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Title: The Counterclockwise Heart

Author: Brian Farrey

Published: 1st of February 2022 – Algonquin Young Readers

Format: Digital (eARC) – 352 pages

Hello Hello! How are you?

Today is my stop on the Blog Tour organised by Algonquin Young Readers for The Counterclockwise Heart written by Brian Farrey.

I was really hoping to be able to provide a full review on this tour, especially since I am enjoying the start of the book, but I’m still suffering from side effects of my booster jab, and university is making life even tougher, so I’ve opted for a first impressions review. Hopefully, as soon as I’ll be able to finish this book, I’ll get a full review up on my blog!

As always, thank you so much to Kelly and the team over at Algonquin for letting me be part of the tour and for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


Tick . . . tick . . . tick . . .
Time is running out in the empire of Rheinvelt.
The sudden appearance of a strange and frightening statue foretells darkness. The Hierophants—magic users of the highest order—have fled the land. And the shadowy beasts of the nearby Hinterlands are gathering near the borders, preparing for an attack.
Young Prince Alphonsus is sent by his mother, the Empress Sabine, to reassure the people while she works to quell the threat of war. But Alphonsus has other problems on his mind, including a great secret: He has a clock in his chest where his heart should be—and it’s begun to run backwards, counting down to his unknown fate.
Searching for answers about the clock, Alphonsus meets Esme, a Hierophant girl who has returned to the empire in search of a sorceress known as the Nachtfrau. When riddles from their shared past threaten the future of the empire, Alphonsus and Esme must learn to trust each other and work together to save it—or see the destruction of everything they both love.


Okay, so far, I am enjoying this book, but I am a little bit confused. It is a Middle Grade fantasy and the premise is amazing, but 31% in, I am just a little confused about how things are going to meet up at the end.

The writing is really engaging and it makes me want to keep reading. It reads as a kind of fairytale because of the writing style and the story which gives off some quite foreboding vibes. I really like how it sort of makes the reader dread what will happen, all the while making them want to keep reading.

I’m enjoying learning about this world. I think it is fascinating. I have only just gotten to the introduction of magic through the Hierophants, but I’m liking that part a lot and I can’t wait to read more about it. I’m a big fan of magic in books and I have a feeling this will be a really interesting one. The little I’ve been able to read about it up to this point has really intrigued me, it’s definitely very original.

I’m not too sure about the characters yet because they feel quite distant to the story, but I’m putting that down to how plot-driven the book is, which is fine because I know we will learn more soon. I’ve never read a book where the main character doesn’t have a heart, it is fascinating, and I need to know more soon. I have to give these 3

Overall, so far, I’m enjoying reading The Counterclockwise Heart, and as soon as I get some time to myself, I look forward to continuing. I also just want to mention how stunning the cover is, and I can’t wait to find out who that woman on the cover is!!


Brian Farrey writes whatever pops into his head. Sometimes, it’s books for children. Sometimes, it’s books for adults. Sometimes, it’s screenplays. He’s never quite sure what will come out next but it’s been quite a ride finding out.

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed reading this post.

See you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx

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