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Hello Hello! How are you?

It’s getting close to February and that means it’s time for me to talk about the next group we’ll be reading for the Middle Grade Marvels book club!

This week, I started classes again and I have to say it is HECTIC. The class is split in two and every other week we have to go to face-to-face learning which I’m not happy about, but there have been whispers of another lockdown, so I have my fingers crossed that I’ll soon be able to stay at home, and stay safe!

In January, the Middle Grade Marvels have been reading A Pinch of Magic (#1) by Michelle Harrison. I have one last section to go for this book and I can’t wait to finish it because I have been loving it so much. It is a lot darker than I was expecting from the cover, and it has such a complex and fascinating plot, I’m going to be reading the rest of the books in this series straight away because I love it! I hope I can get a review up for this soon because I think I will have a lot of thoughts!

If you don’t know what this book club is, head over to my announcement post here, Noly’s announcement post here, and Holly’s announcement post here. If you are interested in joining our book club on Twitter or Goodreads, you can find all the information you need for February in the pinned tweet at @GradeMarvels.

The February BOTM poll has been voted on, and the information Tweet has been published and pinned, so you may already know that in February we will be reading Octavia Bloom and the Missing Key (#1) by Estelle Grace Tudor as our BOTM pick!

This is a book that was recommended to the Middle Grade Marvels group in a tweet and we added it to the nominations, and I kind of forgot about it, to be honest. But the beauty about this book club and the random number generator and polls we use is that we get the opportunity to read books we probably wouldn’t have picked up otherwise. I think this one is going to be magical and I’m looking forward to starting it!

Octavia Bloom and the Missing Key (Through The Fairy Door, #1)

One tiny discovery can have enormous consequences…

Almost 10-year-old Octavia Bloom is looking for adventure, but when it comes it’s in the shape of a tiny fairy door. Dragging her reluctant sister and cousins into the mystery, Octavia discovers her family are hiding not ONE but TWO life-changing secrets.

Why is her mother searching for an elusive flower? And does she have what it takes to reunite her fractured family?

Octavia’s certain the answers lie behind the fairy door if only she could just find the key… Bravery, secrets & magic intertwine in this fantastical adventure.

This list includes some affiliate links. If you decide to purchase a book from one of my links, I may earn a small commission, at no extra cost to you.

If you would like to purchase this book, you can find it here:  Amazon UK  – Amazon FRAmazon USAbeBooksThe Book DepositoryWaterstonesBarnes and NobleBlackwell’sBetterWorldBooks

If you haven’t yet joined our book club and you love reading Middle Grade books, what are you waiting for?

You can sign-up on this form to tell us where you want to discuss the book (Twitter, Goodreads), if you will read the BOTM with us or just read something from your own TBR. Those already in the Twitter chat no longer need to sign-up, so you can sit back, relax and get ready for some great reading in February! If you are in the MGM – BOTM Twitter chat, but do not want to follow the February BOTM discussion, you are free to leave, and of course if you would like to come back in following months, just fill out the form again, or you can just stay in there and join back in with the conversation when you are ready!

As usual, the Nominations form is still open and this is where you can give us your nominations, and please remember to join us on Goodreads where we post our BOTM discussions for you to join in. We have also posted the Recommendations list and Nominations board for you on there. If you are not on Goodreads, you can find our Recommendations list here.

We are currently making a Similar Books for February list to be added to the pinned Tweet and to go up on the Goodreads page, so please bear with us, we are very busy! However, if you don’t want to read our BOTM and you can’t find anything else that takes your fancy, why not try one of the books on our Recommendations List, or DM one of us (HollyNolyme) to ask about alternatives and ideas!

If you don’t want to read the February BOTM and still want to join in for some middle grade reading, you can find all our previous Similar Books Lists if you scroll through the @GradeMarvels account on Twitter. And of course, you can read any Middle Grade book you have on your TBR, just let us know what you will be reading with the hashtag #middlegrademarvels on Twitter!

Holly, Noly and I are so excited for the February book and we hope that you are too! Join our club if you love Middle Grade stories and want to discuss some amazing books with our amazing members! Looking forward to having you on for the ride!

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this post, see you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx

Middle Grade Marvels Book Club links: TwitterGoodreadsRecommendations ListMonthly Sign-up FormNominations Form


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