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Hello Hello! How are you all?

It’s the middle of what has been so far a very busy week for me and I am ecstatic to tell you that tonight, once I am home from my class and snuggled in the warm, I won’t have to go back to university until the 22nd of February (next week is my distance week and the week after is half-term, wouhou).

I am going to try to be productive for the rest of the week and get more thesis research done, but I’m so excited to be at home, in pyjamas and have more time for myself. How has your week been so far?

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam over at Taking On A World of Words.

WWW Wednesday is based on 3 questions:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Volume 1: The Crucible by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Robert Hack 

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Vol. 1: The Crucible

I have just started this comic and I’m actually quite ashamed to say that in 22 years, this is the FIRST comic book I have ever read. I’ve only read one chapter, but this book is SPOOKY. I put it on my wishlist because I love the new Sabrina series and I wanted to actually read about it too, this story is a little bit different, a lot creepier and darker, but so far so good!

The Library of the Dead (#1 Edinburgh Nights) by T. L. Huchu

The Library of the Dead (Edinburgh Nights, #1)

I also only just started this one but I am loving it. It has such a great atmosphere and vibe and I love how sharp and humorous the writing style it. It feels like I am in Edinburgh myself although it’s a dystopian futuristic version, I am really enjoying myself. I’m going to finish this one today so I can get my review up tomorrow for its release and I’m just so excited to finish it!

I finished so many books over the weekend, I couldn’t believe it, but they were all so fun and I loved them!

Cinderella is Dead by Kalynn Bayron

Cinderella Is Dead

I think out of all the books I finished this past weekend, this was the one I enjoyed the most. It was beautiful but also dark, and it was just so much more than I was expecting. I knew it was going to be good, but this made me tear up a little bit at the end and it was honestly such a fabulous book to buddy read with Candyce! I gave this book 4.5 stars and will be reading every other book from this author!

Clockwork Princess (#3 The Infernal Devices) by Cassandra Clare

Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices, #3)

Fiona and I managed to get up our latest Shadowhunter Saturday post and we had a lot of fun reading this final book in The Infernal Devices trilogy. I am honestly still not too sure what to think about that bit right at the end, but overall, this was a fun, intriguing and surprising read that had me hooked. You can read my post here, and Fiona’s post here! I gave this book 4 stars.

A Pinch of Magic (#1 A Pinch of Magic) by Michelle Harrison

A Pinch of Magic (A Pinch of Magic, #1)

I was also able to finish this book as part of the Middle Grade Marvels book club and it was such a treat. This was darker than any of us were expecting, but I fell in love with the characters, I found the world-building and atmosphere to be just so good and even though I was not expecting that ending and thought the resolution was a little bit easy, I really enjoyed this book. I now have every other book by this author on my TBR and wishlist ahah (please send help…). I gave this book 4 stars.

Bad Habits by Flynn Meaney

Bad Habits

I absolutely whizzed through this book and read the final chunk of it Sunday morning snuggled in my blanket. I laughed so much while I was reading it, it was a delight and it has a special kind of humour that I think could be seen badly by some, but I cackled and snorted throughout, I was not at my most dignified, but at least I was having fun! Another great #UltimateBlogTour organised by Dave and here are my full, very long, thoughts! I gave this book 4.5 stars.

Murder on the Orient Express (#10 Hercule Poirot) by Agatha Christie

Murder on the Orient Express (Hercule Poirot, #10)

The final book I was able to finish on Sunday was one that kind of blew my mind, it was so good! I loved this as soon as I started it and I was just suspecting everyone. The way that Christie wrote this book was so clever, I loved the reveal at the end and I am now thoroughly obsessed with this author, I can’t wait for The Murder on the Links that I’ll be starting soon! I gave this book 4 stars.

Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas

Cemetery Boys

This is the monthly pick for the TWR Gang book club and I could not have been happier when this one was picked. I won this book in a giveaway at the start of 2020 and waited (im)patiently for the pre-order to arrive, I think I screamed when it finally did because I have had this book on my radar from the minute it was released. I’m going to finish The Library of the Dead first, but as soon as I have, I’m diving into this one for our discussion on Sunday.

Specter by Katie Jane Gallagher


This is the next blog tour organised by Dave from @The_WriteReads for February. The first one is Ever Alice by H. J. Ramsay and I just have to finish writing my review for that for my spot on Saturday. I read the first 10k of Specter during BBNYA last year and was really enjoying it, so I can’t wait to pick up the rest of the book and I’m hoping it’s going to be spooky and mysterious.

Octavia Bloom and the Missing Key (#1 Through the Fairy Door) by Estelle Grace Tudor

Octavia Bloom and the Missing Key (Through The Fairy Door, #1)

Finally, I am going to be picking up this lovely looking book as the February BOTM for the Middle Grade Marvels book club. It’s a really short book and I have a feeling it’s going to be lovely, so I can’t wait to start it soon. I don’t have any expectations at all for this book and have forgotten the blurb, so we will have to see how it goes.

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Tell me about the books you’ve been reading lately! See you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


  1. There’s some really brilliant books on your list this week. I am looking forward to reading Cinderella is Dead and I recently added Library of the Dead to my TBR because it looked amazing so I’m really glad to see you’re enjoying it and looking forward to seeing your review when your done!

    1. Thank you Louise! Cinderella is Dead was amazing, I highly recommend and I hope you get to read it soon!!

  2. Ah, I still haven’t finished A pinch of Magic. I’m just not motivated to read at the moment. I still have to read Bad Habits and started it too but so far I have to admit I don’t really like it. We’ll see if it gets better.
    I also have to read some of the Poirot books I have at home. We are currently watching the BBC series and it’s so great to see what’s the difference to the book and how it all works out. I love Agatha Christie novels. They are the only crime stories that still stump me. 😀
    Happy reading!

    1. Sending hugs Marion, I hope you find the motivation to read a little bit more soon! I love watching the films too as it’s great to see how the producers see Poirot and how they get him to do the reveals, I haven’t watched many but I hope Ill get the opportunity to soon! Thank you!

  3. Wow, you had a great reading week. I really need to jump into Cinderella is Dead! I own it but have not picked it up! Glad to see you enjoyed Pinch of Magic too!

    My WWW!

    1. Yes, I’m glad read all these books, they were great! I hope you love CInderella is Dead! 🙂

    1. Eeeek, can’t wait to read it, I know I got great vibes from the start! Thank you Danni! xx

  4. I’m glad you enjoyed Cinderella is Dead! I read it last year and it definitely made me miss reading retellings. I hope you enjoy Cemetery Boys too! It was one of my favorites of last year.

    1. No idea 🤣 If I am not tired and don’t fall asleep with the book in my hand I think I would say about 1h a day but on weekends I read a lot more!

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