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Hello Hello! How are you?

I am slowly getting into a work routine and I am loving my internship so much, it is exactly the kind of thing I see myself doing when I graduate, so it is an invaluable experience!

I also gave my thesis presentation on Friday and it went very well, and I’m proud of my grade, so I treated myself to a few books, hehehe!!

I have been getting back into reading over the past couple of days and it has been lovely to come home and not have to worry about uni work!

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam over at Taking On A World of Words.

WWW Wednesday is based on 3 questions:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

The Mystery of the Blue Train (#6 Hercule Poirot) by Agatha Christie

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I am about 77% into this book right now and while I had enjoyed the first chapters which did not depict Poirot to start with but other characters – which I found very intriguing – I’m actually struggling to really get into this book. I don’t know if it’s because I’m listening to it on audio or if it is just the story that I’m not enjoying much, but it’s definitely not one of my preferred Hercule Poirot mysteries, unfortunately.

Foxglove Summer (#5 Rivers of London) by Ben Aaronovitch

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I love this book. There is so much happening in this book, and while one weird thing happened that I’m still not sure what to think about it, I love seeing Peter come to terms with his feelings. I am also very much enjoying the actual plot and mystery, which I think is super unique and I have no idea where this final section is going, but bring on Friday, I cannot wait! And my next graphic novels are on the way to me so I can continue with them as soon as I’ve done with this book!

The Silmarillion by J. R. R. Tolkien

I have just started this book and I have to admit that I am a tad lost, but I think that once I get the hang of things, I’ll like it a lot. I read the Ainulindalë and had to watch an explanatory YouTube video, but once I had gotten the gist of that, the next story was easier. I have to finish this week’s first section tonight, which I’m really looking forward to!

The Ultimate Evil: The Search for the Sons of Sam by Maury Terry

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This is a book I am buddy reading with Helen and a few other buddies in the Stephen King readalong. I have only gotten one chapter into this (so about 4%) and I am very intrigued. It is on the chunky side, but I think it is going to be both terrifying and fascinating. I know near to nothing about the events talked about in the book, so it will be a great experience I think.

House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland

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I have only just started buddy reading this book with Noly, but our first reaction was “omg it’s dark”. Now, if you know me, you know I live for dark books, so it is right up my alley and even though we have only read a few chapters so far, I already know that I’m going to be obsessed with this story, and this author! I can’t wait to read more.

City of Ghosts (#1 Cassidy Blake) by Victoria Schwab

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This was the May pick for the Middle Grade Marvels book club and I wasn’t able to finish it that month because of my thesis writing, but I was able to get a bit further into it last night. I am really enjoying this book, I love how spooky it is and how invested I am in the story, even though I read it fully a few years ago. I must remember to continue on with the rest of the series straight away.

The Princess Bride by William Goldman

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I have only just started this book, and the first bit was a little bit of a struggle, but I think I am liking it. I honestly can’t say too much yet because I’ve not read that much, but I do think it is a book I will enjoy a lot. I also actually had no idea that Goldman didn’t write it, but he abridged it. I read his introduction which was very interesting and I did like the way he set things up for the start of the story. I’m looking forward to reading more! I do love the film too, so it will be a great rewatch opportunity.

Six Stories (#1 Six Stories) by Matt Wesolowski

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I was able to finish this book in the last couple of days and while I kind of guessed (or more like had an inkling) the ending, and the surprise was not as big as I would have wished, there was one plot twist that completely pulled my feet out from under me – it was awesome. This book was thoroughly enjoyable and I just can’t wait to finally be able to pick up the second instalment. Mostly, I love the format since the podcasts are very immersive and just very unique.

Insubmersible (#1 Titanic) by Gordon Korman

This was the first library book I borrowed from my local library and also the first one I started and finished. This was a middle-grade historical fiction (kind of mystery) and it is the first in the series, so cut off kind of abruptly, but I am eagerly awaiting the two other books return to the library. While it is not mind-blowing, it is very enjoyable and I am looking forward to finding out what the characters get up to next! I do have to say that I like the way it set up the actual mystery part of the story, and I will be waiting for the books to come back so I can find out more!!

City of Heavenly Fire (#6 The Mortal Instruments) by Cassandra Clare

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I have still not had a minute to start this book, and I have to admit that I am fairly daunted by the size of it. I also know that once I start it, I will not be able to put it down, which explains some of my reluctance, ahaha. I have enjoyed The Mortal Instruments series, although not as much as I would have liked, and I am really hoping that the final book will round things up nicely and provide all the answers I need.

Hydra (#2 Six Stories) by Matt Wesolowski

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I have no idea what this mystery is going to be in this book, and that is my full intention. When I read and enjoy the first book in a series, I do not read the blurb of the following books, which is a great way to surprise myself. I am just going to jump into this one head-first as soon as I can and I know I’m going to enjoy it!

The Shining by Stephen King

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I really need to pick this one up and start on it soon because the sections are fairly long and I’m worried I am going to be scared – a lot. This was my first ever King book, and I read it in French and was genuinely terrified by it. I feel like since I know what to expect, I won’t be as scared, but you never know haha. I do know what this story is about of course, but I am looking forward to my reread of it, and this time in English!

The Girl Who Speaks Bear by Sophie Anderson

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This is the Middle Grade Marvels pick for July and I am so excited to get to it. I remember reading the blurb of this book years ago and I knew I wanted to read it, but never found time, so I’m ecstatic I get to read it this month. Again, I will be going in fairly blind, and I actually can’t wait. I also got the first of this author’s book which I will read in the next few days so I have it finished before I have to start the first section of this book because apparently there are some elements which come back in this story, so I’m excited aha.

Ready Player One (#1 Ready Player One) by Ernest Cline

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And the final book on my list this week is going to be a book I’ll be taking to work to read on my lunch break this week. I’ve wanted to read it for ages and I actually have hardly any memory of what it’s about, but that’s okay! I know it’s science fiction and gaming, so somewhat out of my comfort zone, but I’m going in open-minded and excited. I have said that about each book in this post, but it’s true, I’m so EXCITED to read them ALL!

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this post, see you soon, stay safe

Ellie xx


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