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Hello Hello! How are you?

Today I have another tag for my blog, it has been taking me quite a few weeks to get through the backlog of tags, but I’m getting there.

I was tagged in this Sunshine Blogger Award by Cielo from Belle Rose Reads, her blog is so lovely, it has amazing aesthetics and I really love her content, so definitely go check her out! Thank you for tagging me Cielo, and sorry it took me so long to get around to doing it and answering your questions!

This tag is for bloggers out there who are creative & inspiring and bring sunshine to the blogging community, so now, let’s get to the questions and how this tag works! I couldn’t find a blog where this tag originated, so if you know, tell me in the comments so I can give them credit!


  • Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.


What’s your favorite #OwnVoices book and why?

So far, I haven’t read that many #OwnVoices books yet, although I have so many on my TBR, I think my favourite of the ones I’ve read has to be The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. This book was absolutely amazing, I read it not long after it was published, and honestly, the feels from this one were wow. This taught me a lot about America and racism that I wasn’t really aware of (we don’t learn about it hardly in French schools, unfortunately) and it also has some very strong and important messages, that are very timely and that mustn’t be forgotten, so I highly recommend it.

What’s your favorite literary couple and why?

You’ve already heard me say this for sure, but obviously Rhysand and Feyre from the ACOTAR series by Sarah J. Maas, and yes, I am a broken record aha! I don’t really know why other than they go so well together and sort of complete one another, I love their chemistry and they are just really cute in a violent, bad ass, winged creature kind of way, if that makes sense?

You can only decide one genre to read for the rest of your life. Which one is it?

FANTASY, all the way, for the rest of my life, YES, it will always be fantasy because it’s my favourite genre and I love the world-building, the originality plot-wise, the magic, the characters and how they grow throughout the book, also, fantasy series can be really short but also really very long and that is something I absolutely adore. I do love the odd standalone, but really, who am I kidding? I’m a series kind of girl!

Your top 5 favorite booktubers?

I don’t watch as much BookTube as I used to before starting my blog, but I think that my favourites are maybe Books and Lala, Book Roast, PeruseProject, Hailey in Bookland and Brittany the Bibliophile!

Best and worst book you’ve read this year?

Oh dear, this is going to be a hard one, I think off the top of my head, the worst book I have read this year is maybe Thomas Wildus and the Book of Sorrows by J.M. Bergen, and the best book of the year is, drum roll please….. (I can’t just choose one, so I will have to choose two lol) The Ship of Shadows by Maria Kuzniar and A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson, I loved these two books, and I can think of another 3 that I adored off the top of my head, but I will save it for my end of year wrap up!

A book from the bottom of your TBR that you feel guilty of not reading it yet?

Honestly? All of them! But I will say probably Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll because it’s Noly’s favourite book and I want to experience it for myself (sorry Noly, I promise I will read it soon)!

Three books that have had the biggest impact in you?

You’ve heard this before, but I’m going to say it again: Les Misérables by Victor Hugo, Roots by Alex Hailey and (this is going to be very cliché and please don’t hate or judge me) the Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer. I know that Twilight is not the best literature, yes it’s problematic, but it was everything to me when I was growing up and it still has a big place in my heart, as do the other two books I’ve mentioned. I think they all impacted me in some way and it’s definitely down to them that I read the kind of books I do currently.

What are some of your blog’s goals that you wish to achieve this year?

Humm… Well, before I started my blog, my biggest goal this year was to actually start a blog, so since I’ve already accomplished that, I’ll be crazy and say that I would love to have 300 followers on my blog, it probably doesn’t sound like much to some bloggers with thousands of followers, but I would be so grateful for just that, I’m so lucky to actually have a blog and have the time to post on it, and every single person who reads my blog is either crazy for putting up with me or absolutely amazing, so thank you, you all have a special place in my heart.

One tip that you would give to someone who wants to start a book blog?

DON’T sign up for too many blog tours, DON’T give yourself a big TBR if you usually don’t read too much, DON’T schedule blog posts every day right from the start, and DON’T make yourself sick over numbers, stats and comments because it’s not worth it. Yes, those are all things I did to start doing, and I have learned from my mistake (well, almost).

Basically, just be you, have fun doing what you love, read as many and which books you want and don’t feel pressured to do any more than what you are comfortable, you will grow and you will learn, so just trust the road and let it be!

Also, Google will be your best friend when it comes to understanding the intricacies of WordPress or any other blog host. Believe me on that one.

What are some other things you love to do besides reading/blogging?

Nothing. No lol, that’s a joke, but I spend so much time actually blogging and reading and reading and blogging because that’s exactly what I love to do and can’t get enough of it! But, I suppose I love photography and really want to get out to do more, I used to take loads of nature pictures and had a lot of fun doing it (this will probably end badly if I get an idea in my head about climbing up a mountain for a picture of a bush). I also love cooking (I hate baking though), organising (yes, I’m that freak that has a box for every single thing), bullet journaling, I like the odd spot of gardening and I’m really into researching alternative medicine and natural remedies (I know it’s a weird bunch of things lol).


The Artsy Reader

And On She Reads

 Fi’s Bibliofiles

Naty Reads Books

Holly Loves Books

Stephen Writes

Kerri McBookNerd

For Books Sake

My Bookish Bliss

JenJen Reviews

KB Book Reviews


What book really made you think once you had finished it?

Do you prefer hardbacks or paperbacks?

What do you love the most about your blog and blogging?

Do you have a reading nook or do you just read wherever you can?

Do you prefer long books or short books?

Who is your least favourite character from a book and why?

What is a favourite indie book you read this year?

How do you rate books you read? With a 1 to 5 star rating system or something else and why do you do it like that? Or do you not rate your reads at all?

What got you into blogging?

What is your least favourite genre and why?

What is your favourite genre and why?

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this tag. As always, if you weren’t tagged in my post but want to do this tag, go ahead and tag me so I can read your answers! You also have no obligation to do this tag if it’s not something you enjoy! See you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


  1. Yes to The Hate U Give and A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder! I’m going to join Noly in persuading you to read Alice 😂 It’s wonderful and it takes a very short time to read. Thank you for the tag!

    1. You’re welcome Stephen, and I agree YES to those two!! Ahaha, okay, I will put it on my list for September or October! 🙂

  2. I really enjoyed reading your answers! I actually forgot I wrote some of these lol.
    TOTALLY agree on Rhys and Feyre being my favorite couple.
    And the advice I agree the most on is not signing up in too much blog tours, that’s too much stress😂

    1. Thank you so much Cielo, ehehe, sorry it took me so long to get them done, they were great questions! Rhys and Feyre all the way. Yeah, done that, been there, got the teeshirt, or should I say the stress? Ahah!

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