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Hello Hello! I hope you are all well!

I’m back this month with my head down low and my tail between my legs. Guess how many books I read for the Hype-A-Thon Readathon during #MythMarch? NONE! That’s so bad of me, but both Noly and I really struggled to find any time or motivation to pick the books up, so this wrap up is going to be super short.

March Wrap Up

Did I finish anything? No.

Did I start anything? Yes, I’m about 30 pages into Circe by Madeline Miller.


We both picked up Circe by Madeline Miller but we never even made it to The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden, so we might do that one another month if we can think of a theme to go with it! If you have any ideas please comment down below or go tell us on our Twitter account.

April Announcement and TBR

For a while, we’ve known that we wanted to do a chill month for April. Things have been really hectic lately, especially with the world pandemic making everything so much worse, so the theme for April, #AprilCatchUp, really couldn’t have come at a better time. We do want to at least read 1 book (hopefully), we want to try to get motivated and maybe host some mini readalongs or readings sprints over on the Hype-A-Thon Twitter to keep motivated to push through the books, but we are still going to be chill about it!

We decided that we would try to get to as many books that we could that we hadn’t been able to start or finish since January, so this is just going to be a bit of a “maybe” TBR and we’ll pick and choose what we are feeling like reading when that time comes!

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

The Book Thief

This was the book I chose for #PickandChooseJanuary and although I finished Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout (Noly’s pick) in one single night, I never even got to this one. I’m going to say that this would be my priority read just because it has been on my Goodreads TBR and physical TBR for YEARS, so I really need to get to this soon. I have this one on a few other challenge TBRs, so I hope I can read it in April!

Modern Faerie Tales by Holly Black

The Modern Faerie Tales: Tithe; Valiant; Ironside

We added this book on a whim to our #Faebruary TBR for February, but neither of us got to it. It is quite long since we both have the bind-up version of this series, but I might try to read just 1 of these stories and finish the other ones in a few months! I suppose I’ll just have to see what reading mood I’m in!

The Spiderwick Chronicles by Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi

The Spiderwick Chronicles Box Set (The Spiderwick Chronicles, #1-5)

We both managed to read The Field Guide, the first book in this middle-grade series, and I really want to try to get to as many as the other 4 books as I can this month. They are only about 100-120 pages long, with illustrations and really big writing, so it takes no time at all to read one. I think it could be a great choice if I feel like reading something short and easy without worrying about committing to a 300-page book!

Circe by Madeline Miller


In a mad moment of genius, Noly and I had some impromptu reading sprints/readalongs a few times this month, and even though we didn’t get very far, at least we did start Circe and both got a few chapters in. I think I can speak for both of us when I say that we fell in love with this story and the writing, it is quite complex, there are a lot of gods, but we both really liked what we’ve read so far. I’m going to try to read this one after The Book Thief and I think that impromptu reading sessions are the way to go while we are so demotivated and bored by everything.

The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden

The Bear and the Nightingale (Winternight Trilogy, #1)

Okay, I said that I would keep this one for another month, but I’m adding it here for the sake of it aha, why do I do this to myself? I really want to try to push myself in April and I think I can make it if I just find a way to motivate myself. Again, maybe reading sessions with Noly is the way to go! I’ve wanted to read this ever since I received my copy in my first ever giveaway on Instagram last year and I know that it has been looking at me sideways for months!

I know you’re all laughing at me right now, but we are both going to try our best this month. Being in lockdown and confined to our flat for the foreseeable future seems like the perfect opportunity to get these books read. I’m not sure how things are going to happen with my end of term of university because a lot of things have been happening lately with exam planning, but hopefully, after the 10th of April (last essay submission date), I should be able to READ, READ, READ. Keep your fingers crossed for me and feel free to laugh at my expense when May rolls around and I still haven’t picked a book up.

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this post and I really do hope that we see more people join us over on the Twitter Hype-A-Thon soon! Remember to use the #hypeathonreadathon and #AprilCatchUp or any other monthly theme hashtags over on Twitter and Instagram or tag us in your TBRs for the readathon! See you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx

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