by Victor Hugo aha (it’s my fave)!

Who will be your next love interest (or character that seems really cool to you)?

Clockwork Angel (The Infernal Devices, #1)

Ohhhh, this is a hard one because I’m going to be reading quite a few books in August with love interests and forbidden romance and love triangles, and I could name nearly all the books on my August TBR (especially Outlander because Jamie has my heart already), but instead, I think I will go with a character that seems cool to you. I’m going to say Will and Jem from The Infernal Devices series, starting with Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare. I’ve heard so much about these two, they seem to be peoples’ favourites and I am very excited to meet them, so they seem pretty cool to me.

What will be the next book you’ll be buying?

Midnight Sun (Twilight, #5)

Hehehe, none if my fiancé had anything to say about it, but, I do want to treat myself in August, so I will say Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare (because I forgot to buy it in July with the other two, oops). OR!!!!! Or Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer, cause I’m a Twilight fan and I cannot say no to this book I have been waiting for over 10 years to read.

What will be the next book that will leave you with a complete book hangover (and desperately wanting a reread or the next book in the series)?

I’m going to hazard a guess and say quite a few, so I’m thinking The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan, Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare, Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovitch, The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater, Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff, and Small Spaces by Katherine Arden! This is a really hard question though, so I might be totally wrong.


And On She Reads

The Artsy Reader

Fi’s Bibliofiles

Naty Reads Books

Holly Loves Books

Stephen Writes

Reading Through the Pain

My Bookish Bliss

JenJen Reviews

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this post, see you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


  1. Giiiirl, you NEED to finish Illuminae! And then read the rest of the series! Because I refuse to be the only one over here all broken and stuff. xD I kept putting it off because space opera and spacey sci-fi wasn’t my thing, but I read the whole series last year and ended up absolutely loving it. It’s definitely one I plan on re-reading (and the audiobook was really good, too, if that’s more your thing, but it’s a completely different experience).

    What is it about significant others being bummers? Such buzz kills. xD Mine says the same thing about buying more books.

    1. OMG EEEEEEK!!! I so need to read it, and I’m going to start it this week because I can’t wait any longer! Yes, that’s why I put it off for so long but when I saw that the hype just wasn’t going away I knew I needed it, I will report back as soon as I’ve finished it, knowing me I will probably read it in one sitting, and then head off to the bookshop to get the other two ahah!!

      He threatened to burn my books in the fire if it gets really cold this winter and I told him I would burn his computer and gaming stuff – that shut him up aha!!

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