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Hello Hello! How are you today?

It’s been a few months, and it’s a bit late in the day, but I’m finally bringing you an updated version of my usual WWW Wednesday posts. I think the last one I wrote was back in February, so I’m glad to finally get this meme going again, as it’s one I really enjoy reading.

I’m still struggling to get back into reading at the minute as I’m just so exhausted after finishing my thesis as it took so much of my energy for so long! But it’s all finally done now as I defended my thesis on Monday and actually got 100% on the project, so I’m thrilled I managed it!

Now, without further ado, let’s get into the books from this week!

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam over at Taking On A World of Words.

WWW Wednesday is based on 3 questions:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

Nine Liars (#5 Truly Devious) by Maureen Johnson

I’m currently buddy reading this book with Candyce from The Book Dutchesses and we are about halfway through and both really enjoying it. We started it at the start of the year, but since I bailed for my wedding and then my thesis, Candyce didn’t continue either, so we both started it again last week. I think I’ve reached a point I hadn’t read up to the previous time and I am really liking the dual POV and dual timeline we are getting in this instalment. I really like this series and I’m sad it’s nearly finished, but I’m sure it’s going to be great. We’ve got some theories at the minute, but will have to continue reading to see if they are true or not. This time next week it should be finished, and I’ll do my best to get a non-spoilery short review up!


Les facétieuses by Clémentine Beauvais

This is a YA French Fantasy I picked up at my library last week and OMG I AM HOOKED! I’m actually really surprised because I tried to read two other books by this author last year and just couldn’t get into them, so the fact that this one hooked me instantly is really surprising! This is about the author who is writing a book about how she discovers that she can’t find the name of Prince Louis XVII’s fairy godmother and the story is basically her journey in finding out who she was — if he had one — and why she let him die during the French Revolution. The writing style is really effortless and if I didn’t have to go to work and be an adult I would literally read it in one go! I’ll also try to get a review up (in English, but maybe also in French!) sometime next week!

I haven’t actually finished any books yet since starting reading again after my thesis, but I have DNF’ed two, so I thought I would add these in this section.

La Femme du deuxième étage by Jurica Pavičić and Peupler la colline by Cécilia Castelli

These are also two books I picked up from my library months ago and have been pushing back for ages. I tried reading these two a few times already and I just could not get into them at all. The first one had an okay writing style but it was more the family secrets trope that stopped me enjoying it and made me DNF, but the second one had a really weird writing style that I just could not enjoy, so I DNFed both of these over the weekend, I believe.

Forager: Field Notes on Surviving a Family Cult by Michelle Dowd


This is a book from NetGalley that was also on Blog Tour with Algonquin Books a few months ago but that I didn’t get to on time, so I’m going to work on it next. I haven’t read anything on my Kindle for months so it’ll be nice to open it up again and just put it in my bag to take with me! I don’t really know what to expect from this one except that it is a nonfiction/memoir about cults and wilderness, so sounds very interesting.


99% Mine by Sally Thorne


And I think the next physical book I’ll start is this cute romance that I was gifted for Christmas or Birthday as it’s relatively short and I feel like romance is the genre to pick from since I’m in such a weird slumpy reading mood. I’m hoping it helps me to get back into reading properly and I have a feeling I’m really going to enjoy it!


I usually include a section with Challenge Updates in every WWW Wednesday post, but I don’t think I’ve read anything in the three months prior that would fit any of my prompts, but hopefully next week there will be!

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed reading this post.

See you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


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