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Hello Hello! How are you all?

It’s that time of the week again: the PURGE! Yay!! I don’t know why I get so excited over these posts, but I do, so there. I’m going home tomorrow, well… the trip starts tomorrow and I’ll be home on Monday evening, so I’m not going to be posting over the weekend unless I decide to post one of the long-awaited reviews I have in reserve, but I’ll have to see if I have time and how I feel!

On to today’s post! I honestly can’t remember if I had another sort through the TBR since last week, but I do know that I’ve added some more books to the Goodreads “Want to Read” shelf…. 😊 As always, if you want to know more about where this post comes from and what you have to do if you want to do your own Down the TBR Hole purge, you can read my first edition of Down the TBR Hole to find out.

This week, I’m starting this post at 4,236 books on my current Goodreads TBR list, which means I’ve only added 4 books since last week, which I’m actually quite proud of! I’m starting at #139 and working my way through the next 20 books, I don’t know what this week will have in store, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I can remove a few more.


Where I Found You (#1) by Heidi R. Kling

Where I Found You (Sea, #1)

Uhm… I suppose I would have picked this up a few years ago, and I can definitely see what would have appealed to me. I sort of still want to read it, but I’ve never heard anyone read it, and it’s not really the type of book I’m into at the moment, I might pick it up one day in the future, but I think it would be a waste of time for me right now.


Defiance (#1) by C.J. Redwine

Defiance (Defiance, #1)

I’ve had nearly all of this author’s books on my TBR for such a long time, and I’m glad this is the first one I encountered in the list because it’s her first book, so I don’t have to take it off aha! I love my fantasy, and especially with a touch of dystopia, so this one sounds like a book I’m going to love and I might have to pick it up sooner than later! I will go ahead and remove any other books I have by this author in the meantime.


Hex Hall (#1) by Rachel Hawkins

Hex Hall (Hex Hall, #1)

Oh, I’m lucky again! This is Rachel Hawkins’s first book and I have nearly every other book she has written, so I can remove those ones at least already. I’m a sucker for anything paranormal with witches, vampires, and I really like academic settings, I need to read more books with this setting and I think this might be a great place to start. I’ve had this one on my list for years, but hopefully, I can get to it soon.


Words in Deep Blue by Cath Crowley

Words in Deep Blue

I’m quite sure that this was a cover-add, or I added it because I watched a Booktuber gush about it, either way, I have no idea what it’s about. The blurb is very vague, I’m not too sure what it’s about, but I know that people have gushed about this book and it has really good reviews on Goodreads, so I want to give it a chance.


Everything I Don’t Remember by Jonas Hassen Khemiri

Everything I Don't Remember

I’ve never read any Swedish literature before, I don’t even know I had this book on my list and I don’t think I’ve ever heard about it before. The blurb does sound intriguing, but it’s not exactly my type of book. I might add it again later if I hear good stuff about it though!


Timekeeper (#1) by Tara Sim

Timekeeper (Timekeeper, #1)

I believe I added this one to my list because I wanted to read some steampunk, but I never actually tried it. It sounds absolutely riveting and it does sound rather like the film Hugo/Ugo? I never watched it, but this reminds me of the trailer and I’m definitely going to give this one a go, I feel like I’m going to enjoy it!


Please Don’t Tell by Laura Tims

Please Don't Tell

I already knew what this one was before I read the blurb (not remembering adding it though) that cover screams YA mystery and I’m living for it. YA mystery has been getting a lot of attention over the last few weeks, and I definitely want to plunge into this world. The blurb sounds so interesting and it is giving me major Pretty Little Liars vibes, it’s one of my favourite shows, so I’m definitely going to pick up this book. Has anyone read it? What YA mystery would you recommend?


Rebel Mechanics (#1) by Shanna Swendson

Rebel Mechanics (Rebel Mechanics, #1)

So, I was right in thinking that we would be on a steampunk bandwagon this week (I wonder how long I can keep this up with different themes each week?). I only needed to read the first sentence of the blurb to know that I want to read this book, and I believe it’s actually on one of my challenge TBRs for this year, so I should be able to get to it soon. I’m really feeling a steampunk vibe coming on, what would you recommend?


Siege and Storm (#2) by Leigh Bardugo

Siege and Storm (The Shadow and Bone Trilogy, #2)

I read the first book in this series last year, and although I didn’t enjoy it as much as I was expecting, I think I enjoyed it enough to want to read the next books in the series and continue in the Grishaverse. A few people have actually told me that they either liked The Shadow and Bone Trilogy but didn’t like the Six of Crows duology, and vice versa, so I’m interested to see where I sit. I’m going to remove her other books I have on my list because I want to prioritise finishing the first trilogy.


The Impossibility of Us by Katy Upperman

The Impossibility of Us

I am trying to read more romance this year, but this blurb just doesn’t do anything for me and I have a feeling that this book will touch on a lot of racism, I do like reading books where racism is treated, but I don’t think I will enjoy it in this setting and it’s likely to just make me uncomfortable, so this is an easy remove.


A Darker Shade of Magic (#1) by V.E. Schwab

A Darker Shade of Magic (Shades of Magic, #1)

I know this isn’t V.E. Schwab’s first book or series, but I couldn’t help it and I’m currently reading this one for the Hype-A-Thon Readathon. Granted, we haven’t read much yet, but I am loving the vibes I’m getting and I’m sure I’m going to really enjoy it, once we actually get reading it seriously aha! I’m going to remove the other books I have by her on my list just so I can concentrate on this series first, even though I know I’ll end up reading them all eventually, the only other one I’m keeping on this list is The Near Witch because I already own it.


Ever the Hunted (#1) by Erin Summerill

Ever the Hunted (Clash of Kingdoms, #1)

I’m really grateful for all the great YA fantasy books I have on my TBR, they are making me want to binge read all my series. I absolutely love books where the main characters are already strong-willed and are in a bit of a situation, it actually sounds a bit like Throne of Glass, I know there are millions of books like this one, but I can’t say no, so instead I’ll say yes and hope I can get to it soon!


Finale (#3) by Stephanie Garber

Finale (Caraval, #3)

Gee, I think this is one of the only series where I’ve read the first two books, but still haven’t picked up the last one after more than a year since I finished book 2… I’ve really struggled with this series, I’ll be honest, I don’t really get the hype, but I will say that I liked Legendary way more than Caraval, and I do want to finish this series to see if my opinion is still the same, my expectations just aren’t very high.


How to Walk Away by Katherine Center

How to Walk Away

Every time I see chick-lit or women’s fiction as the genre on Goodreads I sigh audibly and this blurb literally does not entice me one bit. It sounds much too mundane for my liking so I’m going to remove this one quite easily.


Uncaged Wallflower by Jennae Cecelia

Uncaged Wallflower

I can’t remember adding this one to the list at all and I don’t think I’ve ever heard about it either. I’m one of the most positive people I know, so I don’t think that this book is for me, I do want to branch out and read more poetry, but I don’t think that this will get the reaction or thoughts out of me that it intends.


White Rabbit by Caleb Roehrig

White Rabbit

Once again, I’ve never heard of this book and I have absolutely no idea how it got on this list, but, the title alone is drawing me in. A few years ago I read L’Herbe Bleu, the English title is Go Ask Alice and I got completely obsessed by it and by the soundtrack, consequently falling in love with Jefferson Airplane. Long story short, I have a thing for Alice in Wonderland retellings now, especially the darker ones, even though I’ve never read the book. And I went through all that to realise that the book blurb doesn’t have anything to do with Alice or a White Rabbit LOL! But, it does sound intriguing so I’m going to give it a go, at least you learnt something new about me, right?


Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Pride and Prejudice

I’ve been trying to read more Classics lately, I haven’t done very well, but I intentionally added this book to a few different challenge TBRs to force myself to pick it up. Someone was kind enough to gift me a copy from my wishlist, so I’m going to try to get to it soon as I’ve been raving classics, either Pride and Prejudice or Wuthering Heights, which if you know me, if very odd.


Mosquitoland by David Arnold


Another book I’ve had on my TBR for so many years, go to take it off quite frequently but then keep it, and I still don’t know why. Again, I can tell why I would have added it and kept it on the list for so long, but I think that my tastes have changed so much in the past years and the time to read this book has passed. I might add it again later, but I’m not feeling like reading it at the moment.


The Elite (#2) by Kiera Cass

The Elite (The Selection, #2)

I read the first book in The Selection series at the end of last year (I think?) for the Hype-A-Thon Readathon and I absolutely loved it, I sped through it in one night and now it’s only a matter of time before I pick up the next one in the series!


There’s Someone Inside Your House by Stephanie Perkins

There's Someone Inside Your House

I added this to my TBR when I saw Kayla from Books And Lala talk about it but I never really looked into it much. I’ve been trying to broaden my horizons lately as you know, this is apparently a young adult horror/ thriller/ mystery, I say apparently because the only horror I’ve read in the past year has not scared me at all, so I don’t really consider them to be horrors, especially not the YA ones. But this blurb sounds so great and I really want to read it, I’m not sure it’s going to scare me, but I have no doubts about it being gruesome!


Out of today’s 20 books, I managed to remove a total of 6 books, it isn’t very good, but it’s still okay and with removing these and the sequels or other books by the same authors, I’m now down to 4,212 books on my Goodreads “Want to Read” Shelf, which is rather good. Next week I’ll be starting at #152 and it looks like it’s going to be another (YA?) contemporary bandwagon week, so I might be able to remove quite a lot of books.

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this post, see you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


    1. Oh thank god I’m not the only one ahah! I ended up enjoying Legendary a lot more than Caraval as it was the other sisters point of view. I hope Finale will be hers to because I don’t think I’ll like it otherwise aha 🙈

  1. I read Siege and Storm last week and although the structure is a bit unusual (most of action happens the beginning and the end), I really enjoyed it. Better than the first one for me! Happy reading, Ellie 🙂

    1. Oh I’m so glad you enjoyed it Stephen, I’ll try to pick it up soon then! Thank you! 😊

  2. Words in Deep Blue was sooo good! I’m glad you decided to keep it. I also loved How to Walk Away but I also enjoy that type of book every once in a while. It reminded me of a wayyyyy better version of Me Before You (which I hated). Totally get taking things off that aren’t your style!

  3. Great post as always! So good to know you kept Pride and Prejudice. Is such a good book and even when the genre is not my favorite I had much fun reading it. I read The Selection main trilogy like 5 years ago, if you liked the first book you’ll like the second and third even more💖
    I’m also currently reading A Darker Shade of Magic too! 😅 such an original plot

    1. I can’t wait to pick up Pride and Prejudice and the rest of the books in The Selection series! I’ve only read a few chapters of ADSOM, but I’m really enjoying it 💕

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