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Hello Hello! How are you all?

Today I am back with a really quick tag as it has been a while since I’ve done one and I was looking for something quick and fun to write and post on my blog!

I was tagged in this one ages ago by Kat from KB Book Reviews, I’m so sorry it took me so long to get to it, but thank you so much for tagging me! Head over to her post here, and also, check out her blog because it is great!

Now, let’s get to this tag!

What is the Sunshine Blogger Award?

The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who are creative, positive and inspiring while spreading sunshine to the blogging community.

How does it work?

  • Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog (I made one myself as I couldn’t find the original one!)

Kat’s questions for me:

What is your favourite bookish trope?

I think I have to say enemies to lovers here because I love a bit of angst and I love seeing how characters go from despising one another to slowly changing their feelings. This can be done either really well or really badly, but there is just something about this trope that I personally love.

What is your favourite song / album / playlist right now?

This is where I fail though because I hardly listen to music anymore. It just makes my migraines worse and it’s something that I’m not obsessed with, so I can’t think of anything for this question. However, some of my favourite bands/singers include Elvis Presley, Lana Del Rey, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Queen, Mumford and Sons and Paramore, so it is quite an eclectic mix.

What has been your favourite read of 2021 so far?

(It was originally 2020 but I switched it to this year!)

I’ve only read 15 books so far this year (currently writing this on Friday so it might be more by the time this goes up) but I have loved nearly all of them and have already discovered some great new authors. I think I am going to say that my favourite read of the year so far was The Binding by Bridget Collins that I buddy read with Candyce from The Book Dutchesses. This book was frankly incredible, I was sucked into this world, my heart hurt for the characters, it was beautiful and it thoroughly swept me away. I can’t recommend it enough and you’ll have to go with my word because I still haven’t posted my review of it yet ahah!

If you could live for a day in the world of any book what book would you choose?

Oh, now this is such an interesting question and one that will require a bit of thinking on my part. I have read so many amazing books over the years and I have found so many amazing imaginary worlds. As a fantasy lover, I have to pick a fantasy world and I’ll stick with one of my favourites: A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas. I think I would love to spend a day (or a night) in the Night Court!

What are your feelings on loaning books to friends and family?

It depends, to be honest. I do lend some books to my mum and nan but they have been warned not to dog-ear the pages and I have given them a few bookmarks each aha. I know that they will be careful with my books and I only trust a very select few with my precious babies!!

How do you feel about writing in books, or purposefully breaking book spines, or dog-earring pages?

This also depends because I personally don’t do any of those things and I think it would make me feel sick if someone did those things to my books. However, people love their books in all different ways and unless damage is done to a book on purpose, I think that signs of wear and tear are only normal and I don’t judge anyone for the ways in which their love for their books is shown.

Which do you find easier to write: a book review for a five star rated book or one for a one star rated book?

Now, this is a really tricky question because I struggle with both. If I write a 5-star review, I end up gushing and raving about the book for ages and my review is so long, with so many details and characters and themes, and I get a little bit overboard. I’ve never had to write a review for a one-star read, but I think that would be equally difficult because I wouldn’t want to come across as mean or dumping on the book, however much I disliked it unless it was offensive.

What is the post you are most proud of on your blog? Share a link to it.

Oh, I don’t really know to be fair because I have written so many blog posts and I don’t think I would say I am necessarily proud of any, but I did really enjoy writing a recent post on the January-March releases I want to read because I discovered some amazing sounding books while I was perusing Goodreads! I suppose I am a little proud of this post since it was such great fun to compile.

If someone was starring in the film of your life, who would you cast as you?

Ahaha, what a strange but also interesting question and I know exactly who I would cast because multiple times, people have told me that I am quite like Phoebe Tonkin, probably not in looks, but at least in mannerisms. And I do happen to quite like her as an actress, so I will go with her! 

Novelty socks or novelty t-shirts?

Am I allowed to say both? I love my fluffy socks because my feet get so cold due to crappy blood circulation and I have been sporting the Fairyloot socks lately. However, there is just something about having a cute bookish shirt of a fandom you love, so I’ll bedeck myself with both I think!

Questions for my nominees:

And now I’m going to be a complete bore and steal Kat’s questions, which were also Emer’s questions in Kat’s post. I loved these questions, they were such fun to read, so I hope my nominees don’t mind answering the same questions as I did!

My nominees:

Noly, Holly, Erika, Fiona, Kerri, Kimberly, Jenny, Candyce & Isabelle, Gee, Ellie Mai and Stephen!

As you know, you don’t have to do this tag if I tagged you and you don’t feel like it, so no pressure. But if I didn’t tag you and you would like to answer these questions, please feel free to do so and link back here so I can read your answers!

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed reading this post, see you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


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