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Hello Hello! How are you today?

I am so glad it is finally Friday. This week has been long, hard and busy, and although I’m spending Saturday working on my thesis, it’s something I enjoy, and I’ll have all of Sunday to read and relax! I’m also glad I’m finally back with a TBR Purge post because my Goodreads “Want to Read” shelf is getting out of control again and it’s been ages since I’ve written one of these posts!

You know the drill: if you’ve never read any of my Down the TBR Hole posts before but you want to find out why I started and what rules to follow to do your own TBR list purge on your Goodreads, head over to the first edition of this post to find out more!

Today’s post is starting with a total of 3,722 books on my Goodreads “Want to Read” shelf, which means I’ve added some books again… I will be going through the next 20 books on my list as usual, and starting off at #412.


The Spectral City (Spectral City #1) by Leanna Renee Hieber

The Spectral City (Spectral City, #1)

The first book on my list is one that I’ve not heard about or seen before, but it is an urban fantasy mystery, so that sounds promising already. I feel like this book sounds a little bit like the River of London series, and that blurb has completely drawn me in. It is times like these that I am thankful I was a little gung-ho on the “Want to Read” button. And it’s also a series, so hopefully, it will be great!


Seven Devils (Seven Devils #1) by Laura Lam and Elizabeth May

Seven Devils (Seven Devils, #1)

I first heard of Laura Lam from Fiona from Fi’s Bibliofiles last year when she read her latest book, which might actually be this one, but I can’t remember exactly. Honestly, that first line from the blurb is all I need. I’ve been wanting to get into SF a little bit more lately and didn’t really know where to start, but I think this will be just what I need, and it does sound really good.


The Witch’s Kind by Louisa Morgan

The Witch's Kind

I haven’t seen or heard of this book either but it is fantasy historical fiction, my two favourite genres, and it is also about witches, something I LOVE reading about. But having read the blurb, I don’t really know what this book is about, unfortunately, and although it says “witch” in the title, it doesn’t mention it in the blurb, it only hints at it. I’m not sure about this book, so I think I will take it off the list for now.


His Dark Magic (Northern Circle Coven #1) by Pat Esden

His Dark Magic

I don’t think this one has crossed my path either yet, but it is a fantasy romance, which I have to admit is not my favourite since I’m not into romance that much. Oh, this one does mention a witch though! Some parts of this book actually sound really good, but the actual Coven mentioned sounds like a cult to me, which is something I’m not interested in reading about. Again, one I’m not sure of so I will just get rid of it for now.


Alice Payne Arrives (Alice Payne #1) by Kate Heartfield

Alice Payne Arrives (Alice Payne, #1)

This book is one I don’t think I have heard of before, but it is science fiction time travel, which is a genre I haven’t read much of but do really enjoy. Ohhhhh, I don’t really know what this book is about and what’s going on, but that blurb has made me excited to pick this one up. I’m not too sure what I’ll think of it, but I think it is worth a try since the synopsis really intrigued me.


A Memory Called Empire (Teixcalaan #1) by Arkady Martine

A Memory Called Empire (Teixcalaan #1)

I nearly picked this one up a few months ago because Stephen Haskins and Jamie-Lee Nardone were offering out physical copies of the second book, but I decided against it, I kind of wish I had said yes now aha! This is science fiction and it is at 4,15 average rating with over 22,000 reviews… so it must be good. The blurb for this book is a little vague, but it doesn’t sound full-on SF, so I think I will give it a shot.


Beyond the Black Door by A.M. Strickland

Beyond the Black Door

I’ve seen this one about a few times on Bookstagram and the beautiful cover is what drew me to it, it’s also probably the reason it got added to this list. It is a YA fantasy standalone, that actually, although vague again, does sound really good. The bit about “don’t open the door” makes me think of Bluebeard, but I don’t know what will happen, I just know that this book sounds like my kind of read and that I want to give it a go.


A Cathedral of Myth and Bone by Kat Howard

A Cathedral of Myth and Bone

When I first saw the title, genre and cover of this book, I wasn’t sure what to expect since it is a fantasy short story collection, but it is about women, which really got me intrigued. I’m not 100% sure about this one, but something about the blurb makes me want to pick it up. I don’t think it will be very long and I am hoping that it will be enjoyable.


The Giver (The Giver #1) by Lois Lowry

The Giver (The Giver, #1)

I’ve had this book on my shelves for a few years already and I still haven’t gotten to it… But, I have heard so much about it and this YA series has become a Classic. It does sound a little bit like The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood in some aspects which is a book I didn’t love the first time around, but I feel like I will enjoy this book a lot more, and it is only short, so I’m keeping this one on my TBR and on my shelves.


Holes (Holes #1) by Louis Sachar

Holes (Holes, #1)

This is a strange looking book that I don’t think I have come across before, and I have no idea what it could possibly be about, apart from the fact that it is YA fiction. I’ll be honest and say that this book sounds a little bit weird to me, I’m not sure about it and I don’t fancy it at all, so I’m going to get rid of it.


The Host (The Host #1) by Stephenie Meyer

The Host

This is a YA science fiction book with aliens that invade peoples’ minds and take control of the person whose body they infiltrate. That doesn’t sound too bad to me, but the bit about where the invader starts falling in love with the person the host already loves is a bit strange I’ve not read any of Stephenie Meyer’s books other than the Twilight series, and I think I want to leave it at that since this book doesn’t do anything for me.


Eragon (The Inheritance Cycle #1) by Christopher Paolini

Eragon (The Inheritance Cycle, #1)

This is another book that I’ve had on my shelves for a while and still not read. I remember seeing this film adaptation when I was a lot younger and ever since I’ve wanted to read the book series. I already know what this series is about and I know that I already like it, so I am definitely keeping it on my list to hopefully read soon, and continue the series!


Uglies (Uglies #1) by Scott Westerfeld

Uglies (Uglies, #1)

I don’t know what, but when I was a teenager, I obviously missed this series because nearly everyone I know has read it, and I just haven’t. I think I’m past the point where I want to read this book, I might change my mind later, but I have so many fantastic books on my TBR already and I don’t really fancy this one at the minute, so I’m going to take it off the list.


Ella Enchanted (Ella Enchanted #1) by Gail Carson Levine

Ella Enchanted (Ella Enchanted #1)

Again, another book to movie adaptation. I can’t tell you how many times I saw this movie growing up and I loved it! I didn’t even know it was a book until a few years ago when I saw it on Bookstagram. While I love the film, I don’t think I will bother with the book, so I’ll just watch the film again one day if I am in the mood for it.


Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson

Bridge to Terabithia

Another book that was made into a movie and one that I loved but that ripped my heart out. This is one that although I’ve seen it so many times and have cried like a baby each time, I do think I want to read the book. It’s mentioned as one of the best MG/YA books and I do think I want to experience it through reading, so I’m going to give it a chance!


Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson


I actually got this book for Christmas, or my birthday (I can’t remember which as they are just 2 weeks apart), and I had completely forgotten that it was on my TBR and wishlist. I did read the blurb again when I unwrapped it, but I have forgotten it again! This is the kind of YA contemporary that I don’t read much of anymore, but having read the blurb, it sounds like a really important and poignant story. I’ve also heard a lot of praise about this book, and I definitely want to give it a shot now I’ve read the blurb again and remember what it was about.


Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White

Charlotte's Web

I’ve actually never read this book or watched the movie that was made of it. I know this story is supposed to be great, but the blurb is not doing anything for me, and I have so many other children’s and middle-grade books on my TBR that I want to get to first, so I think that for now, I’ll be taking it off the list, and maybe adding again one day! We shall see.


Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

Little Women

I’ve had a copy of Little Women on my shelves since I was a teenager and I STILL have not read it. This is definitely a Classic that I’ve wanted to read for a while and having read the blurb, it does sound like a book I would enjoy. I’m hoping to read more classics this year, and this might very well be the one I start with!


Graceling (Graceling Realm #1) by Kristin Cashore

Graceling (Graceling Realm, #1)

Oh, this is a YA fantasy series that I have heard about and seen so many times in the last couple of years. I only needed to read a few lines of the blurb to be won over, this is definitely the kind of fantasy that I read and enjoy, with court intrigue, a touch of romance, secrets and mysteries. I’m definitely keeping this one on the list.


The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

The Little Prince

know this one is a well-loved book for so many people, but also one that I have never read. I grew up reading Winnie-the-Pooh, Paddington Bear and a lot of French children’s books, and I don’t know why, but I never did get to this one, I don’t even own a copy. I’ll be honest and say that I have no idea what this book is about, and I know that so many people cherish it, but I think I will let it go for now, and maybe try it sometime in the future if I feel like it.


Hush, Hush (Hush, Hush #1) by Becca Fitzpatrick

Hush, Hush (Hush, Hush, #1)

And the final book on my TBR Purge for this week is a YA fantasy romance series that I’ve seen about a lot as well, however, I am really not a fan of that cover. I really like books like this one and I can’t get enough of fantasy series. I know this is on the older side, but I feel like I would really enjoy it, and that I would whizz through the books, so to finish this week off with an easy choice, this book is staying on the list!


This was a bit of an eclectic mix again and I didn’t do the best at removing books because there were loads that sounded so good!

Every little helps though. Out of the 20 books that I have gone through today, I was able to remove a total of 8 books, taking my Goodreads “Want to Read” shelf down to 3,713 books, which is not too bad considering I’ve been adding books left, right and centre in the past weeks. I’ll be starting next week’s post at #425!

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this post, see you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


  1. I read alot of the YA and MG books on your list this week. I actually read Eragon earlier this year after my husband bugged me to read it for about 4 years. I enjoyed it and just finished the second book in the series! I have not seen the movie yet. He says it’s no where near as good as the book.

    I read Speak when I was younger and it was really powerful. I think there is a movie too.

    Great week!

    1. Oh, I really enjoyed the movie, so the book must be fantastic! 😍can’t wait to start it now! Ah sounds great, looking forward to that one. Thank you so much ☺️

    1. Thank you! TBRs are naughty things aren’t they? 😂at least we always have a load of books to pick from!

  2. I actually loved The Host! I read it years and years ago and was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it!

    1. Oh, that is interesting, I’ll have to keep it at the back of my mind and see if I fancy it some day!

  3. A lot of these books are ones that I read in the past, and loved. Eragon’s movie was a disappointment if you read the book, so the other way around I’d be curious what the experience is like.
    ♥ Mae

    1. Ah yay, I’m so glad you enjoyed them! Oh, well I loved the Eragon movie and have heard from many people that the book is better, so I can’t wait to experience it 😊

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