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I am having another catch-up session on my blog where I do more book tags that I’ve been tagged in over the past months. It is taking some time, but I’m slowly getting through the list.

I was tagged to do the Disney Parks Book Tag by Jenna from J.K. I’m Exploring, so thank you so much! Definitely go check this blog out, I love the content and discussion posts! This tag was created by Alexandra from Reading by Starlight, you can find the original post here.

I was really happy to be tagged in this one actually because although I haven’t gone to Disney World in Florida, I have gone twice to Disney Land Paris and adored both times. I really want to go back with my fiancé soon, so that’s something really exciting to look forward to when everything calms down. Now on to today’s tag!


  • Mention the creator and link back to original post.
  • Thank the blogger who tagged you.
  • Answer the 10 questions below using any genre.
  • Tag 5+ friends.
  • Feel free to copy the heading graphics.


The Jungle Cruise: A Book Set Along The River

The Bone Jar

I nearly had to cheat for this one but then I suddenly remembered that I had just read The Bone Jar by S.W. Kane and it is set right next to the River Thames. It was a really unique and fast-paced mystery, the crime being committed in an abandoned asylum made it really intriguing, especially with the multiple POVs that helped bring everything together. The ending was really good and I definitely enjoyed it!

Pirates of the Caribbean: A Swashbuckling High Seas Adventure

I have two books for this question: The Ship of Shadows by Maria Kuzniar that I read in July and absolutely adored! It was just such a whimsical, amazing adventure/treasure hunt story with strong female characters and CAKE! And secondly, Demons of the Ocean by Justin Somper, which I read in April for the O.W.L.s Magical Readathon thanks to Danni from For Books Sake who recommended this one to me. Again, another middle grade story (both are actually series) that has pirates and takes place at sea, this one also has vampires and it was so FUN.

The Haunted Mansion: A Book With An Eerie Vibe

Every Heart a Doorway (Wayward Children, #1)

I’m the type of weird person who reads really weird books and really enjoys them, so I’m fairly used to books with eerie vibes. The first one (that I actually really enjoyed) that popped into my head was Every Heart A Doorway by Seanan McGuire, which is the first book in the Wayward Children series. This book was weird, like with a capital W. The whole world is strange, the characters are peculiar, the actual plot is just bizarre, but I loved it and I can’t wait to continue this series. It definitely fits the eerie vibe prompt.

Thunder Mountain Railroad: A Thrill Ride From Start to Finish

City of Glass (The Mortal Instruments, #3)

Now, this one wasn’t my favourite book of July by any means, but I think we can all agree that City of Glass by Cassandra Clare just starts off running and doesn’t slow down. I was sceptical with this series before starting it, and both Fiona from Fi’s Bibliofiles and I found the first two books that we buddy read to be slow to start and a bit boring at times. However, this one was very different and we found it to be really satisfying in the end.

Splash Mountain: A Book Set in the Deep South

Roots: The Saga of an American Family

This was quite a hard one to find, but in the end, I settled on Roots by Alex Hailey. I read this one a few years ago, it’s a really chunky book, but I loved it. It is a sort of family saga, part biography, part family tree, part fictionalised narration, but it was so great and taught me so much about slavery in America. I’m not 100% sure that it takes place in the Deep South, it starts in Africa and then moves on to America and moves around a bit, but I’m hoping some of it is set there. In any case, I highly recommend it.

Cinderella Castle: A Book With A Castle

The Ancestor

To not be too obvious and say the one that everyone is thinking about, I’m going to say The Ancestor by Danielle Trussoni instead. It’s probably not fully a castle, but it’s definitely a really big mansion, so we can make it count. This book was a gothic horror with themes of ancestry and family secrets that I read at the start of the year, it was quite intriguing and I enjoyed it a fair bit, however, I didn’t find it scary in the least.

Mad Tea Party: A Whimsical Book

Tilly and the Bookwanderers (Pages & Co. #1)

Ohhhh, I have read so many whimsical books lately, and I’m a big fan of whimsical vibes, I’m going to say Tilly and the Book Wanderers (#1 Pages and Co) by Anna James. This is the first book we read for the Middle Grade Marvels Book Club that started in May and is co-hosted by Noly, Holly and myself. I loved this book, and I’m pretty sure everyone else did too, there is definitely whimsy, and magic and a love of books inside this lovely story.

Matterhorn Bobsleds: A Trek Through the Mountains

The Hobbit, or There and Back Again

I’m going to go with The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien, even though the mountain treks don’t come until later in the book, there is a lot of trekking, and a lot of mountains. I read this book with Noly from The Artsy Reader, it took us quite a while to get through, but we ended up loving it and it’s a great choice if you are looking for a book with an adventure (as Bilbo Baggins himself would say).

It’s a Small World: A World Inspired by Another Culture

Girl, Serpent, Thorn

Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust – although I have yet to read it, I know it is based on Persian myths and cultures, and that calls to me! I know absolutely nothing about Persian myths, culture or history, but this book makes me want to discover it all. I’m looking forward to reading this one.

Space Mountain: A Fast Paced Space Opera

Aurora Rising (The Aurora Cycle, #1)

It’s probably not the only one I’ve ever read, but since I haven’t read that many yet, I am going to go for Aurora Rising by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff. I remember that this one was quite fast-paced, I whizzed through it and enjoyed it quite a lot, it was very new to me, but it was enjoyable, fun, and I really want to get my hands on Aurora Burning really soon. I’m also going to be reading Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff in August, and I’m so VERY excited!


My Bookish Bliss

Naty Reads Books

Holly Loves Books

The Artsy Reader

JenJen Reviews

The Confessions of a Music and Book Addict

Kerri McBook Nerd

The Book Dutchesses

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this post, it was a really fun tag to do. As always, if I haven’t tagged you but you would like to do this tag, feel free to do so and let me know what answers you come up with! See you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


  1. Omg! Another fun tag! There are so many I want to do. The ship of shadows is one of the best books I have read this year! I need to read Aurora Rising! ❤️

    1. Yesssss! Me too, it was so so so so fun and great and awesome and I loved it, so glad you loved it too hun, and yes, it was great, I hope you enjoy it! ❤️

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