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Hello Hello! How are you?

I’m so glad it’s Friday today and that I’ve only got a few more hours until it’s the weekend. This week has been so long and boring but I’m going to spend the whole weekend relaxing, reading, maybe watching a Christmas movie or two. And I’m definitely going to be having a big writing session to boost my NaNoWriMo tally up. Tell me all about your week!

You know the drill if you haven’t ever read any of my Down the TBR Hole posts before but you want to find out why I started and what rules to follow to do your own TBR list purge on your Goodreads, head over to the first edition of this post to find out more!

I am starting off this week’s post with a total of 3,728 books on my Goodreads “Want to Read” shelf, so I haven’t wreaked havoc since at least last week, yay! You know how it goes, I’ll be looking through the next 20 books on this shelf and seeing what I can keep and what I can remove. Today, I’ll be starting at #313!



The Haunting of Henry Twist by Rebecca F. John

The Haunting of Henry Twist

We are already starting this week off with a book that I’ve never seen or heard of before! It’s historical fiction and it kind of sounds good, but this is not the kind of historical fiction, or book actually, that I usually tend to read. I’m comfortable with my tastes at the minute and don’t want to pick anything up I might not enjoy.



English Animals by Laura Kaye

English Animals

Another unknown-to-me-book. When I first saw the cover, I thought it was going to be a nonfiction about nature, but it’s apparently contemporary fiction which I wasn’t expecting. Again, this is not the type of book I read, it just doesn’t sound like something I would enjoy unfortunately and I want to concentrate on other books.



In the Sight of Akresa by Ray Wood

In the Sight of Akresa

I have to say, this is an absolutely beautiful cover and this is a collection of fantasy short stories, which I don’t think I’ve ever read before. It’s also a tragic fantasy romance and I feel like I’ve either not read any or many of those, so I feel like giving it a go!



The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart by Holly Ringland

The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart

Wow, another book with a stunning cover. I love flowers and I will buy anything and everything if it has a flower motif, so this already get’s a bonus point. I’m a bit uncertain really because it has a good premise and I like the sound of it, but it is also not doing anything for me. I think I might have to let this one go for now, I can always add it back later.



Found by Fleur Ferris


Another book I’ve never seen or heard about, this time it’s a YA thriller, which I’ve never read before. You know I’m not the biggest fan of thrillers but I do enjoy the odd one. This book could potentially be enjoyable to me, it sounds good, but I’m not in a thriller mood, so I’m going to get rid of it.



Hide by Matthew Griffin


This is the week of unknown-to-me books and big mixes of genres. The cover is also fairly intriguing and it’s LGBT fiction. I suppose from the blurb it should be more of a historical fiction and unfortunately, the blurb just sounds boring to me. I’m not a fan of everyday lives plots so I’m letting this one go.



The Followers by Rebecca Wait

The Followers

I can already tell that I’m most likely going to be removing this book as it’s about religion and cults, two things that I do not get on with. This sounds a lot like one of the weird cult parts in Riverdale and although I love that show and have yet to finish it, the Farm completely put me off. I have absolutely no interest in reading this book.



Little Green by Tish Cohen

Little Green

I’ve had this book on my list for ages and I’ve seen it around quite a lot too. But humm…. This felt flat for me, I really don’t do these family-type settings, I have no idea why but most of the time, the only thing they accomplish is to bore me. It feels like the little girl’s disappearance is at the forefront of this novel but at the same time they don’t even talk about it? The blurb is kind of strange so I’m going to get rid of it.



Midwinter by Fiona Melrose


Another unknown-to-me book, it looks beautiful, it’s literary fiction, but unfortunately it is not the kind of book for me, I know I won’t enjoy it as I’m not the right audience for it.



Hope Farm by Peggy Frew

Hope Farm

I have no idea why, but it seems like this week’s bandwagon is books about farms or rural living, which is such a weird theme to have in my TBR. Apparently it’s a contemporary fiction about a rural hippie farm and I don’t need to know anything else, it’s not going to be my cup of tea.



Wimmera by Mark Brandi


And we are back to mysteries. I think I have either seen this book about a little bit or heard about it before. Argh, this is one of those books that the final part of the premise sound really good but the rest is so boring. I think it would be a good read but the synopsis put me off instead of pulling me in, unfortunately.



Salt Lane (#1) by William Shaw

Salt Lane (DS Alexandra Cupidi #1)

This is another mystery, I think I have a few different mysteries on my TBR purge today and I hope one of them sticks because I’m in a mystery mood right now! And finally, here is a book that sounds right up my alley. I really like mysteries that are more on the murder and police investigation side, which this one definitely sounds like, so I am going to be keeping it!



Keep Her Safe by Sophie Hannah

Keep Her Safe

Another mystery/thriller, although this one already doesn’t look like my thing. But actually, that cover is very misleading and not at all appealing whereas the blurb sounds so good. It’s the story of a woman who crosses paths with someone who is supposed to have been murdered and whose parents are spending life in prison. It sounds like Criminal Minds and I love the sound of it.



The Twilight Time (#1) by Karen Campbell

The Twilight Time (Anna Cameron #1)

I know it’s not great to judge books by their covers, but some covers just make me think “urgh”, a bit like this one. It’s a mystery so let’s hope it sounds good. Well, it doesn’t sound bad, but it doesn’t sound good enough for me to want to pick it up unfortunately, I have quite a few of these detective mysteries in my list so I’ll concentrate on those first.



The Way Back by Kylie Ladd

The Way Back

This book is a contemporary fiction that I’m seeing for the first time (like most of the books on the list today, which isn’t surprising coming from me). The blurb sounds fairly good but the fact that it’s a psychological drama is really putting me off, I don’t usually enjoy those at all, so I think I’m going to give this one a miss.



The Second Sister by Claire Kendal

The Second Sister

I think that just by the cover you can tell this one is going to be a thriller aha, there is something about covers with women running away and pictures of people holding flowers that just screams thriller to me. It’s another psychological suspense, it has been likened to Reconstructing Amelia by Kimberly McCreight which I read a few years ago but wasn’t blown away by. It does sound like a good book, but it’s not drawing me in right now unfortunately.



The Quiet Child by John Burley

The Quiet Child

This is a mystery and once again I’ve never seen it or heard of it before. It is described as a psychological novel, but the blurb actually makes it sound like a historical fiction. In any case, this is really surprising, but it sounds really good, it’s not my usual thriller/mystery, but I think I want to give it a shot.



Angels Burning by Tawni O’Dell

Angels Burning

I think it’s fair to say this week has mainly been a mystery/thriller bandwagon, which I’m okay with as long as the mysteries are my kind of mysteries, and this cover doesn’t look like my type of thing already. I think it’s one of those books that has a lot of things going for it but tries to do too much and it’s not taking my fancy.



A Better Truth by Valerie Joan Connors

A Better Truth

I’ve had this book on my TBR for a while but I’m not sure I remember the blurb and I find that cover to be very boring. It’s a thriller and I’m sorry to have to say this but it sounds so boring, I don’t want to read this book at all.



A Place to Remember by Jenn J. McLeod

A Place to Remember

And to finish this week off we are changing things up with a romance set in Australia. I’m honestly not that much of a romance fan and this doesn’t sound like something I found like, so it’s an easy choice to wrap things up.



A bit of a mix of genres this week, I always worry when I get to the thriller and romance sections because I usually don’t pick them up much or enjoy them. However, I think I did alright this week and out of the 20 books that I looked through today, I was able to remove a total of 16 books, taking my Goodreads “Want to Read” shelf down to 3,712 books. I’ll be starting next week’s purge at #317 and I hope it goes well.

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this post, see you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


  1. That looks super-productive, Ellie. I like the fact you are clearly growing in confidence about what you will enjoy!

    1. Thank you so much Kate! I’ve really learned to listen to myself and my reading tastes in the last few years!

  2. Awesome post as always, Ellie. I’m trying to come up with better ways to use my Goodreads TBR. I have a habit of adding books then never getting back to them. You always inspire me.

    1. Thank you for reading Gina! That’s so sweet of you to say, I’m sure you’ll find something fun to do with your Goodreads TBR! 🙂

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