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Hello Hello! How are you?

I’m so so so so so very excited to be here today and to be bringing you this post! Fiona from Fi’s Bibliofiles and I have had this little project under wraps for what feels like months, and I’m so glad today is finally the day you all get to read about it!!

You’ve probably figured it out by the title, but Fiona and I are going to undertake the enormous task of reading all the Shadowhunter Chronicles books by Cassandra Clare. We’ve both wanted to read the books in this universe for a long time and when Fiona asked me if I wanted to do a collab with her for these books a few months ago, I screamed first, said yes, screamed again and basically that’s it aha!

I’ve always wanted to read these books, not just because of the immense hype surrounding them, but also because the blurbs sound like something I would really enjoy. I also need to find out about all these characters and theories that people keep talking about. I’ve been hearing about these books for at least 5 years and I know I need to jump on the bandwagon soon, so I’m very glad Fiona and I are going to be able to read them together and discussing everything! I think it’s going to be an amazing experience, so thank you Fiona, for asking me to read them with you, it’s a pleasure to work with you on this huge task!

If you don’t know who Fiona is – which would surprise me because she is awesome – she is a book blogger over at Fi’s Bibliofiles and she is such a lovely person. I feel like we instantly hit it off and I’m so glad to be reading these books with her. You should definitely go check out her blog if you haven’t already, and definitely follow her! She posts some great stuff, be it her reviews that never fail to make me smile or laugh, her TBR Game which is so great and made me want to come up with my own, the readathons she participates in or her WWW, they are all so great, and you are really missing out on some great content from a great person if you don’t already know and love her!

Now, on to the important parts of this post!!!!

After some uhm-ing and aah-ing and some research, we decided on the order that is suggested by Cassandra Clare herself. I’ve heard of so many ways to read these books, and there are so many that it is definitely complicated to know how they are supposed to be read. We were originally going to go with a publication order, but Cassandra’s order just seemed better! If you haven’t yet read these books and are still unsure about what order to read them in, I definitely recommend this post on Riveted Lit, it really helped us and there are a few different orders to choose from.

As I said, we decided to go with the order that Cassandra herself suggested, and it goes as follows:

  • City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments #1)
  • City of Ashes (TMI #2)
  • City of Glass (TMI #3)
  • Clockwork Angel (The Infernal Devices #1)
  • Clockwork Prince (TID #2)
  • Clockwork Princess (TID #3)
  • City of Fallen Angels (TMI #4)
  • City of Lost Souls (TMI #5)
  • City of Heavenly Fire (TMI #6)
  • The Bane Chronicles
  • Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
  • Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices #1)
  • Lord of Shadows (TDA #2)
  • Queen of Air and Darkness (TDA #3)
  • Ghosts of the Shadow Market
  • Chain of Gold (The Last Hours #1)
  • The Red Scrolls of Magic (The Eldest Curses #1)
  • The Lost Book of White (TEC #2 – still to be released)
  • The Shadowhunter’s Codex

Obviously, this list is very long, and all the books in this world have not been released yet as Cassandra still has a few books and maybe series in progress, so this collaboration is definitely going to be a long-time one, which is even more exciting.

So, for the timeline of this collaboration, we don’t have everything finely tuned yet because we just don’t know how the first books are going to go, and not all the books are the same length, some being 300-400 pages longer than the first.

However, we are going to have a Shadowhunter Saturday post every third Saturday and we will both be discussing the book we will have read prior to the post, or will still be reading on the day of the post. We decided that we were going to be reading the first three books on the list in the next 9 weeks, so reading 1 book in 3 weeks, which seems very doable, but we will have to see what happens. We will also check back with you concerning the timeline for later books when we decide.

We are going to be starting City Of Bones on the 1st of June, and aiming at finishing it before the 20th which will be the date of our “wrap-up” or “discussion post” for Shadowhunter Saturday #1. We will be posting the second of these Saturday posts on the 11th of July and discussing City of Ashes, and on the 1st of August we will be discussing City of Glass in our Shadowhunter Saturday post! I don’t know if that makes any sense to you, but it does to us, lol!

I think that’s about it, I can’t keep babbling on about this amazing collaboration because we will be here until next year otherwise, but we are so very excited to start reading these books and discuss them together! We hope you will have fun following our journey, we are really looking forward to finally discovering the Shadowhunter world.

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this post! Don’t forget to read Fiona’s announcement post which you can find here. See you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


  1. I’m looking forward to reading your thoughts on these books! I’ve only read The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices, but The Dark Artifices trilogy is on my tbr for this year!

  2. Such a great initiative Ellie! I love these books with my whole heart. Even when I still need to read some of them it’s one of my favorite series ever and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

    1. Oh thank you so much Cielo, I’m not going in with any major expectations because I don’t want to be disappointed in case the first books don’t live up to the hype, but I am expecting some fun times and many discussions! Thank you, I hope so too 💕

  3. Wow I had no idea there were so many books in the series! Sounds fun! Best of Luck!

  4. I love these books, hope you enjoy them! And yes to your order that you’re going to tackle them in. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on them!
    ♥ Mae

    1. Oh great, I’m so glad, that’s a relief ahah! Thank you! I’m so excited 💕

      1. The order may seem out of place, but it keeps you from having spoilers in the prequel series. And I’m pretty sure it’s the order she wrote them, rather than where they chronologically fall.
        ♥ Mae

  5. I can’t wait to hear more of your thoughts! City of Bones was actually the book that got me into YA so The Mortal Instruments will always have a special place in my heart!

    1. I’m really enjoying the series so far and we are now going to start City of Glass! 🙂

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