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Hello Hello! How are you all?

Today is a day off for me in France since it is the 14th of July and I am going to be spending the day reading! I got some blog stuff done last night, so will hopefully be able to put my feet up and relax all day!

I have gotten back into reading nearly as much as I was before writing my thesis, and I’m so happy that I’ve now gotten into a work routine and stopped falling asleep as soon as I get home! I’ve read some good books over the past week, so keep on reading to find out what they are.

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam over at Taking On A World of Words.

WWW Wednesday is based on 3 questions:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

City of Ghosts (#1 Cassidy Blake) by Victoria Schwab

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I have nearly finished this book, and I am just loving it. I have read about ¾ of it, and it is honestly so much spookier and so much better than I remember. I had forgotten so much about this book, but now that I’ve read it again, it’s just ARGH!! I don’t know why I didn’t love it the first time, but I will definitely be continuing the series as soon as I can.

Hydra (#2 Six Stories) by Matt Wesolowski

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I have only just started this book in the past week, but I am already hooked, it is so good. This is definitely my kind of mystery/thriller. It has murder, and the atmosphere is very dark. I have no idea where this particular story is going, but I can’t wait to pick up the second section, and it’s going to be a struggle to not read it all in one go!

The Princess Bride by William Goldman

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I have also only read about ¼ of this book so far. I love the story so much, it is one of my favourite films and my first time reading the book, so I am having a fun time. However, the author has a weird persona that I am not a fan of, so I have been skipping the asides and parentheses and just generally ignoring the author – and I’m glad because I’m hooked by the story, and it is so nostalgic.

The Shining by Stephen King

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I have only read about 50 pages so far, and I’m not scared yet, but I am intrigued. I have already read this book (in French) so I do know the story, but I had forgotten quite a lot of scenes that I’ve just read. I have to catch up with the first section of this book and read the second section, but I’m hoping to catch up today!

The Girl Who Speaks Bear by Sophie Anderson

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This is the monthly Middle Grade Marvels book and I am just loving every minute of it so far, despite only having read ¼ also. This is very wintery and whimsical, I love Yanka the main character and I have been totally swept up in this story. It would be the perfect winter book, but since it is so cold and rainy in France, it also fits! I love the little tales interspersed inside the actual story, and I can’t wait to read more of this book.

Dix by Marine Carteron

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I have only read one chapter and a half of this book so far, but I think I like it. It is a retelling of And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie, and it is one of my library books. I haven’t read enough to say much more about it, but I think I will enjoy it, and I have to say, I read the first 50 pages so quickly, so I think it’s going to be a “read in one sitting” kind of book!

Ready Player One (#1 Ready Player One) by Ernest Cline

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I am buddy reading this book with Livy and Hannah and I am already enjoying it a lot. I did struggle with the first couple of chapters because it is out of my comfort zone and I wasn’t sure that I would enjoy it, but then I suddenly clicked and I sped through the remaining chapters set out for the first section. I think this will be a great book because it is so full of action, but also so unique and I’m just really enjoying it. I have to admit that some of (let’s be real, most of) the 80s references are lost on me, but it is fun reading about it all.

Witches Steeped in Gold (#1 Witches Steeped in Gold) by Ciannon Smart

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I have got about 100 pages left of this book, and I have to say, thank goodness for Scribd and audiobooks because I don’t think I would get through it otherwise. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing “wrong” with it, it just is not what I expected, and I’m just not clicking with it. It has everything I usually adore, but there is something lacking, and I don’t know what, but I’m struggling with this story. I’m going to hopefully polish off the last 100 pages on audio this week, and I probably won’t review it unless it gets fantastic.

The Beauty and the Beast by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve

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Having only read the first two chapters of this book, I don’t have many thoughts yet, other than I’m surprised that the original novel had written Beauty as having siblings, I’m pretty sure in the film she is an only child. Her sisters are awful to her, but I am enjoying the story, even though it is different. It is a small book and reads fairly easily, so I think it will go by fast every week and be enjoyable.

Night Shift by Stephen King

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I have managed another story of this book, and I am slowly catching up (I’m only 4 stories behind now, ooops). I liked The Mangler (which is the most recent I’ve read) and it was definitely spooky. I wouldn’t say it was scary, more kind of “wow, yikes” with the ending that had my eyes popping out of my head. I have to say that so far, King’s short stories are a hit with me, so I can’t wait to read more.

City of Heavenly Fire (#6 The Mortal Instruments) by Cassandra Clare

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I have only just read the first 50 pages of this book, but let me tell you, I think it is going to break me and have me crying and screaming and shouting and hiding behind a cushion. The action started off from page one and there is already so much happening. I have been scared of picking it up and being disappointed, but now I’m really looking forward to reading more, it might end up being binged in one go though, ahaha.

The Mystery of the Blue Train (#6 Hercule Poirot) by Agatha Christie

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I listened to this book on audio, and it was not my favourite because Poirot does not appear straight away. Apparently, he stops appearing continuously in the stories at about this point, so now I know that I’m not so bothered and I think I will enjoy the next books more. I didn’t like this one as much because I kept waiting for Poirot to appear. I did really like Catherine Grey though, so intelligent and just a great character. I can’t wait to read more Hercule Poirot mysteries.

Foxglove Summer (#5 Rivers of London) by Ben Aaronovitch

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And the other book I finished this week was SO GOOD. I loved this book. There was a bit of an iffy moment around ¾ of the story that still has me questioning just what happened, and the end was a tad too abrupt for me and left things in the air. However, I thoroughly enjoyed the mystery, the plot, seeing everything unfold. I was glued to the pages and I really liked seeing Peter develop, and see him overcoming some tough things. I can’t wait to read the next books, which are the graphic novels, and then dive back into the mysteries soon!

L’alliance des Trois (#1 Autre Monde) by Maxime Chattam

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I am due to give this book back to my library in 13 days, so I have to put on a reading spurt ahaha. This is the kind of book that I have been daunted about starting because book 1 is already quite chunky, and they get chunkier as the series goes. However, it sounds so much like my kind of book, so I definitely need to start it soon, and I have to say, I’m so excited to find out what this whole story is about!

Night Witch (#2 Rivers of London graphic novels) by Ben Aaronovitch

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This is the next Rivers of London instalment and it is the second in the graphic novel series. I loved Body Work, the first in the series, and I know it’s going to have beautiful artwork and hopefully a really intriguing and fun mystery. I can’t wait to start this today or tomorrow, and it’s going to be a really quick and fun read in my opinion.

The Children of Hurin by J. R. R. Tolkien

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I am a little behind on The Silmarillion schedule, but I am going to catch up today, and then start The Children of Hurin. I have to admit that I know nothing of this book, and I am going to go in completely blind, but I’m hoping that I don’t get too lost and that I do enjoy it! But please do send motivation and help, because I might need it.

Bloody Spade by Brittany M. Willows

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This is an author request that I had to push back from June, but I really need to start it today or tomorrow, so I can review it next week. I don’t remember what this book is about, to be honest, but I do remember that the blurb sounded so good that I just had to agree to read it. I’m hoping it is going to be a great instalment in a new-to-me fantasy series!

Get a Life, Chloe Brown (#1 The Brown Sisters) by Talia Hibbert

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And the final book on my list for this week is the thesis book I need to start. From this week, I am hoping to read one thesis book per week, to stay on track with my thesis schedule. I have heard so much about this book, I’m a bit apprehensive but I just have to dive in and hope that I’ll enjoy it.

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed reading this post, see you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx

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