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Hello hello! How are you all?

I think the last WWW Wednesday I managed was back in May, so I am glad to be back as these little catch-up posts are really fun for me to write and sometimes remind me what I still need to finish… ahaha!

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam over at Taking On A World of Words.

WWW Wednesday is based on 3 questions:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

Salem’s Lot by Stephen King

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I was supposed to read this whole book in June, but time just ran away with me and I didn’t manage it, so I am going to have a massive catch-up reading session this weekend once I have done my thesis presentation! I am enjoying it so far, I think I am about 100 pages in. I’m still not scared so I’m kind of falsely reassured as I know I’ll get a big fright one of these days. I do want to continue it soon because I’m very intrigued.

Mirrorland by Carole Johnstone

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I only just started this, and need to put on a reading spurt if I am to finish it in three days. I have only read the prologue so I can’t give you any thoughts other than the fact that I was really intrigued by what was happening, and it honestly felt like a book I would enjoy.

Insubmersible (#1 Titanic) by Gordon Korman

This is my first ever book from my local library! I am about 50 pages in, and already enjoying it. I have reserved the other two books in the series already because I think I’m going to really enjoy it. The first book is only 220 pages and the writing is large, so I’ll be done in no time!

Foxglove Summer (#5 Rivers of London) by Ben Aaronovitch

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This is the fifth book in the Rivers of London series I am reading with some TWR buddies, and I am LOVING this one, so much. It is a high contender with Moon Over Soho to become my favourite so far. I am halfway through and already so many things have happened in this book, and I just need to know more, so when I finish my thesis presentation Friday and get home from work in the afternoon, I am definitely going to dive into this book again.

The Mystery of the Blue Train (#6 Hercule Poirot) by Agatha Christie

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I have been listening to the Hercule Poirot books in my car on audio on the way to and from work every day to try to catch up because I’ve gotten a little behind… oops. I am enjoying this one, but I am quite confused. I am about 24% in and I don’t think we have seen Poirot yet, and there is still no “mystery” so I really wonder where this one is going.

Witches Steeped in Gold (#1 Witches Steeped in Gold) by Ciannon Smart

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I am also halfway through this book and so far, I just don’t get it. I understand everything that is happening, but it feels way too wordy for me, it feels like it is trying to do too much. I am a little annoyed at it because it has the history, the backstory, the magic, the world-building, the characters, but it is just not captivating me yet. I am reading it on audio and following along with the physical copy, and I’m glad for that because I would be lost otherwise.

Six Stories (#1 Six Stories) by Matt Wesolowski

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I am so close to having finished this book, and I’m taking it to work with me today so I will finish it then. I have enjoyed this one a lot, it was not at all what I was expecting, but I have been pleasantly surprised. I really like the format of this book, and this is the first time I think I have read a book written like a podcast. I know there will be a big twist in this book, and I think I only have 50 pages to go, so I have to get reading it now!!

The Big Four (#5 Hercule Poirot) by Agatha Christie

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The last audiobook I finished was the fifth Hercule Poirot story. I have a bit of an ambiguous relationship with this book. I really liked the plot in itself, I found it really action-packed and so mysterious, but there was quite a lot of racism in the story. Unfortunately, this book was written at a time where this was acceptable, and we can’t do anything about it now, but it is definitely jarring reading it nowadays. I did really enjoy the story though, so I’m a little on the fence about what I will rate it.

Malamander (#1 The Legends of Eerie-on-Sea) by Thomas Taylor

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I finished this book on Sunday night and it was honestly amazing, I think it is my favourite book of the month! It was fantastic! I loved Herbie and Violet, and their mission, it was so fun. The plot was just amazing, it was action-packed, with lots of twists and turns. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I don’t know if I am giving it 4.5 or 5 stars, but I just loved it so much and I am going to continue on with the series as soon as I get the chance to!

City of Heavenly Fire (#6 The Mortal Instruments) by Cassandra Clare

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Fiona, Erika and I are finally going to be picking up this book and finishing The Mortal Instruments series, yay! I can just about remember what happened in the previous book, but I’m sure that this last book will be really action-packed and pull me straight back into the story. I am going in completely open-minded and hoping that I’ll love it!

The Princess Bride by William Goldman

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The book club pick for the TWR Gang book club is a fantasy classic and one I’ve seen on TV numerous times but never read! I have to admit that I am really looking forward to this book! I just about remember the story, but I know I am going to enjoy it, and I can’t wait to see what this book has in store.

The Silmarillion by J. R. R. Tolkien

I will also be starting the first section of this book and I am insanely excited about it! I have no idea what this is about, other than it’s kind of like mythology from Middle Earth, correct me if I am wrong! I really like the idea of this book, and I know that people generally find it hard to get into, but I think it is definitely my kind of book, and I just can’t wait to start it!

The Shining by Stephen King

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I have still not finished Salem’s Lot, but to keep on track with the Stephen King readalong, I will be starting The Shining right at the start of the month! This was actually the only Stephen King book I had read before starting out on this King reading journey, so I do already know what to expect. However, I read it in French, and I generally struggle with French translations of English books, so I can’t wait to read the real thing!

Ready Player One (#1 Ready Player One) by Ernest Cline

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I will be buddy reading this book with Hannah and Livy, and I am also really looking forward to it. It looks like the chapters are fairly short, which always help me to get through books quicker. I have basically gone into this book blind because I don’t really know much about it, other than it’s science fiction, get in 2044 and I think it has gaming? I will just have to find out for myself when I start it!

Hydra (#1 Six Stories) by Matt Wesolowski

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The second book in the Series book club we will be reading is the next one in the Six Stories series. I have just about finished Six Stories and I am glad I’ll be able to jump into Hydra straight away. I also don’t know what the mystery is in this book, but since I know I like the format and the writing style, I don’t mind not knowing anything about the story itself.

The Girl Who Speaks Bear by Sophie Anderson

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I will also be picking up the next Middle Grade Marvels book sometime in the first week of July. I have heard a lot of great things about this book, and you know that I love my middle-grade reading, so I’m pretty sure I will enjoy it. When I was preparing the schedule, I noticed the book has little chapters that are like tales and stories, and I thought it was a great idea, so I can’t wait to actually read it and see what these sections are about!             

L’Alliance des trois (#1 Autre Monde) by Maxime Chattam

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And the final book on my long list is the second library book I borrowed and the first proper French one. I have already read books by Maxime Chattam before, and I have wanted to read this series for ages, so I am really looking forward to starting it this weekend, and hopefully, get lots and lots of reading in!

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed reading this post, see you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


  1. I really enjoyed Six Stories and have Hydra, I must get to it soon. Hope you enjoy those last 50 pages!
    PS, I love your graphics, can I ask about them? Did you make them yourself? My blog is just a baby so I’m just getting to grips with things like this!

    1. I loved Six Stories, I guessed the end a little bit, but it was still a great twist and I’m very excited to try Hydra soon! Awww thank you, I do make them myself, all on Canva! It took me ages to find a style I liked so I just ended up making what I thought was the most “me” ahaha! You’ll get there, be patient and just try to be yourself and I’m sure you have an amazing blog, I have to make time to go check it out more! 🙂

      1. Oh wow, that’s fab. I’ve had a play with Canva, I need to find time to have a good play with it. Thanks for the tip!
        It’s still a bit rough at the minute but thank you! I have some ideas though. ☺️

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