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Hello Hello! How are you?

It’s been a bit of a quiet week on the blog front but a very busy week behind the scenes. My week has been so hectic, I feel like I’ve not slept half as much as I should have but at least I’ve got loads of things done! Anyway, I’m really happy to be back and I’m very excited for this post, as you know, it’s one of my favourites! I haven’t actually been on Goodreads all week, so there shouldn’t be any more books added to the list!

You know the drill if you haven’t ever read any of my Down the TBR Hole posts before but you want to find out why I started and what rules to follow to do your own TBR list purge on your Goodreads, head over to the first edition of this post to find out more!

I’m starting this week’s purge post with a total of 3,778 books on my Goodreads “Want to Read” list (I was right, I didn’t add any, I actually took one off apparently). I’ll be going through the next 20 books on this list and I’ll be starting at #301. Wish me luck!




The Summer of Jordi Perez (and the Best Burger in Los Angeles) by Amy Spalding

The Summer of Jordi Perez (and the Best Burger in Los Angeles)

I think that once again I’m going to be on the “unknown to me” bandwagon this week starting with YA contemporary, which you know isn’t my favourite genre. I couldn’t make it through the blurb because it’s definitely not the kind of book I would pick up now. I just have nearly no interest for this type of book anymore, so this is an easy choice to kick off the week.



Trevor by James Lecesne


I’ve never seen this book before either and it kind of looks really weird to me. I suppose this book could be really interesting, and I would have most certainly picked it up a few years ago, but it’s not what I read anymore, so I’m not going to make this bit too long. I also just really hate the cover for some reason.



Driving by Starlight by Anat Deracine

Driving by Starlight

Again, another unknown book and one I would have read in the past, it seems to have some very important themes and I’m pretty sure it’s OwnVoices, so I’m sure it’s really interesting, but I really don’t read this type of book and I don’t want to force myself into it.



The Science of Breakable Things by Tae Keller

The Science of Breakable Things

I feel like I’ve already heard of this book before, and it’s middle grade, so that’s promising. Even though I’m not fully interested in it, I feel like this is such an important theme (mental health) in books and I think that I really want to give it a chance. It sounds very deep and meaningful but also lovely, so I’m going to try to pick it up soon.



One True Way by Shannon Hitchcock

One True Way

Oh yay, more middle grade, this is awesome, are we soon going to be on a middle grade bandwagon? I think I want to read this book but it’s also not doing that much for me, despite the fact that I know I love books that touch on this theme. I think I will concentrate on some other books like this one that I have on my list and that I know are really popular!



Odd One Out by Nic Stone

Odd One Out

I didn’t realise that this is the author who wrote Dear Martin, I have that on my list too and really want to read it. I’m kind of sad that I’m no longer a teenager and interested in YA contemporary because this sounds like something I would have adored back then, but unfortunately, it doesn’t sound like my thing so I’m going to give it a miss!



Devils Within by S.F. Henson

Devils Within

Another unknown to me book, this is apparently YA contemporary but it kind of looks more like horror to me aha! Nope, I just read the first lines of this blurb and it’s not something I am interested in at all, I will read books with politics in, but not in this vein, so I’m going to let this one go.



How We Roll by Natasha Friend

How We Roll

Even though this is not the kind of book I read anymore, I am definitely keeping this one on my list because I’m hoping to do my thesis on something like this and I think it would be a great addition to my reading list. I’m sure I’m going to enjoy it as it’s a theme I find so important and I love reading about, so I’m definitely keeping it.



Don’t Date Rosa Santos by Nina Moreno

Don't Date Rosa Santos

I’ve heard of this book before and I think that it was really hyped a little while back, but then it dropped from the face of the earth and I haven’t heard anyone speak about it since. You’re probably going to hear this a lot until I get to the end of this list, but I would have picked this up and most likely enjoyed it a few years ago, but it’s not a plot I care for anymore, so this is an easy choice.



Playing a Part by Daria Wilke

Playing a Part

I’ve never heard of this book before, but it’s a contemporary novel and apparently set in Russia? I can tell from the cover that it’s something I really like, so I hope the blurb draws me in and makes me want to read it. Now, I’m going to be very contradicting, because it’s the kind of book that I do not read anymore, and the only reason I want to read it and will be keeping it on my list is because it centres around the theatre and being an actor, that ticks my box.



We’ll All Be Burnt in Our Beds Some Night by Joel Thomas Hynes

We'll All Be Burnt in Our Beds Some Night

From the look of the cover and the genres, I’m a bit worried because I generally don’t read or enjoy literary fiction, but I have to say the title is very fascinating because it reminds me of a song I really like aha! Hmmm, this book seems like a bit of a mash-up to me and it just seems too much for my personal taste, so this is an easy choice.



Moon of the Crusted Snow by Waubgeshig Rice

Moon of the Crusted Snow

I’ve never seen or heard of this book before, but I think I might be on the new bandwagon which is “cultural: Canada, or Russia, or something”. And apparently it’s a post-apocalyptic thriller, so that kind of sounds fun. And it has Native American characters, can you tell I’m nearly 100% convinced? Well, I’m probably not fully convinced that it’s for me but it has enough elements to interest me, so I might just give it a chance.



I Am a Truck by Michelle Winters

I Am a Truck

Well, “cultural: Canada” is a new theme on this blog apparently and I have absolutely no idea where this came from. I don’t have an interest in this book at all, I’m not a fan of mundane type stories, so this isn’t my cup of tea and I’ll not be trying it.



Heartland: A Memoir of Working Hard and Being Broke in the Richest Country on Earth by Sarah Smarsh

Heartland: A Memoir of Working Hard and Being Broke in the Richest Country on Earth

Now, this sounds more like my kind of thing. I read Rust by Eliese Colette Goldbach at the start of the year and absolutely adored it, and I suppose that this is in that same vein! I’m the kind of weird person who won’t read a fiction book about family but will read a non-fiction book about family and actually find the blurb really interesting (go figure). I’m definitely giving this one a go!



The Sound of Gravel by Ruth Wariner

The Sound of Gravel

We are back on a non-fiction bandwagon, I definitely have such a diverse bunch of books on this list, I’m really happy about that, less happy about the amount of them though. This one does sound interesting, unfortunately, I’m not religious and I basically really don’t like any book with religion in it, so I’m going to let this one go as I know I won’t like it.



The Distance Between Us by Reyna Grande

The Distance Between Us

Another nonfiction book, I absolutely adore these three nonfiction covers, they have such a vintage feel, I love it. This blurb doesn’t really do much for me however, I don’t know why it’s just not pulling me in despite the theme that I would like to know more about, I’ll have to find more books about immigration, but this isn’t the one for me.



Hourglass: Time, Memory, Marriage by Dani Shapiro

Hourglass: Time, Memory, Marriage

Something about this title and cover just doesn’t appeal to me and I have a feeling that its really not my kind of book. And I’m obviously right about my instinct, I don’t have an interesting in reading about marriage, it’s just not something I want to read about, so I’ll let this one go.



The Line Becomes A River: Dispatches from the Border by Francisco Cantú

The Line Becomes A River: Dispatches from the Border

Oh look, more nonfiction aha! Again, another intriguing-sounding book but not something I would pick up, so I’m going to get rid of this one and concentrate on some other memoirs that are more interesting to me.



In the Days of Rain: A Daughter, a Father, a Cult by Rebecca Stott

In the Days of Rain: A Daughter, a Father, a Cult

I can already tell that I’m probably going to remove this book as it’s about religion, but I’m going to give it the benefit of the doubt as it could probably be interesting. Yeah, just as I thought, it’s focused on religion and religious cults and although that sounds like something to read about, its not my thing.



The Book of Separation by Tova Mirvis

The Book of Separation

We are finishing this week off with a final memoir, again unfortunately though, I think it’s about religion (grrr to past me). I can’t make it through the blurb as it’s really not one of my interests and I don’t pick anything like this because I don’t like it, so I am making a final easy choice this week!



This was a bit of a strange week, again, loads of books that I have literally no idea whatsoever how they got on my list because they are of no interest to me, and a few new finds that seem good!

Out of the 20 books I looked through today, I was able to remove a total of 15 books, taking my Goodreads “Want to Read” list down to 3,763 books! I’ll be starting next week at #306.

I’m really happy about that, I seem to be cutting this list down really fast and I’m really impressed by how much I’m able to remove every single time!

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this post, see you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


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