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Hello Hello! How are you today?

I have had a very busy week so far with online classes again, lots of assignments and another really annoying migraine, so I can’t tell you how excited I am for the weekend. But today is Wednesday and that means it’s time for me to catch up on all the books I have been reading over the past week and see what I have managed to finish recently.

Today is also my 5 year anniversary with my fiancé, so I am hoping to get done with university work early so we can snuggle up on the sofa and binge watch some Netflix shows or maybe a Disney film!

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam over at Taking On A World of Words.

WWW Wednesday is based on 3 questions:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

Marrow Charm (#1 The Gate Cycle) by Kristin Jacques

Marrow Charm (The Gate Cycle, #1)

My tour stop was last week but life happened and I didn’t get time to finish this one on time, unfortunately, but I’m still reading it and hoping to finish it in the next days so I can get a review up. I’m really enjoying this one so far, it’s dark, I’m very intrigued about what’s happening and I really want to know more about Azure, Armin and the wolf.

The Murder on the Links (#2 Hercule Poirot) by Agatha Christie

The Murder on the Links (Hercule Poirot, #2)

I think that all our reading buddies from the TWR Gang who are reading this with Jenny and I have finished, except for me (sorry!!), so my plan for today is to finish this on Scribd while I’m working. Another Poirot mystery which is really enjoyable, however, Hastings is such an idiot and he makes me laugh so much!

The Thursday Murder Club (#1 The Thursday Murder Club) Richard Osman

The Thursday Murder Club (Thursday Murder Club, #1)

I finished this one a few days ago and buddy read it with Stephen. I don’t know what I was expecting exactly, but it wasn’t what I got, which was actually a great surprise because I really enjoyed this book. It took a while to fully get into the murder and the investigation, but I loved that the Gang and the police worked together. Elizabeth was my favourite character and she made me laugh so much! I should have my review up soon!

Rivers of London (#1 Rivers of London) by Ben Aaronovitch

Rivers of London (Rivers of London, #1)

The TWR Gang readalong group for this series finished the first book over the weekend and it was so GOOD! I’m so glad that Fiona convinced me to read this series because so far, I am loving it. I love all the details we get from Peter about the different places or people, it makes it really unique I think. I love Peter and Nightingale and I still want to know so much about Mama Thames and Molly. I’m hoping to pick up book 2 in the next days.

Octavia Bloom and the Missing Key (#1 Through the Fairy Door) by Estelle Grace Tudor

Octavia Bloom and the Missing Key (Through The Fairy Door, #1)

This is the book that we read in February for the Middle Grade Marvels book club BOTM pick and unfortunately, this was a little bit of a let-down. It started out really good and promising, but it ended up just having not great pacing which made the plot fairly jarring and things happened much too fast. The plot in itself was really good, but I still had a lot of questions when done, and I just needed about 100 more pages. I’m not yet sure whether I will continue this series, but I did enjoy it apart from those issues.

Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas

Cemetery Boys

The TWR Gang book club pick for February was this great book! We also finished this over the weekend and our theory had been right!! It was a little bit anticlimactic actually having figured it out and seeing it unfold, but it was also written in a way that had me hooked. I can’t say much more because I’m afraid I’ll give spoilers, but can I just say thank goodness! This was a really good book; I loved learning about the culture, the food, the traditions and this was a really promising debut from an author I will definitely continue reading.

Anoka by Shane Hawk


The last book I finished in the last few days was this great indigenous horror short story collection that was anything but what I was expecting. You know I don’t usually read horror because I’m kind of a scaredy-cat, but also not apparently because this didn’t scare me at all, however, I got the creep-factor times 100. This was really enjoyable and I gave it 4 stars, you can read all my thoughts in my review here.

Josie Jaffrey short stories

I am going to start with the short stories under the Broken Wings umbrella because they don’t go together and I can just pick whichever one I want first, and then I will read all the other short stories. Josie is an author I discovered last year and I love all of her work so far. Ring the Bell was particularly an amazing short story of hers and the reason I’m about to read all the others! I should have a mini-review for them up soon.

City of Fallen Angels (#4 The Mortal Instruments) by Cassandra Clare

City of Fallen Angels (The Mortal Instruments, #4)

In the next day or so I’m going to be starting the first section of the next Shadowhunter book I’ll be reading with Fiona and Erika. Fiona and I read the first part of The Mortal Instruments quite a while ago, so I’m hoping to remember everything that went down in book 3. I don’t know what I expect from this book because The Red Scrolls of Magic was amazing and I’m afraid this one won’t live up to it, but we will have to see what I think.

The Last Spell Breather by Julie Pike

The Last Spell Breather

I’m also going to be picking up the first section of the first Middle Grade Marvel books we will be reading in March. I think this is the one that I think will be the sweetest (the other one will be spookier I think), and it has magic. I can’t fully remember the blurb, so I’ll be going in a little bit blind, but I know that I will really enjoy this book. the cover is also just so pretty.

Nightbooks by J. A. White


The second Middle Grade Marvel book we will be reading in March and chatting about this weekend is more kind of horror and dark. I think this one will definitely be spooky and creepy, and hopefully the type of “atmospheric” that I enjoy, as you know. I remember that this is about a little boy stuck in a witch’s house who has to tell her stories every night to stay alive. I think it’s going to be a great one too and I can’t wait to start this.

The Conductors by Nicole Glover

The Conductors

I’ve already started this one and wow I love it already. It published yesterday and I would like to get my review up at the start of next week (or the end of this week, if I can) so I will be hopefully finishing this one over the weekend. I’ve only read about 7% so far, but I am very intrigued by the magic system, the characters, the setting. It puts together a lot of themes I love in fantasy and it has historical fiction vibes, I’m just loving it already.

Moon Over Soho (#2 Rivers of London) by Ben Aaronovitch

Moon Over Soho (Rivers of London, #2)

The other buddy read/readalong is for the Folly readalong we started in February. I loved book 1 as I mentioned above and I cannot tell you just how much restraint I needed not to jump into this one headlong the minute I finished reading Rivers of London last weekend. I’ve not read the blurb because I don’t need to and I just want to go into all these books blind now that I know that I love them, the setting and the characters. I’m so excited!

The Stars That Guide You Home by Jemma Robinson

The Stars That Guide You Home

And the final book on my list for this week (wow, I have a lot of books I want to start, SOS) is an author request. I have to admit that I can’t remember the blurb, but I know it sounded really good when I read it the first time. It is historical romance which is a genre I haven’t read much of, but I’m going in with an open mind and I’m looking forward to finding out what this book is about.

Well, that was a much longer post than usual and although I’m not currently reading many books, in the next days I’ll have my work cut out ahah!

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this post. Let me know what you’ll be reading, or are currently reading in the comments below!

See you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


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