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Hello Hello! How are you?

This week has rushed by so quickly, and I can’t believe it’s already time for this post. I had to work on Monday, but it’s my odd week, which means I get Tuesday and Wednesday off. So far, I’ve gotten some good work done on my thesis, and I intend to get lots more done today, peppered with reading between my breaks.

I’ve also been reading some really interesting books, and I have a lot more on my list, so keep on reading to find out more.

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam over at Taking On A World of Words.

WWW Wednesday is based on 3 questions:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder (#1) by Holly Jackson

I’m still currently reading this book, and I don’t think I’ve read much more than the last time I checked in and told you about this book. I am still enjoying it as much as the first time I read it though. And it is a really easy, quick and enjoyable book, so I’ll have to try to squeeze it in a bit sooner. I actually might use this as my Pomodoro break reading on the days and evenings I work on my thesis, because the chapters are really short and engaging, so that’s the new plan!

Sauvagines by Gabrielle Filteau-Chiba

I’ve been dragging myself through this book for what feels like forever, but is probably only about 2 weeks. I like the topic, and I want to know what will happen, but I’m also not too fussed with it and something in the writing style really bugs me. I’ve reached a point at it where I don’t think there is much point to DNF it, because I’m over halfway… I just have to find the motivation to finish the last half before I completely lose the will to live with it. This is also kind of annoying because it’s not a bad book by any means but it just isn’t pulling me in the way I wanted. I spoke to my colleague who recommended it me and she felt the same about how its lags a bit, and the style which is a bit weird, but overall she enjoyed it, so I’ll just try to push through.

Nine Liars (#5 Truly Devious) by Maureen Johnson

I only just started this book a couple of nights ago, and it’s the next book I’m buddy reading with Candyce from The Book Dutchesses. Last year, we read the whole Truly Devious series, so when we found out another book was being published we couldn’t believe our luck. I’m about 100 pages in and really enjoying it so far, especially since it’s so good to be back with these characters, I’d forgotten to what extend Stevie was such a great character, and they all make up a great gang. I also like how different this case is since it’s set in England. It’s going to be a really exciting and interesting one I think!

A Discovery of Witches (#1 All Souls) by Deborah Harkness

I’ve also started a reread with Hannah from Han Loves to Read. This was one of my favourite books in 2019, and the fact that I didn’t continue the series straight away/stopped in the middle of the second book blows my mind because I was all-consumed by the first book. I’m also about 100 pages in, maybe a bit over, and I’m loving it just as much as I did the first time around, perhaps even more since I know what is coming next. And can I ust say one thing? Matthew Clairmont = SWOON!

Cards on the Table (#14 Hercule Poirot) by Agatha Christie

And the last book in this category is one I started on audiobook on Monday on my commute to work. I had been holding back from reading it because I have absolutely no knowledge of bridge, and also was confused by the first chapter I had already read previously. On audio though, and thanks to Hugh Fraser’s amazing narration, I am enjoying it and I think it is going to be a really intriguing sort of locked room mystery. I’m looking forward to listening to more of it when driving to work tomorrow!

Love and Other Words by Christina Lauren

I didn’t expect to love this book as much as I did, but it was a big success and I had so much fun reading it. It was the first “romance reads” buddy read I read with some book blogging buddies, and I’m so glad it was the first book we picked. I had wanted to read a book by this author duo for a while, and I am so glad that it was a book about books and a book about first love that was my first from these authors. I half predicted the big reveal, but was completely stunned by the second part of the big reveal which I never saw coming, and I spent about 10 minutes sobbing after having finished it, because it was sad but also because it was so beautiful. I gave it 5 stars and you can read my full gushing review here!

Survive the Night by Riley Sager

Well, this one on the other hand was a complete disappointment. I buddy read it with Candyce from The Book Dutchesses and Amy Louise from The Shelf of Unread Books. We had all three of us previously read Home Before Dark by this author and really enjoyed it, so I had high expectations that were chucked out the window within the first 50 pages. And it steadily got worse. I don’t mean to be shitting on this book, but it felt like there was no real thought to the plot, there were SO MANY inconsistencies and the only thing going for it was the signature Riley Sager writing style which kept me reading. But I didn’t enjoy this book, it didn’t work, it had some harmful rep and the whole plot just exploded once we started talking about it and seeing all the flaws. So I gave it 1 star and I don’t personally recommend it… I’m hoping it’s a one-off and that his other books are just as good as Home Before Dark.

The Hatmakers (#1 Cordelia Hatmaker) by Tamzin Merchant

And the final book on this list is one I finished just last night and thoroughly enjoyed, so it luckily ended my month on a really good note. It was the January pick for the Middle Grade Marvels book club I co-host with Noly and Holly and it was enjoyable from start to finish. It is a fantasy historical fiction with a touch of magical realism I would say, and it was just such a pleasure to read. I love the main character, and the sidekicks, and I thought the plot was well executed. I liked the mystery and the twists and I’ll definitely be reading the second book when I get the chance. I gave it 4.5 stars and I’ll be reviewing it on my blog as soon as I find time to write the review.

Revenge of the Beast (#2 The Beast and the Bethany) by Jack Meggitt-Phillips

And in this final category, I’m only adding one book for now, otherwise I’d end up adding my whole February TBR, as today is the first day of February and I want to read all my monthly TBR in one go, hehehe. This is the book my NetGalley TBR Jar picked for me for this month, and I’m so happy about it. I loved the first book, The Beast and the Bethany, when I read it a few years ago now, and I never got around to reading the second book in time for the tour, so I’m making up for that lost time this month and I’m sure I’m going to love it. I’m so excited to start it!

Challenges Update

And these are the challenges I’ve managed to complete recently. I was able to complete another 7 prompts for two of my challenges, the Popsugar Reading Challenge, and the Disney Reading Challenge. Here they are:

  • Popsugar Reading Challenge, prompt 5: A book with mythical creatures — The Dark Ones by Rachel Van Dyken 
  • Popsugar Reading Challenge, prompt 17: A book with a love triangle — Love and Other Words by Christina Lauren
  • Popsugar Reading Challenge 21: A book set in the decade you were born — Survive the Night by Riley Sager
  • Disney Reading Challenge, DUMBO: A book that features a baby or a child — The Hatmakers (#1 Cordelia Hatmaker) by Tamzin Merchant 
  • Disney Reading Challenge, INSIDE OUT: An emotional read — Love and Other Words by Christina Lauren
  • Disney Reading Challenge, FINDING NEMO: A buddy read — Spellslinger (#1) by Sebastien de Castell 
  • Disney Reading Challenge, NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS: Read a non physical book — The Dark Ones by Rachel Van Dyken (ebook)

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed reading this post.

See you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx

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