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Hello Hello! I hope you are all okay!

I usually post my TBRs on my Instagram one or two days before the end of the previous month, but because I only just set up my blog I decided to do it straight away! Also, I don’t have as many books on my TBR as I usually would back at home because I am on an Erasmus exchange and gosh am I busy, ahaha!

Most of the books on this month’s TBR are ones I have bought myself, except two that I’m reading for a review. In the past couple of months I’ve been lacking on reviewing books I’ve received for free or requested so now that I have my blog set up, hopefully I’ll be able to plough through all of my unread books and conquer my “Netgalley TBR”, please, pray for me and wish me luck! 😊

I really hope I’m going to read everything on my TBR this month because I failed miserably in January and I want to be able to send some of the books I finish back to my mum in France so I don’t have to pay extra luggage on the flight home (as I did on the flight over, you can’t take books away from this bookworm), so hopefully this month I’ll be able to read a good amount of books! As always, I’m co-hosting the #hypeathonreadathon with the lovely Noly from @theartsyreader1 and this month, we have chosen the theme #Faebruary, keep reading to find out what books we’ll be tackling!

So, now on to the February TBR!!!

A lot of my TBRs are weirdly very organised and structured in genres or themes but this month I picked a bit of everything so I’ve got quite a nice mix.

One? by Jennifer L. Cahill

This is one of the ebooks I’m going to be reading this month, it was very kindly sent to me by the author and I have to say that I’m really looking forward to it. It is not the usual type of book I would pick, but when I read the press release that she added in her email and the blurb on Goodreads I was really intrigued so I decided to give it a go. I didn’t want to do too much research so I’m basically going into this one blind but I do know that it is the first book in a contemporary fiction trilogy and that it is about finding “the one”, in London, before the age of technology basically. I’m really interested in this subject and I think that it can be a really good book to read so I’m really looking forward to it.

The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air, #1)

This is one of the books that Noly and I chose for this month’s #hypeathonreadathon as our theme is #Faebruary. I think we both knew we really wanted to read this book for a long time, and when the third one came out last year, we decided that it was the right time, so when we decided on this theme for February I think we were both jumping for joy ahah! I really love anything to do with magic, fantasy, faeries, court stories and I’m really looking forward to this, I’ve already started it and so far I’m really enjoying it! A couple of months ago I also caved and bought the Fairyloot special edition of The Queen of Nothing Collector’s Box and a few weeks ago they announced that they are planning on releasing matching sets of The Cruel Prince and The Wicked King… so now that I know that I like the first book, I’m itching to get a matching set, because let me tell you… QoN is GORGEOUS!

The Spiderwick Chronicles by Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi
The Spiderwick Chronicles Box Set (The Spiderwick Chronicles, #1-5)

Our second pick for the #hypeathonreadathon is The Spiderwick Chronicles and we are going to try to read as many books as we can in this series and Noly has already finished the first one, you go girl! I remember watching the film last summer I think and really enjoying it. The first thing I did is went on Goodreads to see if it was a book and when I saw that it was, and was by Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi nonetheless I knew I needed to read it, and #Faebruary is the perfect excuse! I also want to try to read many more children’s books this year and I think that this is a really good start. Please send me more children’s books recommendations if you have read any good ones!

The Modern Faerie Tales: Tithe, Valiant, Ironside by Holly Black
The Modern Faerie Tales: Tithe; Valiant; Ironside

Are you seeing a theme for #Faebruary, or is it just me? I am really looking forward to reading all of these books by Holly Black because she is one of those authors who has been on my must-read list for quite some time. I’m also really intrigued to delve deeper into her fantasy world, not just through the eyes of the characters in The Cruel Prince but also the characters in this book. I think some of the characters in MFT also make an appearance in TCP so I’m really excited to see how the same world will be seen through different lenses and times. Also, can you tell I like faeries?

Aurora Rising by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
Aurora Rising (The Aurora Cycle, #1)

Now, I’m really excited about this book, but at the same time, I’m really apprehensive! It is the first book in The Aurora Cycle trilogy and it is one of the February picks for my Goodreads book club, Coffee Break Book Club. I’m really excited because of all the hype this book has received and obviously because the authors are on my top list of authors I want to read, BUT, I have a strange relationship with Science Fiction where I can read 10 books set in space and adore them and then pick up another and absolutely hate it. I think it’s because I do have a general aversion to Science Fiction because I was never a Doctor Who or Star Wars fan and because I don’t understand science and what goes on in the universe, I have a tendency to not enjoy it or get so overwhelmed that I actually end up hating it. But I have really high hopes for this book and I hope I do end up enjoying it because I am the leader for the discussion, please send encouragements, thank you.

Away with the Penguins by Hazel Prior
Away with the Penguins

I’m reading this for a blog tour hosted by Anne Carter and I am just so, so happy to be reading this! I wanted to read Ellie & The Harp Maker that Hazel Prior published last year I believe, but I never got around to it. I jumped on the chance when I saw her name in my inbox. My blog tour stop is on the 8th of March but I have quite a busy university period so I wanted to make sure that I had time to enjoy this book. Again, I haven’t done too much research about this one because I think that I will enjoy more if I learn stuff as I read it, but from what I understood, it is about an old woman who spends all of her time alone, at home, wondering who will get all of her money when she dies, but, she decides to go on a journey “to save the penguins”. I’m really looking forward to receiving this one and as soon as I get my hands on it, I’m reading it!

Woven in Moonlight by Isabel Ibañez
Woven in Moonlight

This is the last book on my February TBR (I thought I said it wasn’t going to be too long, oh well). HAVE YOU SEEN THAT COVER? It’s the special edition that I received in my January Moon and Stars box from Fairyloot and I was so happy to see they had chosen this book. I saw Reagan from Peruse Project on YouTube speak about this and I took a screenshot to research it but then forgot… until I opened my box and screamed. This is the first book in a YA fantasy standalone set in Bolivia and based on Bolivian history, politics, and myths. A companion novel, Written in Starlight, will soon be published and follows a character we meet in the first book, who will try to find a lost city of gold in the Bolivian Amazon. Needless to say, I was immediately won over, even more so when I read the blurb and saw that the main character is able to spin thread from moonlight, euh, yes, please!

I really hope that I’m able to read all of these books this month because they all seem incredible to me and lately I’ve been in a bit of a reading slump with the stress of moving to a new country and going to a new university with a totally different education system. Hopefully, these books will help me reach my reading goal this year because I’m already behind!

Have you read any of the books I’m going to be reading this month? What are you going to be reading for February?

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this post, see you soon,

Ellie xx


  1. Oooh The Spiderwick Chronicles! I read them years ago and loved them (and the film!) (but omg is it terrible that I didn’t realise Holly Black was one of the authors??) I also definitely want to read The Cruel Prince at some point!! Amazing tbr, good luck with it! 😊💜

    1. I really liked the film too so I really wanted to see how different the book would be ! I never realised either until I saw it and then I was like YES on the list you go ahah ! I’m really liking it, I’m not getting toooo excited just yet because I’m worried that something will happen to not make me like it anymore, but I think it’s already a 5star read.. !! Thank you! 🥰💕

      1. Hehe I can’t believe I never realised! The books are brilliant. I am glad you are enjoying it so far, hopefully it stays at a 5star read! I hope all your Feb reads are just as enjoyable!! 😊💜

        1. I’m really looking forward to reading them all, thank you so much, I hope it stays a 5-star read as well! Thank you, I hope you enjoy your February books too! What are you planning on reading? 😍💙

    2. Thank you, I’m so late replying to these comments aha, I hope you get to read The Cruel Prince, I really enjoyed it! 🙂 ❤️

  2. Oh yes ! I remember reading it earlier I think, you have such good books on your TBR, they are all on mine too lol, apart from the ones I already read! I hope you enjoy them 💕🥳

    1. I’ve nearly finished the first one and I’m really really enjoying it 🥳🥳🥳

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