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Hello Hello! How are you?

I haven’t posted anything on my blog in just over a week because I’ve had the most hectic time lately and spent the whole weekend clearing out our garage with my in laws ready for my mum’s renovation to start in a couple of months, so I’ve not had a minute to myself!

We also just picked out a new kitten that we are welcoming into the family this Saturday and we can’t wait!

I’ve slowly been getting back into reading this month and after failing to read most of my TBR but still reading lots of other books, I’ve come to the conclusion that I’ll just have to go back to mood reading as that’s what makes me the happiest, so stay tuned to some differences in my TBRs over the coming months.

Now without further ado, let’s see what books I’m currently reading, what I recently finished and what’s next on my list!

Everyone in my Family has Killed Someone (#1 Ernest Cunningham) by Benjamin Stevenson

I’ve been buddy reading this book with Candyce from The Book Dutchesses and we have been absolutely loving it. I don’t think I’ve ever read anything like it before because it is so unique and so surprising. I love the narrator’s voice and how he follows his Ten commandments for crime writing and how he sort of says there will be a twist and then reveal it but in a way that really, really works. I like how twisty and intricate it is, without being too complicated and keeping my attention throughout. I only have 4 chapters to go, so will finish it tonight or tomorrow!


Crave (#1) by Tracy Wolff

And the second book I’m currently reading is one I only started a few days ago and haven’t gotten past the first 2 chapters but already am so intrigued. If you know anything about me from reading my blog, it’s that I LOVE anything with vampires and witches and this book is literally the icing and the cherry on top of the cake in one go. I’m going to backtrack and start it again tonight or tomorrow once I’ve done with the previous book on this list and just go with the flow. And since this is a series I feel some serious binge reading happening soon. I can’t wait to continue it and see where it goes!

A Second Chance (#3 The Chronicles of St. Mary’s) by Jodi Taylor

Continuing my foray into The Chronicles of St. Mary’s series and to my husband’s dismay not going fast enough, I finally finished the 3rd instalment and OMG so many twists! From the very first pages I was hooked once again with this book and had an absolute blast reading it! I loved being back in this world (or can we argue that it’s these worlds — plural?) and being with these characters that I am so attached to. I loved that we got to see Ancient Greece and the fall of Troy and so many other famous historical moments. These books are so well written and just a joy to read, so I can’t wait to read the next one as soon as I can! I gave it 5 stars and will try to get a mini review up in July!

Roman Holiday (#3.5 The Chronicles of St. Mary’s) by Jodi Taylor

And the other book I finished last week was another short story/novella also from The Chronicles of St. Mary’s series which is set just after A Second Chance and in which our favourite characters go back to Ancient Rome to see if the myth about Cleopatra rolling out of a carpet to seduce Cesar was real or not. Even those this was only 40 pages long I loved every minute of it and it made me want to pick up the 4th instalment as soon as possible. I gave it 5 stars as well and will include my thoughts on it when writing my mini review for the previous book!


Varso-Vie, Je suis fier de toi & La vie après (#3-5 Irena) by Jean-David Morvan

I started this graphic novel/comic series a few years ago when I first started working at my library and I must have forgotten to pick up the final three volumes but I’ve only just gotten them. I really loved the first two instalments of these comics and they are based on true events linked to Irena Sendler, a Polish woman who helped saved countless Jewish women and children from the Nazis. I’m really looking forward to continuing and finishing this series, even though I know it will be a tough read, but an important one!

Ariane, l’astucieuse by Isabelle Pandazopoulos

And the final book on my list is another one from my library and this is a children’s mythological retelling of Ariadne, that I’m so excited for. I also really love anything related to mythology (be it Greek, Egyptian, Norse, etc) and I couldn’t put off reading this book when I saw it come through the library. It’s a relatively short book so I expect to read it fairly quickly, and I think it will be a nice palate cleanser after those graphic novels/comics.


That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed reading this post.

See you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


  1. I’m an incorrigible mood reader and not a great list follower! I make a seasonal tbr of 10 priority reads which leaves plenty of room for my mood reading.

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