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For the first time since starting this series on my blog a few months ago, I don’t think I’ve added or removed a single book, well, maybe only 1 aha! I can’t believe I’ve been doing this for as long as I have, I enjoy this post so much and I love when it comes around every week. You may be wondering why I’m posting it on a Thursday instead of a Friday this week, and it’s because I have something else planned for tomorrow, so keep a lookout! I have an MRI this afternoon, so I thought I’d get this post up early so I can wallow on the sofa when I get back from the hospital later!

You know the drill if you haven’t ever read any of my Down the TBR Hole posts before but you want to find out why I started and what rules to follow to do your own TBR list purge on your Goodreads, head over to the first edition of this post to find out more!

I have so many books bookmarked on Twitter, saved in my browser or screenshots on my phone, but I keep holding back from adding them to my Goodreads TBR because I know it’s going to go crazy again. Am I the only person who does this?

So, this week I’m starting with a total of 3,904 books on my Goodreads “Want to Read” shelf, and as usual, I’ll be making my way through the next 20 on the list, starting at #187. Let’s see how many books I can remove this week and what exciting ones I can rediscover that I need to get to soon. Wish me luck!


The Map of Salt and Stars by Zeyn Joukhadar

The Map of Salt and Stars

I’ve been so intrigued about this book ever since it was released and I can’t really believe it’s taken me this long to get to it. I love historical fiction and this one seems to have some sort of fantasy element to it, as well as some amazing cultural Middle Eastern and Northern African elements, which really interests me a lot. I don’t read as many books as I would like set outside the U.S. or the UK, and I think this will be a great opportunity to do so, and I love the cartography side to this story.


Spinning Silver by Naomi Novak

Spinning Silver

I’ve heard some very different opinions of this book, some people have told me they hated this book, and some have told me they loved it, and that just makes me want to read it to find out what it’s all about! I love fantasy retellings and I’m quite intrigued by the blurb, I’ve had this one on my TBR for ages because of the cover and the hype it received, but as I trust the person who hated this implicitly and we have the same reading tastes, I’m going to go into this one with no expectations and see what happens.


The Book of M by Peng Shepherd

The Book of M

This is another book that’s been on my TBR for a long time, mainly because I saw it so much on Instagram and Goodreads that I added it to my list without really reading the blurb. Also, who can blame me when you see that cover? I rest my case. I’ve been reading so many apocalyptic books and disaster books with pandemics lately, and really enjoying them, I have to say this synopsis completely won me over, it sounds incredible, so unique and I want to read it straight away!


Year One (#1) by Nora Roberts

Year One (Chronicles of The One, #1)

I’m going to say it again, I think I have a lot of books on my TBR which focus on pandemics, and I’m actually finding that quite eerie, but also I’m not too bothered cause I’ve enjoyed every one I’ve read recently! I don’t know if this book is more fantasy or science fiction/dystopia as Goodreads says its both, but I’m really feeling this blurb and I actually sort of want to read it now aha! I’ll have to apologise to the 10 or so books I’ve got on the go at the minute. It sounds amazing that technology and science disappears and magic appears in its place and I’m so glad I have this one on my TBR, I had no idea!


The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang

The Poppy War (The Poppy War, #1)

I love my fantasy and I love it when fantasy and historical fiction come together, I’ve had this on my TBR for ages and still not got around to it, I’ve heard such good things about it and I know I need to get to it soon because it sounds so great and so original! I am not doing a very good job of removing books this week so far, but if I find such great books as these I still need to read, I’m not complaining!


The Shape of Water by Guillermo del Toro and Daniel Kraus

The Shape of Water

This book sounds so weird to me, but I think that’s why I’m drawn to it, I have heard some good stuff about the film and I don’t really fancy watching it, so I think the book will be a great way to get this story, I’ve not got any expectations because I don’t know what to expect, but I’m optimistic that it’s going to be interesting. Have you read this one? What did you think?


The Princess Saves Herself in This One (#1) by Amanda Lovelace

The Princess Saves Herself in This One (Women Are Some Kind of Magic, #1)

I don’t read as much poetry as I would like, mainly because Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur didn’t do anything for me and I’ve been a bit underwhelmed. But I really want to read some more poetry collections and have had my eye on this series of books for a while. It sounds like something really impactful and beautiful, it focuses on women, so I can’t wait to get to it.


Leviathan (#1) by Scott Westerfeld

Leviathan (Leviathan, #1)

I have wanted to read some steampunk novels for ages but never knew where to start, as this is the first one that came up on my Goodreads Want to Read shelf, I suppose I should start here. I love how this is set during WWI, I think the blurb sounds so great and I know I need to start this series soon as I fancy a little something different!


The Immortal Life of Henriette Lacks by Rebecca Skloot

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

This sounds like such an interesting book and frankly a bit scary maybe and I’m definitely inclined to read it, but I think it might be a bit much for me to start with, so I’m going to keep it in mind but concentrate of some of the other nonfiction books I have on my TBR first.


Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver

Before I Fall

I’ve had this book on my TBR since I was a teenager, and I no longer read as much contemporary fiction as I used to, I just don’t enjoy it as much. This one seems like one of the ones that doesn’t really take my fancy anymore, so this is an easy choice to make, and I’m finally getting some of the books off the list!


Rebel of the Sands (#1) by Alwyn Hamilton

Rebel of the Sands (Rebel of the Sands, #1)

Yay, another fantasy series on my TBR!! This one sounds so full of gorgeous culture, magical beasts, I’m most intrigued about the djinn though, I’ve not read a book with a djinn yet and I loved Aladdin. I also love strong female leads and this seems like the perfect mix of all I love!


Red Rising (#1) by Pierce Brown

Red Rising (Red Rising Saga, #1)

I’ve been trying to get out of my comfort zone for a while and science fiction has been at the top of the list of genres I want to read more of. I know that this book has been on my list ever since I discovered it and I just really want to read it soon, it sounds amazing and I’ve heard such great stuff about this series, so I really need to dive in soon.


The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah

The Nightingale

If you know me, do I even have to explain this one? This book incorporates everything I love, historical fiction, WWII, and it’s even set in France I’ve heard so many amazing things about this book and this author and I need to get myself a copy soon because I’ve been loving the historical fiction mood I’ve been in lately, I can’t wait to experience this story, I have such high expectations!


All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr

All the Light We Cannot See

I’ve heard so much about this book, and again, it’s been on my list for years and it sounds like everything I look for in historical fiction picks. I’ve heard some amazing things about the jewel mentioned in the blurb from Gabby, she did an amazing blog post on this and I urge you to go read it, it was so great, and you can find it here! I have been itching to pick this book up ever since!


Truly, Madly, Guilty by Liane Moriarty

Truly Madly Guilty

I’ve had quite a few of Liane Moriarty’s books on my TBR for a while and I know that quite a few people rave about them, but I’m honestly not bothered about books like this, it’s just not my cup of tea and I don’t think I want to make time to read it, so again, an easy decision.


The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead

The Underground Railroad

YES, don’t need to explain this any more than that really, I’ve had my eye on this book for ages, I actually really must get my hands on a copy soon. I think I have this one on one of my challenge TBRs for this year and I can’t wait to learn more about the underground railroad and have more of an insight into slavery in America, especially from a woman’s point of view as I’ve only read a few.


Lullabies by Lang Leav


I do want to read more poetry collections, but I think that the only way that I’m going to really enjoy them is if the blurbs really draw me in, and this one doesn’t, so I might take it off the list and come back to it in the future, but for now, I think it has to go!


Come on All Your Ghosts by Matthew Zapruder

Come on All You Ghosts

I have to say that I’ve never heard of this book before and I can’t even tell you how it got on the list, apparently, it’s another poetry collection and I really am not drawn to it at all, so this is going to be another easy remove.


Two Kisses for Maddy: A Memoir of Loss and Love by Matthew Logelin

Two Kisses for Maddy: A Memoir of Loss and Love

I probably am not correct, but I feel like I’ve seen a film about this? Maybe not, anyway, I am not a fan of memoirs about people instead of like events or something, and this one just doesn’t take my fancy. I’ll only rarely read one about a specific individual, for instance, if it’s a person that I find interesting or inspirational, and I don’t think this is one of those occasions, so again, another easy remove.


The Dogs I Have Kissed by Trista Mateer

The Dogs I Have Kissed

I have no idea how this is on my TBR, and I don’t know what it is about, it has a bit of a dubious title, doesn’t it? Apparently it’s a blogger’s second poetry book, that I’ve never heard of and there isn’t any more information about it, so again, one last easy remove!


So, that didn’t start too well, did it? Even though I got off to a bit of a rocky start, I managed to remove a total of 7 books out of the 20 I have gone through today, and I’m quite happy with that, I was starting to get worried I wouldn’t be able to remove any at all at one point! I feel like even though I didn’t remove my usual amount, I rediscovered some amazing books I’ve been putting off and I’m so excited to get to them sometime soon!

I was able to get my Goodreads “Want to Read” list is now down to 3,896 books and will be starting next week’s post at #201 and it looks like I will have quite a few nonfiction books to go through, which is really exciting to me as I’ve been in a nonfiction mood for a while but I’ve been struggling to settle on anything for a long amount of time! I’m really looking forward to next week’s post now!

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this post, let me know if you’ve read any of these books and what your thoughts were! See you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


    1. It definitely is, I’m still quite happy, I wish I could remove more, they all just sound amazing aha

  1. Oh, several of these are books on my shelf that I have never read. Sounds like you’re making good progress of getting through your list.
    ♥ Mae

  2. There’s a movie about The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks that’s pretty good. I havent read the book but we learned about her in biology and it seems pretty accurate to me.

  3. Lovely post, Ellie. I wish I could sort my TBR out, but it is a lost case. It’s been ages since a read a Norah Roberts’ book. I think it’s time to reread Northern Lights, or maybe I will try this one on your TBR. 😉

    1. Oh yes! I’d love to read this type of post from you, it’s a great way to make the TBR seem less insurmountable 🤣🙈

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