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I’m finally getting around to doing another book tag. I thought it would be the perfect post for today as I’m still not feeling 100%. I love the taste of coffee and am a complete addict, so I’m really happy to be doing this post.

I was tagged by the lovely Danni from For Books Sake to do this tag, so thank you, Danni! If you aren’t following her, and haven’t seen her blog yet, you need to head over there because her blog is so great. She is such a lovely person! Now, on to the questions for this tag!


Black: Name a series that’s tough to get into, but has hardcore fans

The first series that pops into my head is definitely The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare and possibly even the whole Shadowhunter world of books. I’ve started reading these books with Fiona from Fi’s Bibliofiles, and we’ve noticed that each book is rather slow to start with and we haven’t really got the hype yet, but I know that this series is absolutely adored by so many people, so I’m staying optimistic and pushing my way through!!

Peppermint Mocha: Name a book that gets more popular during the winter or festive time of year

I don’t want to say the one that pops into everyone’s head when this question is asked, so instead, I’m going to say that I have seen classics such as Alice in Wonderland, Oliver Twist, A Christmas Carol. I also get in series binge-mood during the winter months, so I’m going to say series such as Game of Thrones, ACOTAR, Throne of Glass, The Lord of the Rings and I’m sure many more!

Hot Chocolate: What is your favourite children’s book?

Winnie-the-Pooh (Winnie-the-Pooh, #1)

I have to say Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne, I absolutely loved this book and the movies as a child, and I still love them just as much now! I feel like it’s one of those timeless books and I will always love it I think!

Double Shot of Espresso: Name a book that kept you on the edge of your seat from start to finish

Hold Your Tongue (DI Eve Hunter, #1)

I think I’m going to have to say that Hold Your Tongue by Deborah Masson really kept me on the edge of my seat. I don’t read that many mysteries/thrillers, but this one hooked me from the start and I sped through it, at the end, I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough.

Starbucks: Name a book you see everywhere

Mexican Gothic

It took me ages to work out which book I could talk about for this question, so I went down a Bookstagram hole and finally decided on Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia. I’ve heard SO many people talk about this one, the cover is stunning and it sounds amazing, I’ve had it on my list since the first time I saw it and I need to actually get myself a copy and read it soon.

That Hipster Coffee Shop: Give a book by an Indie author a shout-out

The Third Sun (Daughter of the Phoenix Book One)

I’ve been reading a lot more indie authors this year, and I have to say that the first book that pops into my mind is The Third Sun by Victoria J. Price! I read this one in April (and still haven’t written a review, oops, sorry) but I really enjoyed it, it gave me so many good vibes and I binged it just like I did ACOTAR. I am going to do a reread of this soon so I can jump into the second book straight away!

Oops! I Accidentally Got Decaf: Name a book you were expecting more from

Thomas Wildus and the Book of Sorrows (The Elandrian Chronicles #1)

I haven’t finished it yet, but I have to say Thomas Wildus and the Book of Sorrows by J.M. Bergen. I’m currently reading this for the Middle Grade Marvels book club, and I’m a bit underwhelmed and disappointed actually. Having read the blurb I thought it was going to be the next Harry Potter type series, but the first 200 pages bored me and it’s only now actually feeling a bit okay to me. Don’t really want to say too much but I’m not loving it so far.

The Perfect Blend: Name a book or series that has both bitter and sweet but is ultimately satisfying

The Trials of Morrigan Crow (Nevermoor, #1)

I’m going to say the Nevermoor series by Jessica Townsend, I’ve only read the first book so far, but I felt that it had both bitterness and sweetness in the story. Morrigan Crow is an amazing character, but she goes through so much at such a young age, her parents basically hate her, and even when she is in Nevermoor, people are hiding a lot of things from her, but it’s also such a sweet book and Morrigan finds such a caring family and a great friend. I loved it, and you can read my review for it here!

I’m tagging:

And On She Reads

Naty Reads Books

The Artsy Reader

Holly Loves Books

KB Book Reviews

My Bookish Bliss

Shelves of Starlight

JenJen Reviews

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this post, and if you want to do this tag but I didn’t tag you, go ahead! See you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


    1. Thank you! I adore coffee, but used to absolutely hate it, so I get that! It’s a peculiar taste.

  1. Yeah, I’m not sure if I would’ve been so into The Mortal Instruments had I not watched the show first. Because some of the plot points are a little hard to get pass.
    ♥ Mae

    1. Yeah, I haven’t seen the show yet, but I am enjoying City of Glass more so than the previous ones!

  2. This looks like a fun tag! I agree about TMI – I read the first book and it really wasn’t my thing, but so many people love it! Also, yes on Mexican Gothic – it’s been everywhere (but I also read it and loved it 🙂 ).

    1. Thank you! I really enjoyed doing it. I’m currently reading City of Glass and feel like it has gotten going a lot faster than the previous two, so I’m optimistic I’m going to start enjoying the series more. Oh exciting, I need to read it soon then! 🙂

    1. Thank you Cielo! 🙂 I’m currently nearly finished book 3 and literally screaming about everything lol!

    1. Yeah, for sure, there are so many, we are pushing through but are looking at finishing the series in the middle of 2021 reading 1 book every 3 weeks aha! Thank you! 🙂

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