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Hello Hello! How are you?

Happy Hump Day! We are halfway through the week and I can’t tell you how glad I am. It’s my week in online learning but I have so many assignments to get through and finish before I can finally concentrate on churning out my thesis. But I’m glad it’s soon the weekend so I can relax a little bit since the pain and fatigue are getting to me more than usual this week.

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam over at Taking On A World of Words.

WWW Wednesday is based on 3 questions:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett 

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I am reading this book for the Women’s Prize Longlist buddy read organised by Hannah from Han Loves to Read and I’m only about 2 chapters into this book so far because WOW those chapters are LONG. I hate long chapters so I am struggling with it a little, but, I am enjoying the writing style. I don’t really know what is going on yet, but I’m going to keep reading a little bit every day and hope I finish it soon so I can discuss it with the others.

The Lore of Prometheus by Graham Austin-King

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I am reading this book for the last #BBNYA2020 blog tour that @The_WriteReads is hosting. I am 30% in and so far, this book is haunting. I haven’t seen much “fantasy” yet, which is a bit annoying, but I can see where it is going to come in, and I’m really excited about that. I want to get this one finished and my review scheduled in the next day or two so I can move on to my next blog tour books because April is going to be BUSY.

D’autres vies que la mienne by Emmanuel Carrère

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I am reading this one for an assignment for university and I’m a little surprised, to say the least. I have not read a French book (either a book written in French, by a French author or translated into French) for myself in actual years. And I have to admit that I was a little annoyed that I have to read 2 for the subject I picked for my assignment, however, when I read the blurbs for both this one and L’Adversaire, I became a lot more optimistic. Long story short, I am just about halfway through and while I am not loving it, I am very much enjoying it. I am going to try to finish it tonight I think.

I have finished quite a few books in the last week, so buckle up because this may take a while aha.

Karolina Dalca, Dark Eyes by M. R. Noble

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I finished this one on Friday for my spot on the blog tour organised by Dave from @The_WriteReads on Sunday. I have always loved books about/with vampires, I am a little bit obsessed, so when I saw this blurb I knew I needed to read it and I’m really glad I did. This one had a few confusing moments, but all in all, it was a really enjoyable book with a very unique take on vampires and magic. I really enjoyed it and I can’t wait for book 2. You can read my full review here.

City of Fallen Angels (#4 The Mortal Instruments) by Cassandra Clare

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Fiona, Erika and I read this book in March for the Shadowhunter Saturday post we all published on Saturday and we had a lot to discuss. While I had loved the first section which felt weirdly comforting to me, there were loads of things that bugged me in the rest of the book. Simon changed dramatically and I don’t know why. Jace was being a moron. There was hardly, if any, character development from anyone but Clary and it just flopped a little bit. However, that ending… OMG, I never saw that coming. This is my least favourite book of the whole universe so far, but I think I’ll enjoy the next one a lot more. Here is my post!

Moon Over Soho (#2 Rivers of London) by Ben Aaronovitch

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WOW, I love this series so much. I finished the last section on Friday and I had the hardest time holding back from picking up the next book in this series. I fell in love with Peter, Nightingale, Molly, Lesley, Dr Walid, the rivers, London and especially the absolutely fantastic and fascinating magic system. I liked this book more than Rivers of London, but I have a feeling that I’ll say that for each new book in this series. Bring on book 3! I’ll get my review written and posted in the next few weeks I hope.

The Last Spell Breather by Julie Pike

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This was one of the books that flopped this month, and while I wasn’t too miffed about not liking What Beauty There Is by Cory Anderson, I was quite annoyed that I didn’t enjoy reading The Last Spell Breather because I had quite high expectations and they literally dropped ten feet. I’m probably being a little melodramatic but it’s Wednesday so there, ahah. I really wanted to love this book, but there were a lot of inconsistencies, the ending made literally no sense to me, I understood the message it was trying to bring forward, but in my opinion, it didn’t work and wasn’t done well. I didn’t understand a lot about this book, I was confused and everything was just too convenient. I don’t know what I’ll rate this yet, but I’m leaning towards 2.5 stars and I don’t think I will bother with a review, but I will see!

Nightbooks by J. A. White

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On the flip side, thank goodness for Nightbooks because March for the Middle Grade Marvels would have sucked otherwise aha. This book was just so freaking good! Alex was a great narrator, Yasmin was a great character, Natacha was so interesting and Lenore… Lenore has my whole heart. This book was creepy, spooky, quite scary and disturbing at times, but above all, it was an amazing middle grade fantasy that I loved every minute of. I am definitely going to be picking up more books by this author. I will try to get my review written and posted soon. I think it will be a very hard review to write though haha.

Shadows (#0.5 Lux) by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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And the last book I finished lately was my read from Monday and one that has left my brain and heart screaming just a tad. This was a good book, it wasn’t incredible, and there were issues, I rolled my eyes a lot, but wow, it has got me so invested in this world and these characters. I read Obsidian, the first book in the Lux series last year, but when I found out there were novellas, I knew I needed to go back and read all the books, so that is my current mission. I loved Dawson and Beth, they were so cute together, and I am not okay about that ending. I refuse to believe that happened and will do so until the end of the series until I have complete proof. I enjoyed it and will get a review up soon, and I’m also going to reread Obsidian very soon now I know where it all started.

L’Adversaire by Emmanuel Carrère

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This is the second book that I have to read for my assignment and it’s the one I’m the most looking forward to. I also think I will enjoy it a lot more. L’Adversaire is basically a French version of In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. The author invested 7 years of his life into the case and the killers, becoming friends with them in a certain sense and trying to find out why they did what they did. The true-crime junky in me had a fit when I knew we could read this book and I am so glad that I am because I think it will be so good. I am excited to pick this up in the next day or so.

City of Lost Souls (#5 The Mortal Instruments) by Cassandra Clare

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The next book in the Shadowhunter mission Fiona, Erika and I are doing is the 5th book in The Mortal Instruments series and I think the 9th book we will read from this universe and author. After the ending of City of Fallen Angels, I am quite worried about what will happen. I never expected *that* to happen, so I just don’t know what will happen in this book. I am keeping an open mind after the flop of book 4 and I just need to know what, why, when, how, who, ARGH.

Among the Beasts and Briars by Ashley Poston

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The book we picked for the TWR Gang book club this month is a YA fantasy that has an absolutely stunning cover and a very interesting blurb. I have seen this one around the bookish community for a while and I’m glad I am finally getting the chance to read it. I think I will really enjoy it and it’s YA fantasy so firmly in my wheelhouse. I think it will be a fun read and a fun discussion with my reading buddies, so I’ll be starting this in the next couple of days.

I have some other buddy reads and book club picks coming up, especially Whispers Under Ground by Ben Aaronovitch and The Gallery of Wonders by Marc Remus, but the discussion for the first section is next week, so I have time to get to them.

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed reading this post, see you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


  1. Wow, that’s quite a range of books! Crossing my fingers you get on well with the Vanishing Half, the ebook is on my TBR as well but I don’t think I have the brainspace for longer chapters right now 🙈

    1. Ahah yes I’ve been reading a lot 🙈I have it on Kindle too and that may be why I am struggling more as I can’t see where the chapters end but I will keep trying and hopefully finish it soon! 🙂

  2. Oh excited to hear what you think of your current reads! I’ll only be doing a spotlight on The Lore of Prometheus as I don’t have time to read it for the blog tour, but I’m looking forward to reading it eventually. Enjoy! 😊

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