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Hello Hello! How are you?

It’s a bit scary to think that tomorrow will be January again. I feel like it was only yesterday that I was packing my bags and heading off to Scotland! But I am glad that 2020 will be over in a few hours and hopefully, the new year will bring a little bit of extra luck for us all!

I finish my first semester in the middle of January and start my second semester in the final week of January, so I don’t have that long to actually rest, but I plan to spend all my free time reading, catching up on all the blog posts I missed and sleeping!

I know that I’m going to be busy in January as well, BUT, I am in a big reading mood so have not held back and my TBR is massive, but a lot of these books are small or are going to be read over the next couple of weeks in smaller sections, so I think I can do it! and I’m really excited for all these new reads coming my way!

On to the January TBR!

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (#4 Hercule Poirot) by Agatha Christie

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (Hercule Poirot, #4)

For January, the little TWR Gang book club I’m in picked Agatha Christie as our monthly genre, and I am very happy about that. You may already know this, I am a bit of a crazy person because I need to read books in the order they were published regardless of series order or if there is a chronological order or not. However, since we are all reading this together, I can get over my craziness and I’m excited to read this one!

Murder on the Orient Express (#10 Hercule Poirot) by Agatha Christie

Murder on the Orient Express (Hercule Poirot, #10)

My favourite Agatha Christie movie so far is Murder on the Orient Express. I really enjoyed the new film they did a few years ago so when this one was tied with the first book we picked for the book club, I knew I needed to pick up both and give them a shot. I already know the story to this one but I’m really looking forward to actually experiencing it in the written form!

The Binding by Brigit Collins

The Binding

I am going to be buddy reading this book with Candyce from The Book Dutchesses! We decided on this book at the start of December I believe and I have been waiting to get to this for ages! We have a habit (maybe it’s just a bit of luck) of picking really great buddy reads and I have heard a lot of great things about this one, so I am really intrigued about it and wondering how this one will go!

Clockwork Princess (#3 The Infernal Devices) by Cassandra Clare

Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices, #3)

I really have got to pick this one up soon because I have been pushing it back for ages! Fiona from Fi’s Bibliofiles and I have been reading the Cassandra Clare books since this summer, this is our next one and I’m intrigued to see how this second trilogy is concluded because there is a lot that needs to happen in my opinion, but I am ready for it!!


The Lost Child’s Quest by James Haddell

The Lost Child's Quest

I have started this book and I know I am going to finish it really soon because I’m already enjoying it a lot. I am reading this book for an author request and I’m really grateful that I’ve gotten the chance to read this book early because it seems like it has been getting some attention over the last few weeks! My review will be up for this one in a few days!

Written in Starlight (#2 Woven in Moonlight) by Isabel Ibañez

Written in Starlight (Woven in Moonlight, #2)

I was ecstatic when I realised that I had been approved for this book on NetGalley and I honestly have no idea still how that happened, but I’m so grateful and happy for this opportunity. I read Woven in Moonlight at the very start of 2020 and I fell in love with this world and these characters, I am very excited to dive back into this magical, enchanting world and see what happens next for one particular character!

To Sleep in a Sea of Stars by Christopher Paolini

To Sleep in a Sea of Stars

Yes, this book is once again on my TBR and no I have still not finished it, and I feel so guilty about it. it’s just such a massive book and I am very daunted by it, which is kind of strange because I’m already about a third of the way through. I just need to give myself one or two whole days to hunker down and jump into this story again because I was really enjoying it!

The Unadjusteds by Marisa Noelle

The Unadjusteds

Let’s have a little bit of an excited-happy-dance right now!! This is the FIRST @The_WriteReads blog tour of 2021 and I am so very excited about it because I love dystopian books and it has been ages since I read one. This blurb sounds so interesting, and I trust Dave with his amazing blog tour books, so I think this is going to be a really good tour!

The Obsidian Mask by Caroline Ludovici

The Obsidian Mask

This is an author request that I was supposed to read in December but I just did not get around to it because of how busy I was. It’s not a very long book, so while I’m on my break and not doing any thesis work, I am going to try to read and review this one. I don’t remember what the blurb is about as it has been a while since I accepted this one, but I am going in blind and hoping for the best!

White Trash Warlock (#1 The Adam Binder Novels) by David R. Slayton

White Trash Warlock (The Adam Binder Novels, #1)

And my second @The_WriteReads tour for January is a book that sounds right up my alley. I love series, and even better than just series, I LOVE fantasy series! I actually also really like the cover on this book, again, I can’t really remember the blurb so I’m going in blind, but I am very intrigued about this book!


A Pinch of Magic (#1) by Michelle Harrison

A Pinch of Magic (A Pinch of Magic, #1)

The Middle Grade Marvels book club BOTM pick for January is one that I have had my eye on for months. I first saw this book while I was in Waterstones one day in Stirling and I really wanted to pick it up, but I put it down again and told myself I would treat myself the next time I came. And guess what? Lockdown happened, so I completely forgot about this book, but I’m so glad that it was picked for this month because it is bound to be glorious and I just cannot wait!

The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow

The Ten Thousand Doors of January

If you saw the post I wrote yesterday, you will know that Noly and I have decided to take a break from new themes for the Hype-A-Thon readathon because we have so many books to catch up on! In January, we are going to try to tackle this one. So far, we are about halfway through and really enjoying it, so I’m hopeful that we can finish it quickly!


I wanted to start this TBR Game off really fun, so I asked my fiancé to pick my books for me. If you don’t know how my new TBR Game works, you can find all the information about it here. These are the 5 books that were chosen for January!

My current physical TBR is at 682 books and I am hoping to read all 5 of these to take the number down, I will be back for an update in my wrap-up at the end of January!

The Flatshare by Beth O’Leary

The Flatshare

I have had this book on my list ever since it came out and I’m really lucky that it was gifted to me while I was in Stirling, so thank you to the person who sent it to me if you are reading this! I’ve heard a lot about this author and I don’t generally read romance books because I just prefer fantasy and historical fiction, but if I do pick up a romance, I usually enjoy it, I’ve got high hopes for this one and I know I’ll read it very quickly!

The Da Vinci Code (#2) by Dan Brown

The Da Vinci Code (Robert Langdon, #2)

I read the first book in this series a few years ago and I have no idea why I did not finish it because I really enjoyed the first book and I now have the whole series on my shelves! I don’t read many mystery books either, but when I do, I usually like murder mysteries or Dan Brown-esque mysteries, so I’m very much looking forward to finally continuing this series!

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Noly was actually kind enough to send me a copy of this book and I’m so grateful to her because I have loved this movie my whole life, but shockingly, have never read the book! I already know the story inside out and back to front, but I know this is going to be a fun, happy and quick read, so I’m looking forward to it!

Lights on the Sea by Miquel Reina

Lights on the Sea

I actually received this book last year after winning it in a giveaway, and despite having started it straight away, for some reason, the bookmark is still on page 20. I think this is not one of my usual reads, but something drew me to this book and I’m hoping that it’s going to be the kind of fiction that I really enjoy, so fingers crossed!

Lost Boy by Christina Henry

Lost Boy

And finally, I am kind of scared about this book because I am NOT a horror reader and I am either scared out of my mind or not affected at all when reading horror books or watching horror movies, so it’s really strange. However, when I was so kindly sent this book while I was in Stirling (thank you to who sent it to me), I immediately read the blurb and wanted to read it then and there. I love Peter Pan and I there is one thing I like in books, it’s retellings! I also know that Fiona loves the books written by this author and we have similar tastes so I’m really looking forward to finally starting it!

Since I am reading quite a few books on my Kindle and from NetGalley this month, I am counting them towards the Kindle pick for each monthly TBR Game!


Well, this is going to be a busy month, but quite a few of these books are either really short, or the kind of books that I generally read very fast, so I have high hopes that I will get through most of these books during my week-ish off and I’m really excited to finally have some reading time to myself!

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this post. Please tell me in the comments what you’ll be reading for January! See you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


    1. Hehehe! Thank you so much, I’m excited for both and actually just started The Faltshare, so far, so good! ❤️❤️

    1. Ahaha, yep, kind of regretting it a little bit now, but I’m motivated aha! Thank you darling! xx ❤️

  1. Amazing TBR, Ellie! I really enjoyed The Binding, it is so interesting and atmospheric 😍 And the Agatha Christie mysteries are so exciting – hope you love all these books!!

    1. Thank you so much Stephen! I’ve heard a lot of great things about it! Thank you, good luck for your January reads! 🙂

  2. Kevin just ordered To Sleep in a Sea of Stars!

    Good luck with all of your reading!

    1. I feel like I must have seen it before, but we are going to do a watchalong with the book club when we’ve finished reading both, so I’ll get the chance to! 🙂

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