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Title: Angel of Evil (#4 The Great Devil War)

Author: Kenneth B. Andersen

Published: 2019 (first published in 2010)

Page count: 315 pages

Hello Hello! How are you?

Today I’m doing a little something different! I’m on the blog tour organised by Dave from @The_WriteReads for the 4th book in The Great Devil War series by Kenneth B. Andersen! I’ve been seeing so many amazing reviews of the 3 previous books in this series for a few months by the bloggers in Dave’s gang, I was really happy to see that a few bloggers whose reading tastes match mine really enjoyed each book.

I’m so happy Dave reached out to me for this spotlight. I’m really looking forward to getting around to the first book in the series sometime soon, so thank you for the book and the info Dave!

Now, on to some information about this book and the author! Don’t forget to check out the reviews by the other bloggers on this tour, you can find them easily enough on @The_WriteReads, Dave always retweets our blog tour posts!


If you haven’t read the previous books in this series and would like to find out more about them, here is the blurb for the first book, The Devil’s Apprentice.

Philip is a good boy, a really good boy, who accidentally gets sent to Hell to become the Devil’s heir. The Devil, Lucifer, is dying and desperately in need of a successor, but there’s been a mistake and Philip is the wrong boy. Philip is terrible at being bad, but Lucifer has no other choice than to begin the difficult task of training him in the ways of evil. Philip gets both friends and enemies in this odd, gloomy underworld—but who can he trust, when he discovers an evil-minded plot against the dark throne?

If you would like to purchase this book, you can find it here: Amazon UK (affiliate link) – Amazon FR (affiliate link) – Audible FR (affiliate link) – Amazon USAudible UKScrib’dKobo

And here is the blurb for this blog tour book, the fourth book in this series: Angel of Evil!

Nothing will ever be the same. Satina is gone, kidnapped by the enemy. Disobeying Lucifer, Philip heads out to find her, journeying into the deep darkness of Outer Reach. But nothing can prepare Philip for the horror that awaits—or the demons he will face. Meanwhile, Lucifer’s kingdom is threatened as the Great Devil War draws closer. All Hell is about to break loose.

If you would like to purchase this book, you can find it here: Amazon UK (affiliate link) – Amazon FR (affiliate link) – Audible FR (affiliate link) – Amazon USAudible UKScrib’dKobo


“I was born in Denmark on a dark and stormy night in November 1976. I began writing when I was a teenager. My first book was a really awful horror novel titled Nidhug’s Slaves. It didn’t get published. Luckily. During the next 7 years, I wrote nearly 20 novels–all of which were rejected–while working as a school teacher. The rest of the time I spent writing.

In 2000, I published my debut fantasy book, The Battle of Caïssa, and that’s when things really took off. Since then I’ve published more than thirty-five books for children and young adults in genres ranging from fantasy to horror and science fiction.

My books have been translated into more than 15 languages and my series about the superhero Antboy has been adapted for film, which is available on Netflix. An animated tv series is currently in development. A musical of The Devil’s Apprentice opens in the fall 2018 and the movie rights for the series have also been optioned. I live in Copenhagen with my wife, two boys, a dog named Milo and spiders in the basement.” – Kenneth B. Andersen

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this post, definitely go check out the other reviews of this book, and if you haven’t already started this series, what are you waiting for? See you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


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