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Hello Hello! How are you?

I know this wrap-up is late by about 3 weeks, but it has taken me this long to get around to it since my thesis took me longer to write, and then the first week of my internship completely exhausted me.

Because I was so busy in May, I had quite a bad reading month number-wise… I completely failed with my really ambitious May TBR, so I am currently still playing catch-up, and trying to read my June books too, ahaha, I haven’t learned my lesson yet! If you want to find out what I have planned for the rest of the month, you can find the list on my June TBR post!

In May, I only managed to read a total of 4 books, which is probably the least number of books I’ve read since January 2020! Last month, I did however find my favourite book of the year so far, which I’m very happy about that. Keep on reading to find out what I read in May!


Favourite Book of the Month

I’ll Be Gone in the Dark: One Woman’s Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer by Michelle McNamara

Book Cover

This was not only my favourite book of the month but also of the year. I absolutely adored it. It sounds so strange to say that, but it was fantastic. The writing style, the evidence found, the facts explained, the hypotheses, it was all so fascinating. The crimes committed by the Golden State Killer are horrendous and wicked, but the way this book was executed was just extremely good. I felt like it read like fiction, but I did have to stop and put it down often because it’s so vivid and shocking, so do be aware of that if you want to read it. I gave it 5 stars and it was incredible, I highly recommend it, and my review will be up soon!

May Books

City of Lost Souls (#5 The Mortal Instruments) by Cassandra Clare

Book Cover

I buddy read this book with Fiona and Erika in May and SO much happened. This one definitely took a much darker route and I have to admit that I was shocked more times than I thought I would be. This was a solid instalment in the series and one I enjoyed. That ending both shocked me and made me cry a little bit, I hope something better will happen in the final book. I still don’t fully understand the amount of hype the series gets, but I am enjoying it more as it goes along, so hopefully book 6 will be my favourite. I gave this book 4 stars and you can read my mini-review and Erika’s spoilery thoughts here!

Judgement Day (#2 Seekers) by Josie Jaffrey

Book Cover

This was another amazing book for me in May and a high contender with my other favourite. I read May Day, the first book in the series, last year and I loved it, so when I found out Judgement Day was releasing in May, I jumped on the chance to read it. This book was fantastic. I loved finding all my favourite characters again. Jack and Cam are my favourites, I love them so much. And that ending, OMG, I did not see it coming but I am totally rooting for them, and I cannot get enough of this series, so bring on book three! I gave this book 4.5 stars are you can read my review here!

Blood Work (#0.5 Seekers) by Josie Jaffrey

Book Cover

And the final book I managed to read in May was a short story set before the Seekers series, but just as enjoyable. This one focused on Cam, which I loved, and we got to read about him, and his relationship with Ed, but most importantly, we saw how he became part of the Seekers. I enjoyed the back story in this and I love Josie’s writing style so much! I gave it 4 stars and I will need to get my review up soon, since it’s sitting in my drafts folder, oops!

May Reading Stats

Number of books: 4 books

Number of pages: 2,605 pages (I read a lot more pages than I finished books!)

Star ratings:

4 stars: 2 books

4.5 stars: 1 book

5 stars: 1 book

Average rating: 4.37⭐

Genres: 1 nonfiction true crime, 2 YA paranormal fantasies (+mystery), 1 YA fantasy

Physical Book left for Ellie’s TBR Game: 721.

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed reading this post, see you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


  1. I’m currently listening to I’ll be gone in the dark! Enjoying it so far!

  2. It sounds like you’ve had a very busy month so well done for squeezing the reading in! I too have months where I read loads one month, then only a couple the next – sometimes life gets in the way. Super excited for you that you’ve got your favourite read of the year so far!!

    1. Thank you lovely, these past two months were crazy busy! Life is a pain in the bum isn’t it? Hehehe yes, I highly recommend it, it was fantastic!

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