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It feels like only yesterday that it was the first of January but now apparently it’s already April. I can’t believe how fast this year is going and I really hope that I’m able to read as many books as possible in April because I have quite a few to get through!

I hope you are motivated today, there are a lot of books on this list, I was feeling ambitious for April apparently, I have 15 books to read and review for authors or for blog tours, my Goodreads Coffee Break Book Club picks, a book I’m buddy reading with Candyce from The Book Dutchesses, the Hype-A-Thon TBR and my O.W.L.s Magical Readathon TBR. Needless to say, that’s a lot of books, 28 to be exact. I know it sounds super ambitious, but I only have one last essay to submit for university and then I’ll be free for the rest of the year until I go back in September, so I think I’ve got a good chance of getting through most of them. I don’t have anything else to do during this isolation period so I thought I should be productive and tackle my TBR!

I haven’t done my March Wrap Up as of yet, but I don’t think I did too bad, as I’m writing this, I’ve read 19 books this year out of my 100 book goal on Goodreads, I’m a few books behind schedule but I think I’ll be able to read a tonne of these, if not all, in April, so I’m optimistic that I’ll be back on track by May. The Hype-A-Thon Readathon theme for April is #AprilCatchUp, you can find out more about this readathon in my latest post.

I already said this in March, but apparently, April is also going to be an ARC, blog tour and author request month, but I’m also going to be reading for all my other TBRs, and I’m going to be starting a few 3-month or 6-month long challenges in April, so keep a lookout for some more TBR posts in the next few days! Keep reading to find out about all my April picks!

On to the April TBR!

I was originally just going to put the books in a random order, but I’m going to organise them into my mini TBRs just so that I can keep track of everything a bit easier, and also because I am an organisation freak!

The Shadows Between Us by Tricia Levenseller

The Shadows Between Us

I’m going to start with the book I’m going to be buddy reading with Candyce this month! I got this book in my February Fairyloot box and I knew I wasn’t going to be able to get to it, but I still put it on my March TBR. Candyce told me that she was going to read it in April so we both thought, why not read it together? We are going to be reading a few chapters a day and have a little discussion session after we’ve read the chapters for the day. I haven’t done a buddy read in so long so I’m really excited. This book is about a Slytherin girl who is looking for revenge, I don’t know about you, but I don’t need to know any more than that. That cover is also super pretty! I can’t wait to dive in!

ARCs, Author Requests and Blog Tours TBR

The Forest of Fallen Stars by Elfie Riverdell

The Forest Of Fallen Stars

I signed up for this one with @booktamins, the cover and the blurb really appealed to me and I’m so excited to finally get to this one, I think it’s going to be really good. The blurb on Goodreads is quite vague, but I have a feeling that I’m really going to like this one. It’s the second blog tour I’m doing for Booktamins and I’m really looking forward to it! I’m quite intrigued to read about the friendship in this book, I’ve been reading quite a few books with friendship lately and really liking them, so I hope I’m going to really like this one too!

The Lost Child by Emily Gunnis

The Lost Child

I’m reading this one for another #RandomThingsTours with Anne Cater. I love all the books that she offers on her tours and she is just such a lovely lady, I adore working with her each chance I get. When she sent me the email about this book, I knew I had to read this one. I’m a big fan of historical fiction and this one was pitched a bit like Towards the Vanishing Point by Jan Turk Petrie because of the mystery side to the plot so I’m really looking forward to getting to this one, I think it’s going to be great!

Ranger’s Oath by Blake Peel

Ranger's Oath (Fall of Radiance, #1)

I’m in a group on Facebook where YA authors can post about their books and ask for ARC readers. It’s called YABS and I’ve been in it for a few months but nothing had piqued my interest until this book came along. This is the first book in the Fall of Radiance, a new Epic Fantasy series and it sounds amazing. I intentionally didn’t research it too much so that I would be surprised when reading it, but from what I understood of the pitch, it’s set in a parallel world and the protection between worlds is breached and basically all hell breaks loose. I’m really intrigued to see what it’s like, I think I’m going to love it!

Red Hail by Jamie Killen

Red Hail

This is going to be the first book I’m going to read from Book Sirens. I was approached by them a few months ago and I was so glad to create an account and see all the ARCs I could request but I’ve been so busy that I haven’t tried any yet. I decided to go for this one first and I’m really excited to get to it. I can’t really remember much about the synopsis but I believe it’s about a fatal virus that killed a lot of people a while ago and it suddenly comes back. I suppose it’s actually quite fitting for what’s going on right now aha, I promise, I didn’t do it intentionally, but I think I’m going to like it!

You Will Be Safe Here by Damian Barr

You Will Be Safe Here

I signed up for this tour when Anne sent out an emergency request for bloggers and I was so happy to be able to take part in this one. I already love the #RandomThingsTours, and I’ve had my eye on this book for quite a while, but I never imagined that I’d get the chance to read it for a blog tour! You already know how much I love historical fiction, but I’ve only ever read one or two other books set in Africa, so this one really intrigued me, I think it’s going to be emotional, I’m going to need tissues, but I think it’s going to be beautiful and meaningful and I’m ready for this book right now!

The Ancestor by Danielle Trussoni

The Ancestor

I was approached by Danielle a few days ago and I was so happy to be able to squeeze her into my April reads. Her book is about a young girl who discovers that she has inherited a house in Italy. It is horror, and I don’t usually read horror, but this year I’m really trying to read out of my comfort zone and I think that this will be a really good book to challenge myself with. I I’m really intrigued to read about how the main characters’ ancestors’ lives are complicated and filled with secrets, I’m sure it’s going to be a great read!

The Girl in the White Dress by Paul Barrell

The Girl In the White Dress

This is another book I’m reading for a #RandomThingsTour and I couldn’t be happier. I feel like thanks to all these tours I’m doing this year, I’m reading a really diverse range of books and I’m living for it! It says on Goodreads that this book is based on a true story so I’m really looking forward to reading it, it is about a man who moves to the Peak District after his wife’s death and finds a menu from a cruise he went on when he was a child and he starts to dream about a forgotten childhood sweetheart. This one is pitched as a mystery with lies and deceit and it just sounds really good!

Separation Anxiety by Laura Zigman

Separation Anxiety

Another #RandomThingsTours book that I’m really happy about being able to read this month! I don’t often read books like this one, I often don’t really get books that are meant to be funny, but I have to say that just reading the blurb made me snicker. I think that this one will be heart-warming and funny. It is about a woman who is basically having a mid-life crisis, she is in need of help but ironically writes a self-help column. I’m interested to see if I will like this one or not as it isn’t my usual cup of tea but I’m quite optimistic about it.

Matters of Convenience by Roy L. Pickering Jr.

Matters of Convenience

Roy reached out to me a few months ago to ask if I would like to read and review his book and even though it’s not what I usually go for, the blurb really drew me in. I’m not too sure about what it is about, I only got a vague sense of the plot, but that was enough to interest me, I’ll have to see what it’s like!

For the Lost Time by Heather Blair

For the Lost Time

This is another book I’m reading for a @Booktamins tour and yet again, can you guess? I’m super excited! Aha, I sound like a broken record, can you tell I don’t get out much? I’m not going to hide it from you, the reason I actually clicked on the email and read the blurb was because that cover just called out to me, it’s so beautiful and then I was even more intrigued when I read the blurb! I absolutely adore (and when I say adore, I mean ADORE) time travel books, I’m an Outlander junkie (but please don’t spoil me!!), and this book just sounded so me, I knew I had to give it a chance! I’m really intrigued by the time period this book is set in, the 1920s, and I think that this might be a male/male romance, I’ve never read one before, so I’m really looking forward to trying this book out!

Living Among the Dead: My Grandmother’s Holocaust Survival Story of Love and Strength by Adena Bernstein Astrowsky

Living among the Dead: My Grandmother's Holocaust Survival Story of Love and Strength

Another #RandomThingsTours book, Anne has got some great books going at the minute, hasn’t she? This is one of the nonfiction books I’ll be reading this month and I have to say that I am probably the most excited for this book out of all the other books on my list. I adore historical fiction and I’m fascinated by WWII, I’ve read a couple of nonfiction memoirs about this time period and it was such a beautiful and sad experience, I’m really glad I’ve got the chance to read this book this month, I’m sure it’s going to be wonderful (but also heart-breaking, I’ve got the tissues ready).

The Princess of Felling by Elaine Cusack

This is the second/third/fourth (? I can’t remember I’ve lost count aha!) nonfiction book I’ll be reading in April for my stop on the #RandomThingsTours hosted by Anne Cater. This one really drew me in because it is about the author’s childhood and teenage years in Tyneside in the 1970s and 1980s. I loved reading Rust by Eliese Colette Goldbach so I couldn’t pass up this opportunity of reading another memoir in the same vein. It’s only 88 pages long and it has gotten really good praise already so I’m quite intrigued.

Red Moon by Sein Ares

Red Moon

This is another book that I’m going to be reading for an author request in April! It is the first book in the Arcana of the Crimson Era and the blurb is just riveting. I also don’t know how I managed to get two books on my TBR about the end of the world as we know it… aha, I really hope this goes well! It is an adult book and I can’t wait to get to it, I’m sure it’s going to be really fast-paced and a great fantasy series to start this year!

A Whole New Me by Adrianna Schuh

A Whole New Me

Adrianna tagged me on Twitter and asked if I would like to take part in the blog tour of her new novel that is coming out on the 1st of May and I was so happy she did. I haven’t read a romance book since I listened to the first two books in the After series by Anna Todd on audio, and I’ve been craving a bit of love and oulala for a while now. It really warmed my heart when she reached out to me as I’d had my eye on this for a little while, I’m so excited to get to this at the end of the month and I’m sure it’s going to be great.

The Museum of Broken Promises by Elizabeth Buchan

The Museum of Broken Promises

My last #RandomThingsTours of April and I am once again, SUPER EXCITED. I’m going to need to use synonyms soon because this is getting old aha! And guess what? It’s another historical fiction book.. apparently it’s a theme this month, but I’m really happy about that because I’ve been missing it lately. I also have loads of fantasy and books for my other TBRs, so it’s not like I’m going to be bored! This book just sounds so up my alley, the museum is a place where people donate objects that were linked to grief or betrayal, that sounds really fascinating and I’m looking forward to seeing how that all ties in with the main character’s past during communism in Prague, it sounds very interesting and I’m really looking forward to this one.

Coffee Break Book Club TBR

A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro

A Study in Charlotte (Charlotte Holmes, #1)

I’ve been craving some Sherlock Holmes stories lately too so I was really happy when I saw that this was one of the picks for my book club on Goodreads. This is such a lovely group, I’m one of the moderators and this is me telling you to go check it out because we read some awesome books every month, thank you. Anyway, getting back to the book, this retelling of the Sherlock Holmes stories has been on my radar for forever, I can’t wait for my copy to arrive in the post (please hurry up mister postman) and I’m sure I’ll love it!

Blood Heir by Amélie Wen Zhao

Blood Heir (Blood Heir Trilogy, #1)

I wasn’t going to bother reading this one as well originally, but then I read the blurb again and Leelynn, another moderator from the group told me that she loved it, so I couldn’t pass it up. I’ve got it in audiobook format on Scrib’d so I’m going to start with this one right at the start of April. I’m also a leader in the discussions for either one or both of these books, so hopefully, this month I’ll get to both of them because I failed miserably in March.

I’m not going to go over each book I’m reading for the Hype-A-Thon Readathon and the O.W.Ls Magical Readathon because I have already published those TBRs so you can go ahead and read my thoughts on them if you would like. But here are the lists!

Hype-A-Thon Readathon TBR


This list is insanely long, my TBR is 28 books long and I’m really hoping I can get to all of them this month. I have about 5 of them on audiobook from Scrib’d so I’m going to use those as much as possible when I’m not in the mood to read physically or I’m too busy or cooking/cleaning etc. I’m going to have a lot of time on my hands until I can get back to France at the end of May, so please wish me luck for my April TBR!

I feel like this is a really diverse range of books and I’m so excited for each and every one of them, I even managed to get a few non-fiction books in there, I hardly ever reach for nonfiction, but I’m quite proud of how I’m trying to go out of my comfort zone!

That’s all for now, I hope that this didn’t bore you all to death, sorry aha. See you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


  1. Wow What a TBR!!! Blood Heir and The Book Thief are AMAZING I hope you enjoy! So many amazing reads to look forward too, and very ambitious! I hope you enjoy them all! Have a fantastic April! <3 😀 <3

    1. Ahaha! Thank you!!! I really hope I can get through them all! Thank you hun, I cant wait to read them all, you too 💕💕

    1. Thank you! Mee tooooo it’s going to be great! I have an alarm set for tomorrow to remind me to start on the first two chapters!! 💕🥳

    1. Ahah yes I know, I keep thinking that I was wayyyy too ambitious but a few books are super short so I can probably even do 2 a day! Fingers crossed 🤣

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