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Hello Hello! How are you?

I’ve got a different post for you today, the next couple of weeks I have a tonne of blog tours and a few author requests taking up nearly every single day of my calendar, so I thought we could do with something a bit more fun and different for today!

I was tagged by not one but TWO lovely bloggers for this post, firstly Kerri from Kerri McBookNerd and Hannah from Words of Hannah Kay! I’ve already done this once before on my blog, but I couldn’t resist doing it again hihi! Thank you so much for tagging me girls!

The Mystery Blogger Award is a book tag created by Okoto Enigma to find and promote bloggers who “haven’t been discovered yet”, it’s a great idea and I love doing book tags like this!


  • Put the award logo/image on your blog.
  • List the rules.
  • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.
  • Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
  • You have to nominate 10 – 20 people.
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog.
  • Answer the questions by the person who nominated you.
  • Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify).
  • Share a link to your best post(s).


  1. I am fluent in French but I don’t like reading books in French because it almost always seems like the authors are either trying to hard or are still stuck in the 16th century.
  2. I am allergic to nearly all fruit and quite a lot of vegetables, the saddest thing is that I love tomatoes more than any other food and can’t eat any, well, I still do but only once or twice a month and when thoroughly dosed up on antihistamines aha! (sometimes karma gets me though).
  3. I’ve always been fascinated by the fact that Costa Rica doesn’t have an army and have wanted to travel there ever since I found out.


Kerri’s Questions

  1. What is your favorite thing about being a book blogger?

I think I’m going to have to say that it’s being able to talk about a book you love and rant about it or rave about it with loads of people, even if they don’t have the same opinion. There is also no judgement between us book bloggers (not that I know of at least), we all help each other out and it’s also a really great creative outlet.

2. What are your criteria for DNFing a book? Or do you DNF at all?

I’ve only started DNFing this year, but now that I’ve DFNed a few, I’m not holding back anymore. If I’m really not liking a book, it isn’t grabbing me, nothing is happening or the writing style is bad, then I’ll DNF. But I’ll also DNF if the book is racist, sexist, and cliché, as one of my recent ones was.

3. What book world (non-contemporary) do you think you would thrive in?

This is a really great question! I’m not sure I would thrive in it, but I’d love to live in the Middle Ages, I’m really fascinated by this time (I’d probably get burned at the stake for being a witch knowing my luck), and I think I’d love to learn more about this time. But I also think I’d love to live in the 1920s and would most likely thrive too.

4. What are three of your favorite tropes/themes in books?

I loveeeeee the enemy to lover trope, I have no idea why, but I just do. There is just something about it that totally intrigues me and I love nearly every book that I read that has this trope. I also really enjoy the forbidden love trope and I can’t think of another one aha.

5. If you had one magical wish and could make any aspect of being a blogger easier, what would it be?

To stop authors who’ve never spoken to me before from commenting on my Tweets with a link to their book.

Hannah’s Questions

  1. Were you inspired by anyone to start a blog? This can be anyone from family and friends, other bloggers and even YouTubers!

YES! I was definitely inspired by a load of people to make my blog, but mostly by Noly from The Artsy Reader. I was sort of thinking about making a blog when I first “met” her last September, and she succeeded in convincing me to go through with it.

2. Recommend 5 underrated books that you think deserve more love, recognition, and more people to read them.

Another hard question… uhm…. This is maybe controversial, but I’m going to say We Were Liars by E. Lockhart, I love this book, have reread it numerous times and even written a paper on it in my first year at university, it’s just so wow and I don’t see enough people talk about it.

And then I’m going to say Roots by Alex Hailey, Les Misérables by Victor Hugo, Tapestry by Beth Duke and The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows, just BECAUSE. You have to read them!

3. If you could learn 1 language fluently overnight, which language would you choose?

I’m already fluent in French, but as a third language I think I would choose German or Spanish because I started to learn both but had awful teachers and I just didn’t want to learn or put in enough effort.

4. What is your favourite and least favourite genre to read? And why?

My favourite genre is fantasy because fantasy is awesome (lol), and my least favourite is probably either horror or non-fiction just because they either scare me to death, bore me to death, or just don’t give me the feels I get from fantasy!


Sarah from Thoughts of the Reader

Cielo from Belle Rose Reads

Gabby from The Athenaeum

Stephen from Stephen Writes

Kelly from Unapologetically Kelly

Emily from A Short Book Lover

Ash from For the Love of Books

Lu from Lu Reviews Books

Nicola from Reading Through the Looking Glass

Mae from Mae Polzine


  1. Do you have a drink with you while you are reading and if so, what is your favourite beverage?
  2. Are you a morning read or a night read person? Or do you just read all day?
  3. Are you a mood reader or do you always follow a set TBR?
  4. What is your favourite colour on a book cover and give an example of a cover you love with this colour!
  5. Do you have a favourite female villain? Who is she?


This took me a while to find because I’ve done so many posts lately, but I think I’m going to settle with these three:

The latest Bullet Journal post from my Bullet Journaling series because I was really proud of all my trackers and I had so much fun getting it ready!

The Middle Grade Marvels Book Club announcement that I did on my blog because I’m so happy about this and we’re all having a tonne of fun already!

And finally, my review of Away With the Penguins by Hazel Prior because this book was incredible and people need to read it right now!

This was so much fun, I always love answering questions like these, even though it takes me ages to come up with my own! If you want to participate in this tag but I haven’t tagged you, please do it and pingback to me so I can read your answers! Also, if I tagged you but you don’t like doing tags, no pressure!

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this little book tag as much as I did! See you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


    1. Thank you!! It always makes me laugh when I’m in the shop with my mum and people talk about us and I switch to French really loud and they turn away and hide 😅😅 but it is a beautiful language, just a pain in the butt for verbs

  1. I can’t imagine being allergic to fruits and vegetables. I love them than any meat. Well, except if the meat is on pizza. 😊

    Loved reading your post Ellie. 💖

  2. Thank you so much for the tag, Ellie 😊
    Great post, I also can’t eat as many fruit and vegetables as I would like because of the acid content. Well done on being able to DNF more this year – in that case there may be hope for me yet! 😂

    1. You’re welcome Stephen! I’m so sorry to hear that, it must be awful! Of course, the year isn’t even halfway through! You’ve got this 🥰

  3. Thanks for tagging me! What a fun post. I studied French for two years. It’s a lovely language. I’m sorry for your fruits and vegetables allergy. I hope at least it was fun not to have to eat them as a kid ;).

    1. You’re welcome hun! Ahah actually yes it was but now I really miss them, I’m a vegetable junkie 🙈😅

  4. I used to be almost fluent in Spanish and have since lost that ability but I keep thinking of relearning it by more immersive than what we did in school (movies, books, conversations).
    I’m glad Noly convinced you to start bogging!

    1. I think I’m going to start doing that too because the little I know from school (9 years of lessons) I have completely forgotten. 😔 I’m so glad too!!

  5. These are so fun but I always have the hardest time coming up with answers. I laughed out loud at your answer to number 5 because it’s true. It doesn’t happen to me often but its weird when it does.

  6. This was a fun post to read! Les Mis is such a good book, I don’t see many people talk about and I wish more people would read it too. 🙂

  7. Thank you so much for the tag, I didn’t received the notification for some reason, but I’m so excited to do this soon!
    I didn’t know Costa Rica didn’t have an army 😮 i guess everyday you learn something new😂
    Learn spanish soon so we can talk in my native language! Hahaha

  8. Wow, thanks so much Ellie! Mae tagged me too and I’m so excited to get started!! I’ll have to check out that Away With the Penguins book, thanks for the rec!

    1. You’re very welcome! I can’t wait to see your post. Yes, you absolutely do, it’s so great 🥰

    1. French is so complicated though even for a sort of “native” speaker like me, I really want to get better at Spanish.

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